In Russia, a huge number of professions are relevant and in demand. Among the most needed are, for example, an IT specialist, a design engineer, a teacher, etc. A marketer is on the 6th place in the ranking of popular professions. To become such a specialist, you need to get a higher education. Which universities teach marketing to students?
What is the speci alty and profession?
Marketing is not a separate area of training. This is one of the management profiles. After successfully mastering the educational program, graduates become marketers. This profession is considered modern and rapidly developing. It appeared relatively recently on the Russian labor market. The beginning of the training of marketing specialists in universities was due to the fact that many companies began to need employees who could participate in the process of creating a product, would be engaged in its promotion to the end consumer in the face of increased competition.
Marketers are recruited forperforming certain duties such as:
- Carrying out marketing research, developing the necessary activities based on the results obtained. As a result of research, a specialist can offer his employer, for example, some new product that will be in demand, or additional opportunities to increase existing sales.
- Marketing planning and forecasting, accounting and control.
- Demand management, its monitoring and regulation. The marketer organizes the work of a research team involved in finding out the preferences of potential buyers, makes appropriate forecasts based on the information received, and prepares recommendations.

What should a marketer own?
Before considering universities with "marketing", you should first make sure that the chosen profession is really suitable. And this can be done by analyzing the requirements for future specialists. To work successfully in the future, you must have some individual characteristics:
- organizational skills;
- analytical thinking;
- clear logic;
- good communication skills;
- emotional resilience;
- creativity;
- proactive.
Those specialists who speak a foreign language well are in high demand. Such marketers are needed primarily in those companies that work oninternational market. Also, specialists with knowledge of a foreign language are useful in ordinary companies. The fact is that any employee should engage in self-development by reading additional literature, and for marketers, most of the books have not yet been translated into Russian.
Marketing is an area of activity in which you always have to process and analyze a lot of information. Specialists cannot do without various computer programs, so marketing is recommended for confident PC users or those who are ready to master a computer in special computer courses.

List of universities offering "management" with a profile of "marketing"
Let's note those universities that provide the highest quality education in the direction of "management" (profile - "marketing"). These institutions are shown in the table below.
University name | Short description |
Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) | This is the most prestigious university in our country, a leader among other educational organizations. There is very tough competition among applicants. The strongest enter training. |
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE) | MGU does not take the first place in all ratings. In some of them, the leaders are those universities that are not multidisciplinary. Oneof such educational institutions - PRUE. It is a leading university for training economists. |
State University of Management (SUM) | If it is not possible to enter Moscow State University or Russian Economic University, then you can try to apply to another Moscow university with "marketing" - SUM. This university specializes in producing managers for all industries. |
National Research University Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE) | This is one of the best and most recognized universities in our country. In it, education is given taking into account the socio-economic realities of Russia and with a focus on the best world standards. |
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR) | This educational institution is included in the top 5 universities in Russia, is in the list of the 500 best universities in the world. |
Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MGIMO) | MGIMO is a very prestigious university in our country. In 2016, he was in one of the rankings for the employment of graduates was in first place in the world. |
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Among Moscow universities with "marketing" MSU is the most in demand. At the university, this profile in the direction of training "management" is offered by the Faculty of Sociology. This is a very good structural unit that has existed since 1989. It uses both traditional and innovative teaching methods in the process of teaching students in all the proposed areas of training.
On "management" students master a wide range ofdisciplines. The basic ones are the basics of management, organization theory, marketing, accounting. The term of full-time education is 4 years.
The Faculty of Sociology has established connections with leading employers in the capital and international companies. This allows students to most effectively complete their internship with the possibility of further employment. One of the places to practice is marketing research agencies (VECTOR-MARKET-RESEARCH, Magram Market Research).
Additionally, absolutely all applicants pass a written test in mathematics. Those applicants who score the most points are enrolled in paid places. There are no budget places.

G. V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
In REU, students are trained in the direction of "management" (profile - "marketing") by the Faculty of Marketing. This is the first specialized structural subdivision in Russia dealing with the release of marketers. The history of this faculty began in 1995. However, they knew about marketing at the university even earlier. The first small course of lectures in this discipline was delivered back in 1986.
Today, the Faculty of Marketing is a very developed and modern structural subdivision of the Russian University of Economics. Education is offered herequality. One of the confirmations of this is the diploma of the Marketing Guild for many years of leadership in the preparation of highly qualified specialists in the field of marketing. The faculty received such an important document in 2011.
Education at the Faculty of Marketing at the university is conducted according to two programs. The first program is standard. All disciplines are taught in Russian. There are budget places, which is a definite plus for applicants. The second program is implemented entirely in English. It also has budget places. Approximately 25% of students are foreign citizens. Important features of the program are the study of a second foreign language (Spanish, Italian, German, French, Chinese) and the possibility of studying in foreign partner universities under the double degree program.
Training at SUM
The State University of Management is considered the first management university in Russia, one of the founders of marketing education in our country. The training of marketers in an educational organization is carried out by a specialized structural unit - the Institute of Marketing. He invites applicants to study in the direction of undergraduate "management" (profile - "marketing").
The educational program is aimed at training personnel for work in leading marketing agencies, marketing services of various companies. In order to produce highly qualified specialists, the university provided several features in training on "marketing":
- Regularly, master classes are organized for students andtrainings. These classes are conducted by specialists from Russian and foreign companies (Lukoil, Yandex, Toyota, etc.).
- Students at the Institute of Marketing are given the opportunity to take foreign internships. Existing business ties allow the university to send students to Germany, France, China, Japan, Finland, Portugal, the Netherlands.
- Even during the training, students apply their theoretical knowledge in practice. Students develop course projects and final qualification works on the example of specific product markets for operating foreign and Russian companies.

Higher School of Economics
Applicants who wish to study at the Higher School of Economics and intend to become specialists in the field of marketing in the future can enter the Faculty of Business and Management of the chosen Russian university. “Marketing and market analytics” is the name of the required educational program. The conditions for applicants are set on it as follows:
- proposed form of study is full-time;
- to get a diploma, you need to study for 4 years;
- 25 state-funded places, 65 paid places (including 15 places for foreigners) are allocated on the proposed program.
The speci alty offered at the university (“marketing and market analytics”) is modern. It has been designed to meet the needs of the times. About 10 years ago, marketing was completely different. Today, people actively use the Internet, social networks, mobile applications, which means that there aredigital channels of communication with consumers. The educational program involves the study of digital marketing, marketing analytics, a number of basic disciplines.

RUDN University
Another university with "management" ("marketing") is the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. This area of training is offered at the Faculty of Economics. This structural unit is known both in our country and abroad as a serious educational center, so applicants can safely enter here. The diploma of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia is highly rated.
And now a little about training in the direction of "management". The educational process at RUDN University is built from classes of different formats:
- Lectures. All familiar activities. On them, students receive theoretical information from teachers.
- Self-learning. It is implemented either at home or in the library. The student, without the help of a teacher, studies the topic, looks for answers to emerging processes, draws up a summary.
- Seminars. These are group sessions where students discuss the most significant topics, work in teams on practical projects.
- Master classes. Practitioners from foreign and Russian companies are invited to conduct these classes.
- Presentation. This class format involves students or teams presenting their own research and projects.

At MGIMO, which is one of the best universities, "marketing" is not among the educational programs of the bachelor's degree. But there is a master's program. It is implemented within the direction of "management". Its name is "management of foreign economic activity of the company and modern marketing technologies".
Studying at the master's program provides very important theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities. After mastering it, students can:
- conduct international market research;
- develop tactical and strategic measures to increase the competitive position of the company and a certain product when penetrating the markets of other states;
- develop marketing activities taking into account the cultural and other characteristics of the marketing environment, etc.
Which is better to choose?
The list of universities with marketing faculties and programs related to this discipline includes not only the above educational institutions. In a fairly large number of educational organizations there is "marketing". Which educational institution is better to choose? Applicants seeking to gain knowledge can enter absolutely any state university. All higher education institutions have merits; everywhere there are highly qualified and experienced specialists in the teaching staff.
If you want to study on a budget, then in this case you will have to get acquainted with a considerable number of universities. Not every educational organization has free places on such a popular and modernprogram. For example, at Moscow State University, free education is not provided on "marketing". There are few state-funded places at the Russian Economic University, but the passing score is high. When choosing a PRUE, you need to choose additional options where you could also apply for free education.
It is not recommended only to choose non-state universities with "marketing". In advertising, these educational institutions claim to have a lot of advantages, but in fact, such universities are significantly inferior in terms of the quality of education to state universities, academies and institutes. And employers are in no hurry to hire graduates with diplomas from non-state educational organizations.

And one more piece of advice. Many practitioners do not recommend that school graduates immediately enter universities for “marketing”. To work successfully in this area, you need to have not only a higher education, but also good knowledge in a number of related areas (history, sociology, psychology, law, economics, etc.). Experienced professionals advise you to first get a basic economic education. Thanks to him, it will be easier to master "marketing" in the future, since many of the nuances will be clear.