Program "Perspective": feedback from teachers and parents

Program "Perspective": feedback from teachers and parents
Program "Perspective": feedback from teachers and parents

Every parent wants their child to get a good education. In modern schools, teachers make a great contribution to learning, but the school program chosen by the director is still of no small importance. Today, the Perspektiva program is becoming increasingly popular, reviews of which are written by many institutions of secondary education.

program perspective reviews
program perspective reviews

Full Assembly

UMK, that is, an educational and methodological complex, is the name of the program "Perspective". Feedback from teachers and researchers suggests that the training period includes all the latest developments in the field of pedagogy and psychology. At the same time, special emphasis is placed on preserving the old, one might say, Soviet traditions of education, which were recognized as the best of their kind. EMC is a combination of classics with new learning trends.

Pay attention to the fact that "Perspective" is a school curriculum(reviews about which are interesting to every parent), which combines the modern requirements of society, which are secretly presented to the child along with the cultural and historical development of society.

Thanks to the introduction of a new methodological complex, each child will be able to understand the material. Over time, the workload in educational institutions increases. In light of the fact that children have different mental abilities, new forms of education will make educational material accessible to any child. As a result, a concise and understandable presentation of theoretical knowledge will help to significantly increase the level of education in small groups - classes, which will lead to mass interest in continuing education.

Another positive point is that not only the formation of theory is influenced by the program "Perspective" (elementary school). Reviews of teachers who have experience in implementing a training complex indicate that the system is aimed at developing the child's personal qualities. The training complex takes into account his age characteristics, interests and needs corresponding to this period.

The presence of a complex of textbooks implies the program "Perspective". Parents' reviews indicate that they are somewhat more expensive than the rest, but they fully justify themselves. The development of each educational publication was carried out by a team of scientists from the pedagogical field. Representatives of the Russian Academy of Sciences were involved; Federal Institute for the Development of Education, as well as the Russian Academy of Education. Of course, a direct participantthe creation of textbooks is the publishing house "Prosveshchenie". The set of literature meets all the criteria for second generation education.

program perspective initial reviews
program perspective initial reviews

Need to create

What is the reason that gave rise to the need to create a new educational complex of the second generation? First of all, the primary factor is the social demands that have arisen in the process of society's transition from industrial to post-industrial. Here it is necessary to mention the formation of the information type of human life, where the emphasis is on scientific potential. Thus, the program at the Perspektiva school, the reviews of which we are considering, is aimed at innovative knowledge that will give humanity new inventions in the future.

Another factor is the surprisingly high rate of technological progress. Please note that cell phones appeared only at the beginning of the 2000s, but after a couple of years they were already transformed into the most powerful minicomputers. Historical experience shows that scientific discoveries are separated by years, decades, but now the situation has changed radically. Information development concerns absolutely all spheres of public life. Any type of production boasts patented technologies that are constantly being improved.

The age of the rapid implementation of any idea has come. As a consequence of such progress, there is a need for continuous updating of theoretical knowledge. Accordingly, the education system provides not only an educational foundation,but also allows the individual to adapt to the constant flow of updated information. The Perspektiva curriculum, reviewed by both developers and scientists in the pedagogical field, will give each student the skill of “quick learning” in any situation and in any industry.

perspective elementary school parent reviews
perspective elementary school parent reviews

The essence of the new requirements

The program "Perspective" is presented for children with a difficult complex of knowledge. Feedback from many parents suggests that the textbooks contain a lot of information that, in their opinion, the child does not need. And the essence of such high requirements of the second generation training complex is as follows.

First, as mentioned earlier, theoretical knowledge must be constantly improved and updated, while creating a strong foundation. The modern world dictates harsh conditions. It is possible that former schoolchildren will need specific knowledge in the field of psychology, social life, as well as the professional field. The training complex teaches children to independently search for the necessary knowledge. Thus, the person will be prepared for various changes, including unfavorable ones, for example, dismissal and the search for a new job that the person has never encountered. Why does a child need it, you ask? The answer is simple! It is in childhood that all the most important life skills are formed. So, a child from an early age is preparing to think productively and open his talented personality to the world.

New personality factors are opened by the program "Perspective". Reviews aboutThe complex of education speaks of a change in the meaning of the education system as a whole. A few decades earlier, the emphasis was solely on the assimilation of theoretical knowledge. Now this position shares a pedestal with the development of creative and mental abilities. Now there is a bright paradigm of transition from theory to personality development. The goal of a qualitatively new system of education is to activate socially significant skills and qualities along with the acquisition of knowledge and social experience. It is important not just to teach, it is important to be able to learn!

program perspective 1 class reviews
program perspective 1 class reviews

Tasks of the new TMC (educational and methodological complex)

Like any training complex, the school program "Perspective" contains a number of fundamental tasks. Feedback from parents, as mentioned earlier, speaks of an emphasis on the harmonious and comprehensive development of the individual. In the process of assimilation of subjects, the spiritual, aesthetic, moral beginning of the student develops. As for the specifics, the main tasks of the UMC are:

  1. General development. This task is to form an image of the world. In the process of implementing this stage, each student learns the basic postulates of modern society, learns communication, draws attention to certain patterns, for example, actions and their consequences. In addition, the student develops an artistic image of the perception of things.
  2. Personal development. This task is very extensive and allows you to form unique qualities in a student - a citizen of Russia. Thus, the student learns his indispensability, acquiresself-confidence, tries to use those skills that are not so pronounced in other students, develop talents. Personal education also includes a guide to the creation of a civil society. This means that from childhood, the child develops those concepts and values that are inherent in this type of society. During the implementation of the task, the student gradually learns to make his own and independent choice, as well as to bear responsibility for it. Skills of mutual respect for other people are formed, the ability to successfully adapt in a team, as well as to be tolerant of both one's own negative qualities and other people.
  3. Knowledge. It is always interesting to study “life subjects”, the teaching of which is based on real situations. This is what the program "Perspective" (Grade 1) is focused on. Reviews of teachers, scientists, parents say that children develop an interest in life, in knowledge, in everything new. This task makes it possible to effectively connect the experience of life situations that children received at such an early age with the theoretical knowledge of the textbook. The development of cognition allows you to develop the child's creative potential, artistic thinking, as well as forms of behavior in non-standard situations.
  4. Learning activities. Of course, along with personal development, no one canceled the acquisition of the required basic theoretical knowledge. So, in parallel with the creative beginning, the ability (namely, the ability!) To receive and assimilate knowledge is formed, turning them into skills. It also develops the ability for continuous self-improvement.
  5. Communication. Without communication in the modern world, one cannot build a career, one cannot get a good position. The task of "communication" implies the formation of the skill of self-organization and building interpersonal communication.
school program perspective parent reviews
school program perspective parent reviews


Theory is useless if it is not applied in practice. Certain skills help to form the program "Perspective" (initial). Feedback and reviews of developers reveal a number of skills that will be used by students in the future:


This skill is aimed at the formation and staging of one's own speech. Agree, if you cannot competently and clearly form your own thoughts, then a company with a vacant position is unlikely to be interested in you. In the process of skill formation, the student learns to understand the speech of a friend, as well as to control his statements. Moreover, each child is taught to form phrases, depending on the situation and tasks, as well as to perceive from the general flow of information that which he really needs.


Building plans and a behavior model will help not only organize activities, but also achieve high results both in the learning process and at work in the future.


Building correct, competent behavior is possible subject to certain experience. Here, students learn to compare situations, gain useful experience for themselves, and also choose the solution that will most favorably affectfuture.

As you noticed, the Perspective program, reviews of which are gradually filling the education system, creates universal skills that will be useful not only within the walls of an educational institution, but also in student life, as well as in the process of work.

program at school perspective reviews
program at school perspective reviews

No principles: humanism

A set of principles includes Perspective, an elementary school curriculum. Feedback of a scientific nature from teachers allows us to form the main postulates on which the teaching materials are based.

The humanistic principle implies the comprehensive development of the individual in order to ensure a favorable future for the child. Along with this data, the principle implies the creation of favorable conditions for learning and personality formation. Each student is guaranteed the protection of his rights, recognition of the value of his personality, as well as respect for dignity. The humanistic principle is implemented, regardless of the material well-being of the family, as well as the social status of the child, his nationality and race.

The essence of the principle of historicism

The principle under consideration involves the study of subjects in the light of the cultural and historical development of society. The content of each discipline is built on the basic provisions that have successfully proven themselves over the course of several centuries. A striking example is the structured presentation of the material, taking into account the laws of logic. In addition, historicism implies the linking of theoretical knowledge with practical experience. The teacher should encouragevisualization of the material in the mind of the child.

curriculum perspective reviews
curriculum perspective reviews

Communication principle

An important element of the EMC is communication, which includes the program "Perspective" (elementary school). Parental feedback makes it possible to judge the improvement in the child's communication skills after several months of studying under the program in question.

The communicative principle is considered in several aspects. First, it acts as a subject of special study. In this case, the emphasis is on oral and written speech, communication, the ability to listen and understand a partner. Communication also implies the skill of skillful conflict resolution. Secondly, in the process of communication between the student and the teacher, the emphasis is on fostering a culture of communication.

Creative activity

What direction of personality development does without a creative component? First of all, this principle implies the encouragement of creativity and non-standard problem solving. This kind of activity involves active participation in groups, productions, interaction with the team in the process of solving a creative problem: creating a scene, staging a performance, and so on.

Recommendations from the older generation

The “Perspective” (initial) curriculum has, as we found out, mostly positive reviews. The above principles and tasks are implemented by each teacher of an educational institution who is responsible for teaching the younger generation.

All featurestraining are disclosed in additional materials: applications and explanatory notes, which are advisory in nature. The first generation of elementary school children has already been trained in the teaching materials and, it is worth noting, it has given the first fruits. Children successfully pass transfer exams, and have also decided on their future profession, have become better oriented in difficult life situations. Considering that every child in the future needs to pass a dozen exams, not only educational, but also life, the "Perspective" is focused on educating a smart generation.
