Introduction of GEF: experience, problems, prospects

Introduction of GEF: experience, problems, prospects
Introduction of GEF: experience, problems, prospects

The GEF is introduced into the educational process through the study of the regulatory framework of the municipal, federal and regional levels. In addition, a special working group is being formed, the main program of the institution, a scheme of methodological work is being drawn up. Along with this, changes are made to job descriptions, in accordance with the requirements for staffing. Informing parents about the transition to new standards is a key condition for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

introduction of fgos
introduction of fgos

Working Group

It is formed by order of the director. She creates a plan for the introduction of GEF. It includes questions such as:

  1. Studying teaching materials.
  2. Developing the core curriculum.
  3. Creating work projects by subject.
  4. Developing programs for extracurricular activities.
  5. Informing parents and discussing new standards with them (how this or that GEF lesson will be conducted).
  6. Establishing a monitoring system to track key results.
  7. Creating a regulatory framework thataccompanying the introduction of GEF in a school or kindergarten. This includes the issuance of local acts through which the activities of teachers and administration staff are regulated.

Preparatory stage

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in a preschool educational institution or an educational institution of an average level is carried out in several stages. At the preparatory stage, a number of key tasks are solved. In particular, the regulatory framework of the institution is supplemented by local acts. In particular, it is carried out:

  1. Formation of the Regulations on the curriculum for the main subjects in accordance with the requirements of the standard.
  2. Introducing changes to the job descriptions of the deputy director for SD, the class teacher in terms of organizing the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

At the preparatory stage, a survey of parents is conducted to identify the need for additional classes outside of school hours. An integral measure at this stage is the adjustment of the scheme of methodological work. Its main focus is the study of materials that accompany the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. Based on the analysis, the development of curricula is carried out. A discussion is being held with parents of a new scheme, according to which a certain lesson on the Federal State Educational Standard will be conducted. At the meeting, the objectives and goals of the standard are brought to them. Based on the results of the preparatory stage, orders are issued regulating the work of teachers, a program for extracurricular activities is being developed, and other regulatory (local) acts are approved.

introduction of fgos at school
introduction of fgos at school

First difficulties

They arisealready at the stage of bringing the regulatory framework in line. At the federal level, documents have been created that contain common ideas and directions. The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard is hampered by the lack of programs for a specific educational institution, for specific subjects and extracurricular activities in relation to the institution. Nevertheless, these difficulties are quite surmountable. To do this, a working group is being created. Its members must carefully study the proposed standard, adapt it to a particular institution. In this case, it is necessary to conduct a deep analysis of the materials. In accordance with the results, a regulatory framework is being developed, programs for extracurricular activities are being modified in several areas:

  1. General intellectual.
  2. Sports and fitness.
  3. Common cultural.
  4. Social.
  5. Spiritual and moral.

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard radically changes the perception of teachers about the content of the educational process and the educational result. An innovation for many teachers is such a concept as universal learning activities. Teachers have impressive experience interacting with students, they know how to develop children. The restructuring of the formed beliefs and actions of the teacher himself becomes a serious problem for the administration and the staff.

Methodological support

The introduction of the GEF of preschool education requires active action from the administration. Specialists should develop a strong motivation to work with the use of new standards. Of great importance is alsomethodological readiness of the teacher for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. To implement these tasks, the institution is developing a block of measures to support specialists. The main goal of the methodological work is the formation of a model for the transition of the educational institution to new standards, ensuring the professional readiness of employees through a system of continuous development.


It is considered the most effective option for the teaching staff in the process of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard. The project ensures the inclusion of each teacher in the collective creative work on the development of innovations. It is advisable to develop a program for organizing methodological activities in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. The discussion of the project is carried out at the pedagogical council.

introduction of fgos noo
introduction of fgos noo

Teacher groups

Their creation helps to increase the efficiency of all work. When creating groups (creative, by interests, etc.), you need to pay special attention to:

  • Research on the professional problems and needs of teachers.
  • Providing the opportunity to choose the forms and ways to improve skills for each teacher. Teachers can voluntarily participate in various seminars, attend courses. Teachers should be able to offer their individual training program, including remotely.

Forms of methodological activity

They can be didactic and organizational, collective and individual. The traditional methodological forms are:

  1. Pedagogic altips.
  2. Meetings.
  3. Pedagogical monitoring, diagnostics.
  4. Individual work.
  5. Self-education of teachers.
  6. Certification.
  7. Workshops.
  8. Open lessons.
  9. Object weeks.
  10. Mutual class attendance.
  11. Creative reports.
  12. Individual and group consultations.
  13. Introduction to methodological innovations, discussion.
  14. Workshops for creating lesson plans.
  15. Presentation of methodological developments.
  16. introduction of fgos in grade 5
    introduction of fgos in grade 5

Key topics

Introduction of GEF IEO accompanied by:

  1. Implementation of the national educational initiative in the activities of the institution, class teacher, subject teacher.
  2. Updating technologies and the content of the educational process in the context of the implementation of the GEF.
  3. Familiarization with information and educational materials necessary for the effective solution of the tasks.
  4. Studying the features of the modern lesson, project-research and extracurricular activities.
  5. Development of technology for evaluating UUD, quality of education, preparation for the State Academic Examination and Unified State Examination, improvement of teaching.
  6. Monitoring of the educational process, analysis of its effectiveness.

First results

The introduction of GEF IEO is accompanied by large-scale work. As the first noticeable changes in the activities of the educational institution, one can note:

  • Noticeable increase in positive motivation.
  • Expansion of ideas about the content of standards.
  • Improving methodological skills in the course of mastering new technologies.
  • The effectiveness of the created information and methodological base, on the basis of which the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard is carried out.

1 grade serves as a transitional period for younger children. In this regard, clear coordination of the activities of teachers and educators is necessary. To ensure it, the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in the preschool educational institution is envisaged. Already at this stage, a clear development and learning program for each child should be formed.

introduction of fgos into the educational process
introduction of fgos into the educational process

Introduction of GEF in Grade 5

Standards provide new methods for assessing students. In order to organize a monitoring system for the formation of universal educational and subject actions, the teaching staff and the administration of the institution must have an adequate understanding of the general approaches to establishing the degree of mastering the material, the content of the assessment, and the features of the tasks used in training. The new standards orient the work towards achieving qualitatively new results and goals. Questioning of teachers 5 cells. showed that up to 40% of specialists experience difficulties in identifying and analyzing tasks that are aimed at the formation of UUD. At the same time, all teachers have difficulties in assessing the formation of actions in children. This is due to the fact that for a long time a unified diagnosis of subject, personal and meta-subject achievements has not been developed. In this regard, the introduction of the GEF in the firstturn should involve the study of the content of the assessment system. It is necessary to understand to what extent it stimulates and supports students, how accurately feedback will be provided, what its information content is, whether it is able to include children in independent activities. The main criterion and task of evaluation is not mastering the minimum of the program, but mastering the system of actions with the studied material.

Methods for analyzing results

Evaluation uses different approaches. They complement each other. The most popular forms and methods are:

  1. Subject/Metasubject Written and Oral Standard Works.
  2. Creative tasks.
  3. Projects.
  4. Practical work.
  5. Self-assessment and introspection.
  6. Observations.
  7. readiness of the teacher for the introduction of fgos
    readiness of the teacher for the introduction of fgos

A separate place among these forms is occupied by the final comprehensive and substantive verification work. To individualize the education system, these standardized measures will not be enough. The teacher needs to learn how to develop such tasks on his own. Having delved into the essence of the scheme for compiling the work, the teacher will be able to understand how its content forms and evaluates UUD.

Current monitoring

It is carried out using the table of results of the educational process. They are placed in the "Teacher's Workbook". This document is a notepad for current entries. Its maintenance is necessary for fixing and storing data onthe dynamics of the student's development, which cannot be reflected in the official journal. In the tables, grades are set in the field of the action or skill that was the main one in solving the task. Marks are put on a five-point system. In addition, experimental monitoring is carried out in the 3rd quarter. Its task is to timely detect the failure or success of training. Depending on this, the further activities of the teacher are built to achieve efficiency in planning the material.

Final conclusions for the year

The introduction of the GEF showed the relevance of conceptual ideas and prescribed ways to implement standards. They are in demand in the system of modern education. The material and technical capabilities of the institution allow organizing classroom and extracurricular work efficiently and mobilely. During the entire time the child is in school, he receives a positive communicative experience, the opportunity to prove himself a creative, active person. During the course, special attention is focused on project activities. As practice shows, children are interested in independent search for information, its interpretation, presentation of their work. When attending the lessons that are held in the fifth grade, it was noted that the children began to express their thoughts better, it is easier to respond to the teacher's questions. They actively engage in dialogue. Children not only reproduce everything they saw or heard, but also reason, draw conclusions, and substantiate them. The introduction of GEF allows you to develop the skills of self-organization, which is aimed at solving the tasks. As a result, most children are able to adequately evaluate their work. As for teachers, observation of them shows that they have developed a certain level of methodological readiness. Teachers build learning activities in a new way, master communication tools, multimedia sources of information.

introduction of fgos of preschool education
introduction of fgos of preschool education

Negative points

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard is accompanied, as mentioned above, by a number of problems. Among other things, in the material and technical support, such shortcomings as a lack of offices in the building of the institution for extracurricular activities were identified. As for information and methodological materials, it is necessary to improve the resource potential in this area. In addition, there are also personnel problems:

  1. Sustainable teaching methods that have developed in previous years are still slowing down the introduction of GEF.
  2. The implementation of project work requires the teacher to master the relevant technologies and techniques to perfection.

There are problems in evaluation and diagnostics such as:

  1. Lack of necessary materials to analyze the assimilation of the meta-subject work. This significantly complicates pedagogical activity.
  2. Insufficient development of activities for the formation of a portfolio as a form of student assessment. Their improvement should be carried out in cooperation with parents.


There are a lot of difficulties in introducing the Federal State Educational Standard. However, mostof which are quite solvable at the level of a particular educational institution. In this case, the main thing is not to deviate from the intended goals. It must be remembered that even the most detailed methodological materials, the most modern equipment will not help to obtain an effective result if the specialists themselves do not start with themselves. At the same time, even the formed information, communicative, professional competence will not ensure the implementation of the tasks set by the standard. The guarantee of achieving the set goals is a new consciousness, position, relationships that are radically different from the previous ideas about the educational process.
