Tver College of Trade and Economics: address, speci alties, reviews

Tver College of Trade and Economics: address, speci alties, reviews
Tver College of Trade and Economics: address, speci alties, reviews

You can build a career without higher education. It is enough to master the competencies necessary for the modern market and go to perform labor feats. And you can take the first step by enrolling in the Tver College of Trade and Economics.

Where is it and how to get there


This educational institution is located at the junction of the Moscow and Central districts of the city, on one of the busiest streets of Tver.

The address of the Tver College of Trade and Economics is Tver, Pobeda avenue, 42. Not far from the college there are two bus stops: the Raduga swimming pool and Tereshkova Square. You can get there by any bus or fixed-route taxi that go to the central part of the city.

If you go to college in your own car, then get ready for parking difficulties and quite serious traffic jams on Pobeda Avenue. So this will not be a journey for beginners.

Speci alties and career prospects

College of Economics and Trade in Tver
College of Economics and Trade in Tver

Tver Trade and Economic College (TTEC) offers applicants to enroll in the most popular speci alties of secondary vocational education.

  • Tourism. This area of training is ideal for those who dream of opening their own travel agency or traveling the world, working in hotels of any level. A graduate can learn here all the rules for organizing a tourist vacation, and also learn how to make this vacation as comfortable as possible.
  • Archivalry and workflow. Future clerks and secretaries are trained here. Competences related to the processing of a large volume of documents will allow the graduate to find a job in junior positions in most government bodies and institutions.
  • Law and social security. Lawyers are trained here. But to continue a career in law enforcement or in private law firms, unfortunately, will not work. The fact is that they teach here mainly pension legislation. So, either the student is engaged in self-education, or only one way will be open to him - to the territorial branch of the pension fund. And this is not the most promising and energetic place for a young specialist who wants to earn at least some money and learn something new.
  • Organization of public catering. This speci alty is for future directors of cafes and restaurants. Students will learn everything about sanitary requirements and rules for organizing the work of catering at any level.
  • Technology of bread andconfectionery. If your dream is to work as a baker or confectioner, then this speci alty is for you.
  • Logistics. Students studying in this direction can master the rules of organizing a warehouse, as well as become operational logisticians.
  • Commerce. This speci alty is for future businessmen and commercial executives. Students are taught to work with goods in the broad sense of the word. A graduate of this direction has the skills necessary to conduct trade from the procurement stage to the sale of goods.

How to act

tver trade college
tver trade college

The procedure for admission to the Tver College of Trade and Economics is no different from a similar procedure in other educational institutions.

Applicant must successfully pass the final school exams, take 4 photographs, fill out an application for admission, bring copies of an identity document and an original he alth certificate.

Admission to budget places is carried out on a competitive basis. Thus, the better you pass the exams, the greater the chance of getting into the budget.

Alumni reviews

Tver College of Trade and Economics
Tver College of Trade and Economics

Most of the graduates of the Tver College of Trade and Economics positively characterize the knowledge gained in this educational institution. There is, of course, an opinion that the Tver College of Trade and Economics suffers from problems in the internal organization and some lack of system, but this is the ailment of most colleges and universities in the country.
