The occupations of the ancient Slavs were determined by the peculiarities of the climatic and natural conditions of the area in which they lived. The East European Plain, which became the refuge of our ancestors, dictated certain conditions for managing the economy, survival in general. Subordinating to them, the ancient Slavs gradually mastered all the resources at their disposal and, thanks to this, formed a large and strong state.
Main activity

All information about the life of our ancestors, scientists receive from archaeological data, as well as from written sources. The most ancient of the discovered traces of the Slavs date back to the 5th-4th centuries BC. Written documents characterize a later era - from the middle of the 1st century AD. All sources clearly indicate that the main occupation of the ancient Slavs was agriculture. During archaeological excavations, seeds of various crops were found in large quantities: rye,buckwheat, millet, barley, flax and hemp.
Due to the extent of the territory occupied by our ancestors, agriculture in its different parts had some features. Distinguish slash-and-fire type and fallback.
Good zone
In the southern regions, the soils were fertile, so the main occupations of the ancient Slavs, related to the cultivation of crops, arose here a little earlier. The main method of agriculture was fallow. A large number of open, forest-free plots with fertile soil were sown for several years in a row. They regularly served people up to a certain point, and then depleted. In this case, the farmers looked for a new plot (replaced) and everything was repeated.
The first tool that our ancestors began to use in the southern fields was a wooden scarf. Then he was replaced by a plow with an iron share. The appearance of such implements has significantly increased the amount of plowed land and the quality of its cultivation.
Slash-and-burn agriculture

Slightly different soils were cultivated in the north. Here, a large area of land was covered with forests, and the Slavs had to free future fields from trees. The preparation took place in two stages. All trees in the selected area were cut down and left in the first year. During the winter, they dried up, and in the spring they were burned along with the stumps: the soil was well fertilized with ash. Then the seed was sown. Thus prepared land yielded a crop for two or three years, and then was depleted. Farmers went in search ofnew suitable site.
The tools of the main occupation of the ancient Slavs in the north were a hoe, an ax, a plow, a spade and a knotted harrow. Our ancestors used sickles to harvest their crops. The grain was ground using stone graters and millstones.
Arable form of farming
The appearance of iron tools significantly influenced all the activities of the ancient Slavs. Farming has become more ambitious: the area of cultivated fields has increased. There were so-called two-field and three-field crop rotations. In the first case, the land was divided into two parts. One of them directly grew bread. The second half was under fallow, that is, resting. The first field was also called winter field, as it was sown in winter.
With three-field agriculture, in addition to these two plots, one more was allocated. Grain was sown on it in the spring, and therefore it was called spring. Such a system has long been predominantly used in the south. There was not enough land in the north for a significant period of history.
The scale of the main occupation of the ancient Slavs, with all the primitiveness of the tools, is amazing. Archaeologists have discovered several capacious granaries. Some of them can easily fit up to 5 tons of crops.
Cattle breeding
The occupations of the ancient Slavs (drawings and paintings depicting the life of our ancestors clearly demonstrate this) are not limited to agriculture. So, cattle breeding was closely connected with it. Horses were agricultural assistants in the northern regions, and oxen in the southern regions. The ancient Slavs raised sheep, cows, goats andpigs. As long as the air temperature allowed, cattle grazed on pastures. In winter, he was placed in a barn, where a lot of food was prepared during the summer. Sheep, goats and cows provided milk. Cattle were the source of skins and meat.

The ancient Slavs were also engaged in hunting. Since time immemorial, the skins of fur-bearing animals have been sold to neighboring tribes or exchanged for other valuable goods. However, cattle breeding as a source of food and other resources was more reliable. Forest animals would not let you near them just like that, they could migrate. Pets have always been around. Pastoralism was thus one of the prerequisites for successful survival in the often harsh conditions of the past.
Fish big and small

Stocks of edibles were replenished not only at the expense of fields and forests. Reservoirs also generously supplied the ancient Slavs with provisions. Fishing was developed in Russia no less than cattle breeding. It is easier to hunt and makes it possible to find food near the house, and not moving away from it at an impressive distance, as happened when tracking down a wild beast. Fish was eaten during the princely feasts, and they put it on the table of a commoner. Everywhere she was in place. Therefore, fishing was included in the main occupations of the ancient Slavs. A large number of rivers and lakes on the territory of the young state also contributed to its development. Fishermen caught pike, tench, sturgeon, perch and eel. The ancient Slavs were great artisans in the creation of gear. The annals mention ud, nets, nets,fencing.
Fish place
The reservoirs where fishing was initially actively developed were Lake Peipsi, Ladoga and Ilmen. Over time, Pskov and Novgorod became the centers of fishing. As a rule, at that time, the coastal territory and the reservoir had one owner. However, often fish lands were transferred to the use of other persons without land. This happened as a result of a sale, will or deed of deed.
For the prince, serfs who knew the wisdom of business and were obliged to supply a certain amount of what they had caught to the table fished in his lands. It should be noted that, along with the hunters, they enjoyed certain privileges - the occupation was considered honorable.

As in ancient times, so in the Middle Ages, fish were caught in very large quantities. Therefore, such a device as a fishing rod was considered suitable only for entertainment and recreation. In those days, the majority of the population did not have the opportunity for such relaxation, and therefore completely different methods were used. Often the river was blocked by a fence - a palisade or wattle fence. The fish accumulated in one place and were caught. They installed it in the spring, and removed it only in the winter. The accumulated fish were caught with a net. The amount of food obtained in this way was quite impressive.
According to some researchers, the net was first used by the ancient Slavs, and only then appeared in Europe. It was used by villagers to fish in large rivers and lakes. Besides him, in smallreservoirs used a variety of traps woven from twigs.
The net, however, was used more often than other devices. Its length could reach several meters. Fishing with a net actively developed during the formation of Kievan Rus. Due to the convenience and relative ease of this method, it soon became popular in neighboring countries.

When the occupations of the ancient Slavs are covered, the drawings accompanying the text often illustrate trade. In all images, there is certainly a jug or barrel with honey. The beekeeping of our ancestors was developed as well as the cultivation of grain and fishing. In the days of feudal Russia, its side view was most widespread. Bort is a natural hollow (later they also began to call it artificial), in which the hive was located. The scale of beekeeping in Russia surprised travelers, and therefore in many records you can find mention of it.

Plots of the forest where black-and-yellow toilers were found were called sidewalks. Their importance in the life of individual families and the entire state as a whole is evidenced by the so-called honey tax that existed in the twelfth century. Nothing else was allowed to pay it.
Slavs used hollows formed not only naturally. In the forest, they noticed trees suitable for hollowing out "minks", prepared them and soon they were settled.bees. Sideways were actively used until the 17th century, when they were replaced by apiaries. Beekeeping was a significant part of foreign and domestic trade, and in addition, it contributed to the preservation of vast natural areas in their original form. The forest where the side shelters were located was not cut down.
As you can see, what the ancient Slavs did, men and women, was primarily aimed at providing food for the family, tribe and principality. The choice of its sources was dictated by nature. We can say that our ancestors were lucky in this sense: full-flowing rivers and forests stretching for many kilometers always willingly shared food. That is why the main occupations of the ancient Slavs, briefly outlined here, were so diverse. Agriculture, cattle breeding, hunting, fishing and beekeeping were also supplemented by crafts that arose almost simultaneously with them. Such occupations of the ancient Slavs as pottery, stone and wood carving, iron processing, developed in parallel with others. Together they formed a unique culture of the young state.