Many of us, at least once having done a job of poor quality, could hear from others that it was done carelessly. But what is the meaning of this definition? In this article, we will talk about the origin of the word "careless" and where it is used.

What does it mean
"Ross" is a word that has not one but three meanings. The first is basic and direct. So, negligent - one that directly relates to a bathrobe, for example, "robe pocket".

The second appeared a little later, figuratively careless - lazy, idle. It is worth noting that this semantics is already obsolete. The third meaning is also figurative, which is what is currently used. Robe is unscrupulous, of poor quality.
Etymology of the word
The word "robe" has been in the Russian language for a very long time. It came from Arabic through Turkish. In the original, it sounded a little different, namely “hilat”, meaning “dress of honor”.
It is noteworthy that initially the robe was such, being a symbol of the Russian nobility, whichspent most of his time in this attire. And the word “robe” itself referred directly to the attire (for example, a careless pocket).
By the middle of the nineteenth century, thanks to writers, it acquired a new, additional meaning. The neologism "negligence" appeared. At first, the new value was very close to the old one. The robe was a symbol of idleness, licentiousness and laziness. Many writers of the time used the new word in their works, but some other writers who called themselves purists (the word is derived from pure, which means “pure”) completely rejected it, considering this word to be characteristic of a low literary style.
Nowadays, the term "negligence" is also little used in fiction. But it is even an official term, along with the word "criminal".
However, when gowns became widespread among the lower strata of the population, work clothes began to be called that. Because of this, a new explanation for the appearance of this definition has appeared. The basis was the old saying "work in a slipshod manner". Explain.

It was implied that the proverb refers to the lowered sleeves of industrial clothing. Thus, “work negligently” began to have a different semantics, synonymous with the meaning of the saying. After all, it was implied that it was possible to perform a task well only with rolled up sleeves. Whereas with a length of clothing up to the wrist, it is inconvenient to do this, which means "to work through the sleeves." And the word "carelessly" began to mean "poor quality, carelessly."
So, now you know exactly what the term "careless" means. In the article, we also considered the origin of this word.