Homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses - what is it? Examples of homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses in a complex sentence

Homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses - what is it? Examples of homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses in a complex sentence
Homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses - what is it? Examples of homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses in a complex sentence

Complex sentences with subordinate elements are divided into several groups. There are three in total. In speech, there may be a complex expression with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses, heterogeneous (parallel) and sequential. Further in the article we will consider the features of one of these categories. What is a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses?

homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses
homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses

General information

Homogeneous subordination of clauses (examples of such constructions will be given below) is an expression in which each part refers to the main element or to a specific word in it. The last option occurs if the additional component distributes only a certain part of the main one. Sentences with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses have a numberfeatures. So, the spreading elements are of the same type, that is, they answer the same question. Usually they are connected with each other by coordinating conjunctions. If they have an enumeration value, then the relationship is unionless, as is the case with homogeneous members. Here, in general, what does homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses mean.

Communication in context

1. The hushed boys looked after the car /1 until it left the intersection /2 until the dust it raised dissipated /3 until it turned into a ball of dust /4.

This sentence is complex. It consists of four simple ones. The first of them is the main one, the subsequent ones are subordinate tenses, which all belong to the main one. Each answers the same question - until when? The main union "while" connects all additional elements. Thus, we have homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses.

2. Dad told me /1 that he had never seen such bread /2 and /that the current harvest is very good/3.

Such a sentence is complex. It consists of three simple ones. The very first of them is the main one, the subsequent ones are subordinate or additional. They all refer to the single predicate "spoke". It is expressed by the verb in the first sentence. You can ask them one question - "what?". With the union "what", which is the main one, each subordinate clause is associated. They are connected to each other by the connecting union "and". It follows from this that the homogeneous subordination of clauses was used in the construction of the expression.

homogeneous subordination of subordinate clausesexamples
homogeneous subordination of subordinate clausesexamples

3. The main union connecting additional elements may be omitted in some cases, but it is easy to restore it.

For example: A man watched /1 how the boat was returning to the steamer /2 and / the sailors for a very long time, pushing each other, pulled it on the hoists /3. - The man watched /1 how the boat was returning to the ship /2 and / how the sailors for a very long time, pushing each other, pulled it on the hoists /3.

Punctuation marks

1. If a connecting or separating union ("yes", "and" with the meaning "or", "and", "or") connects homogeneous clauses, then do not put a comma between them:

Dad told me that he had never seen such bread and that this year a very good harvest.

He seriously stated that we must immediately leave his house or he will call the police.

what does homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses mean
what does homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses mean

2. A comma is placed between subordinate homogeneous sentences if coordinating conjunctions are repeated.

When he got to the hospital, he recalled how they were suddenly attacked by the Nazis, and how everyone was surrounded, and how the detachment managed to get to their own.

3. If conjunctions "whether … or" are used as repeating constructions (in the example, you can change to whether), the homogeneous clauses associated with them are separated by a comma.

It was impossible to tell if it was a fire or if the moon was starting to rise. - It was impossible to tell if it was a fire or if the moon was starting to rise.

Structures with combinedconnection

Sentence with numerous homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses occurs in several variants. So, parallel and series connection together is possible, for example. For this reason, when parsing, you do not need to immediately draw up a general scheme or rush to punctuate.

complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses
complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses

Context Analysis

Homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses is parsed according to a certain scheme.

1. Highlighting the grammatical foundations, they count the number of simple elements that make up the construction.

2. They designate all subordinating conjunctions and allied words and, based on this, establish subordinate clauses and the main clause.

3. The main element is defined for all additional ones. As a result, pairs are formed: main-subordinate.

4. Based on the construction of a vertical scheme of a complex sentence, the nature of the subordination of subordinate structures is determined. It can be parallel, sequential, homogeneous, combined type.

5. A horizontal scheme is being built, based on which punctuation marks are placed.

sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses
sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses

Sentence parsing

Example: The argument is that if your king is here for three days you are absolutely bound to do what I tell you and if he doesn't stay then I will carry out any order you give me.

1. This complex sentence contains seven simple ones: Argument/1 that /2 if your king will be here for three days /3 then you are unconditionally obliged to do /2 what I tell you /4 and / if he does not stay /5 then I will carry out any order /6 that you give me give /7.

1) the dispute is;

2) if your king is here for three days;

3) something… then you are absolutely obligated to do that;

4) what can I tell you;

5) if he doesn't stay;

6) then I will carry out any order;

7) which you give me.

2. The main clause is the first (the dispute is that), the rest are subordinate clauses. Only the sixth sentence raises a question (then I will carry out any order).

3. This complex sentence is divided into the following pairs:

1->2: the argument is that… then you are absolutely obligated to do that;

2->3: you are absolutely obligated to do this if your king is here for three days;

2->4: you are absolutely obligated to do what I tell you;

6->5: I will carry out any order if it does not remain;

6->7: I will carry out any order you give me.

Possible difficulties

In the above example, it is somewhat difficult to understand what type the sixth sentence is. In this situation, you need to look at the coordinating conjunction "a". In a complex sentence, it, unlike the subordinating connecting element, may not be located next to the sentence related to it. Based on this, it is necessary to understand which simple elementsbinds this union. For this, only sentences containing oppositions are left, and the rest are removed. Such parts are 2 and 6. But since sentence 2 refers to clauses, then 6 must also be like that, since it is connected with 2 by a coordinating union. It's easy to check. It is enough to insert a union that has sentence 2, and connect 6 with it with the main one related to 2. Example: The dispute is that I will carry out any order. Based on this, we can say that in both cases there is a homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses, only in 6 the union "what" is omitted.

complex subordinate with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses
complex subordinate with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses


It turns out that this sentence is complex with homogeneously related subordinate clauses (2 and 6 sentences), in parallel (3-4, 5-7) and sequentially (2-3, 2-4, 6-5, 6-7). To punctuate, you need to define the boundaries of simple elements. This takes into account the possible combination of proposals of several unions at the border.
