In order to correctly place punctuation marks, the scheme of a complex sentence must be correctly drawn up. Only she will help to understand the difficult cases of setting commas, dashes and colons. In addition, its schematic execution also helps to correctly characterize a complex syntactic unit. Questions of syntax and punctuation are included in the tasks of the USE and GIA, so it is absolutely necessary to be able to visualize the composition of a complex sentence. How to do it right? Let's figure it out in this article.
The concept of a complex sentence
It is necessary to define a compound sentence as such. This is the most complex syntactic unit, which includes several simple ones.

Thus, such a sentence has at least two grammatical bases. They can be related to each other in different ways:
- Subordinating conjunctions and allied words.
- Coordinating conjunctions.
- No union.
- Different types of connection can be observed within one syntactic unit.
Accordingly, complex sentences in Russian are determined by the type of connection within them. They will be called complex, compound, unionless and with various types of communication, respectively.
Sentence outline: highlights
The scheme of a complex sentence requires special attention. In fact, it is necessary to explain the setting of all punctuation marks in it. Thus, the algorithm for its compilation can be represented as follows:
- Select the grammatical bases and determine the number of parts.
- Find out the type of connection of parts within a sentence. It must be remembered that we denote subordination with round brackets, the main part, the coordinative and non-union connections - with square brackets.
- Identify the secondary members of the sentence, see if there are any homogeneous ones among them. The latter are also needed in the expanded scheme. It should be remembered that particles, unions do not play a syntactic function. Prepositions refer to those members of the sentence with which they form a grammatical link.
- See how complicated each part is (separate definitions, circumstances, introductory words and constructions, homogeneous members).
- In a complex sentence, determine the type of subordination: parallel or sequential.
Compound sentence and its scheme
Let's take a look at a specific example: In the summer sky, full of rippling clouds, small clouds began to gather, and a cool rain began to drizzle.
First, let's prove that this sentence is really complex. It has two bases: clouds(subject 1), began to gather (predicate 2); rain (subject 2), drizzled (predicate 2). The parts are connected by a union and, accordingly, a compound sentence.
Working with the first part: in the sky - a circumstance expressed by a noun with a preposition; summer - a definition expressed by an adjective; small - a definition expressed by an adjective. This part is complicated by a separate definition of rippling clouds, it is expressed by participial turnover.
The second part has only one minor member, the definition is cool. She is uncomplicated. Thus, the scheme of a complex sentence will look like this:
[X, |p.o.|, -=], [i=-]
In this scheme, the sign X denotes the word being defined, to which the isolated definition refers.

The scheme will help to distinguish a compound sentence from a simple one with homogeneous predicates connected by the union and. Compare: In the summer sky, full of rippling clouds, small clouds began to gather and cover the horizon. There are only homogeneous predicates here: they began to gather, to cover. They are connected by the union and.
Complex sentence and its scheme
Complex sentences in Russian with a subordinate connection have unequal parts: main and subordinate. Defining them is quite simple: the latter always contains a subordinating union or an allied word. Such schemes of a complex sentence are quite interesting. We will analyze examples below. The fact is that the subordinate part can be at the beginning,end of a sentence and even break the main one.

When the Cossack raised his hand and shouted, a shot rang out. The sentence is complex: Cossack - subject 1; raised, shouted - predicates 1; shot - subject 2; resounded - predicate 2. The parts are connected by the union when, it is subordinating, therefore the sentence is complex. In this case, the clause begins the sentence. Let's prove it. Firstly, it contains an alliance, and secondly, one can easily ask a question to it: a shot was fired (when?) When the Cossack raised his hand. In the scheme, the subordinate part is enclosed in parentheses. In addition, the subordinate clause is complicated by homogeneous predicates (we also indicate them graphically). The scheme of a complex sentence will look like this: (when -=and=), [=-].
Another option when a complex sentence begins with the main part: A shot rang out when the Cossack raised his hand and screamed. [=-], (when -=and=).
Complex sentences: special cases
Compound sentences broken by a clause are the most difficult. We will now analyze examples with unions. The smoke from the fires, into which everything was thrown, corroded the eyes to tears. The grammatical basis of the main part: smoke - subject, corroded - predicate. In the subordinate part there is only the predicate thrown. The grammatical basis of the main part is broken by the subordinate clause with the allied word which. Accordingly, the scheme will be as follows: [-, (in which=),=].

Another example: A hut that has been empty for several years, wherewe decided to stop, it was located on the very edge of the village. Main part: subject - hut, predicate - was; it is complicated by participle turnover, which is not isolated. The subordinate part: the subject - we, the predicate - decided to stop. The scheme is as follows: [|p.o.|-, (where -=),=].
Union-free compound sentence scheme
We have considered coordinating and subordinating compound sentences. Examples with unions are not the only ones. There is also a connection of parts exclusively in meaning, unionless. Here the correct scheme is especially important, because in such sentences, along with commas, a semicolon, dash or colon can be used. Their choice depends on semantic and grammatical relationships.

It should be remembered that the parts of a non-union sentence are equivalent and are indicated by square brackets. Let's look at examples.
- The wind howled even harder; even louder ran the rats, bustling about in their burrows. This complex sentence consists of two parts: in the first base, the wind howled, in the second, the rats ran. According to the rule, if there are still punctuation marks in other parts, it is required to put a semicolon in case of an allied connection. The second part contains a separate definition separated by a comma. The scheme will look like this: [-=]; [=-, |p.o.|].
- The house was bustling all day long: servants scurried around, princesses tried on outfits, adults in excitement checked their readiness for the holiday. In this sentence with an allied connection, there are four parts. The grammatical bases are as follows: vanity (subject) was(predicate), servants (subject) scurried (predicate), princesses (subject) tried on (predicate), adults (subject) checked (predicate). The first sentence is explained by the following ones, so a colon is required. The scheme is as follows: [=-]: [=-], [-=], [-=].
- If you read as a child, books will become true friends for life. Let us prove that the proposition is complex. There are two grammatical bases: you will (predicate), books (subject) will become friends (predicate). In this case, a dash is required, because the second part contains a consequence of the first. The scheme is simple: [=] - [-=].
Different types of connection in a complex sentence
Studying a complex sentence at school (Grade 8), various types of communication pass within the same sentence. Let's analyze the drawing up of a diagram of a similar design.
Souvenirs purchased during the trip were associated with some history, and each trinket had a long pedigree, but among all these rare things, there would not be one that would be worth attention on its own. (B. Garth)
There are 4 parts in this sentence, connected by a coordinating and subordinating connection. The first - souvenirs (subject) were connected (predicate), the second - a trinket (subject) possessed (predicate), the third - was not found (only the predicate), the fourth which (the allied word, subject) would be worth attention (predicate). There is a coordinating connection between the first and second parts, in addition, in the first there is a separate definition; between the second and third also coordinating, between the third and fourth subordinating. The scheme willlike this: [-, |p.o.|,=], [a-=], [but=], (which=).
Characteristic of a complex sentence
The characteristic of the proposal should go inseparably from the scheme. It must indicate what it is in terms of the purpose of the statement and intonation, and then it is necessary to describe each of the parts: composition (one or two-part), prevalence, complete or not, and what is complicated.

Let's consider as an example the sentence outlined in the previous section. It is narrative, non-exclamatory. 1st part: two-part, common, complete, complicated by a separate definition, expressed by participial turnover; 2nd part: two-part, common, complete, uncomplicated; 3rd part: one-component (impersonal), common, complete, not complicated by anything; 4th part: two-part, common, complete, uncomplicated.