There are two interpretations of the concept of "belt of Venus". From the point of view of palmistry, this is a curved line on the palm of a person. In geography, the phrase has a different meaning related to the atmosphere. This is what they call pink or orange lines, which are the transition from the dark sky below to the pale blue above. You can see the spectacle early in the morning or at sunset. This is a very beautiful natural phenomenon - the belt of Venus.

Ring on hand
Every person has this element of palmistry on their palms. About him and will be discussed in this article. The belt of Venus on the hand looks like an unfinished ring. It starts between the index and middle fingers. ends in the area of \u200b\u200bthe little finger and ring finger. The Belt of Venus always runs from the Mount of Jupiter to the Mount of Mercury along their bases.
"Mark" of Venus
Not every individual has a simple pattern. It's hard to explain scientifically, but the belt of Venus is more common in people with long and thin arms. Often the owners of such palms are sensitive and very vulnerable persons. Their emotional state changes several times a day. Rarely, but still there is such a line on the palms of overweight people. She isindicates their sexual promiscuity and lust. On the hand of a person of average build, this line indicates possible deviations in development.

Girdle of Venus: meaning, outline boundaries
On heavy and firm hands, drawing with correct borders never cuts other lines. Such people have a highly developed mind. Together with him, they have an understanding of high feelings. The owners of the palms described above are thin, sensitive, sober natures. Often the belt of Venus is found on graceful and small hands. For girls, this is not a good sign. Most likely, their feelings and emotions always prevail over reason. their character is usually malleable and soft. Often indecision develops into tantrums.
If a person does not see a clear line of the belt of Venus, he should not worry and think that troubles await him in life. Rather, on the contrary, since the presence of such lines on the hand only indicates that you have a too trusting nature in front of you. Such people are quickly disappointed in others.

Often the belt can be seen next to the marriage line. For people who believe in the power of lines in the palm of your hand, this is not a good sign. First of all, the statement is connected with the fact that the belt of Venus in this case speaks of increased eroticism. It may indicate the infidelity of one of the spouses. The double borders of the belt of Venus often indicate a possible breakup of a marriage, followed by voluptuousness.
Palmistry: Girdle of Venus
As meteorologists predict the weather conditions for every day, so palmists predict the fate of a person. Do not underestimate the power of palm line predictions. The palmist always looks closely at the drawing and compares it with known options described by experts.
The crown or ring of Venus is another name for the belt. Many predictors of the future say that the sign is able to tell a lot about the personality of its owner. for example, a pronounced line defines a person's capabilities. Such a person is able to embody all types of energy: sexuality, self-development, artistic abilities, philosophical perception. These types of activities originate on a psychological level. It is the crown of Venus that reveals the protective mechanisms of the psyche. Palmists say that the girdle of Venus is responsible for controlling human actions, will and social expression of instincts.

Artists and musically talented people are often “marked” with the Ring of Venus. This is explained by the fact that when creating the next masterpiece, they are guided by a feeling of love. Inspiration helps them express their inner special vision. Not the kind that everyone is used to seeing. The presence of the belt of Venus can endow a person with a life-giving way of thinking, high sensuality, a desire to go beyond the real.
The ring is also common among people who believe in mysticism. Its harmonious combination with the lines of life, heart, marriage, mind allows a person to understand his spiritual abilities. It means thata highly spiritual person can inspire others with his energy. Such vital energy can be expressed with the help of poems, songs, music, paintings. Palmists give a complete interpretation of the belt of Venus only after analyzing the combination of the ring with the rest of the lines in the palm of your hand.

Heart line
If the heart line is less pronounced than the ring of Venus, then the person is closed in himself. He lives in his own world of illusions. Own fantasies and emotions haunt the soul. It is often difficult for others to understand such an individual. His strange behavior is not justified. The harshness of mood swings blocks the ability to be open. Often such people cannot appreciate all the greatness of the feeling of love. The inability to express tender emotions makes it impossible to exist normally in society.
The phenomenon of the intersection of the lines of the heart and Venus can be considered common. This is where the principle of the nuclear bomb comes into play. All the brightest and most sincere feelings merge together. Hot love collides with inexplicable devotion. The real perception of the world ends. The dream begins. This combination of lines is bad because it often leads to self-destruction. This is expressed in the form of regret about the deed. The feeling of being useless corrodes a person. He complains that he trusted the innermost secrets and dreams of others. The ideality of the world can be broken against the cruel realities of the world. This process is difficult for vulnerable natures.
Rough by nature hands speak of impoliteness, uncouthness and cruelty of a person in life. Such people are only interested in the instinct of procreation. They can be gentle, but only to obtain the desired result. Their main drawback is the feeling of insatiability. A complete, uninterrupted ring of Venus is extremely rare. If it is still there, then such a sign indicates the inherent ability to realize the entire energy potential one hundred percent. Such people know how to control themselves and their emotions.

Ring of Venus with Line Break
This sign bears the worst meaning on sluggish hands. On such palms, the drawing is explained. as the inability to realize oneself in the world around. Such individuals want to escape from reality. They are always under stress. Their body ceases to overcome it on its own. The causes of severe stress can be: hated work, tension in relationships with loved ones, psychological trauma. It is rather difficult to call such people adequate. Often they become drug addicts or alcoholics, have sexual deviations. Their focus is on invented and false ideals.
Do not despair if the belt of Venus, the photo of which you see in the article, promises failure. The fate of the individual is always in the hands of each person. Using palmistry predictions, you can not only make life better, but also radically change fate.