Tandem means “one by one” in English, but over time, the meaning of this word has become more extensive, diverse and now means any interaction of two objects or people. Tandems are different: biological and mechanical, geometric and by the method of interaction. Let's take a closer look.
Varieties of tandems
- Objective - the combination of various things in a certain and regular sequence. Example: tandem bike, dustpan and broom.
- Biological - the connection of two living beings in a direct or indirect way: for example, "Siamese twins", a hermit crab with a shell, an anemone and a clown fish, a team of two or four horses. Climbers walking in a bundle is a very revealing example of tandem work.
- Dual and quad-core processors are an electronic tandem.
- Creative, they can also include a political tandem: a union of leaders or countries.
- Mechanical - two or more mechanisms are connected by a common cause: a locomotive and wagons, a catamaran boat, a car and a trailer.
- Absurd - these are tandems from works of art: Push-Push, Cat-Dog, a two-headed eagle on the coat of arms and a three-headed SerpentGorynych
- Geometric: divided into vertical, parallel and longitudinal. Classic example: bunk bed, double bed

Skydiving term
In parachuting, a tandem jump is a pair jump between a beginner and a professional, in which the beginner's harness is connected to the instructor's, the parachute is behind him. The entire responsibility of a tandem jump lies with the instructor: he controls the flight and parachute, and the passenger can only enjoy the view or cope with the surging emotions.

Only a tandem jump allows you to be in a state of free fall the first time, because the parachute in such jumps opens after 40 seconds, which is at least two kilometers of flight. The height from which such a jump is made ranges from 2500 to 4000 meters, for comparison: a beginner in a single jump jumps from a height of 600-800 meters and his parachute opens immediately. The only negative is that the tandem jump costs half the price of a single jump, but everyone who made it says it's worth it.
Tandem bike
This is the name of a bicycle designed for several people (at least two). Such a vehicle has two wheels, but each has its own pedals, seat and steering wheel. Passengers are located one by one synchronously pedaling, but the role of the helmsman is played by the person sitting in front: he watches the road, although everyone has braking devices. The steering wheel of the rest of the crew is necessary for convenience - it is good to rest on ithands, then it is easier to catch the general rhythm and develop speed.

Invented such a miracle bike in 1894 by Mikael Pedersen, a Danish inventor, whose invention immediately appealed to outdoor enthusiasts. With the improvement, a bicycle for two people began to be called a tandem, and for three it was already a trike.
The concept of a creative tandem is very popular at the present time, although the interaction of two or more people passionate about a common cause is rooted very far in history. Such cooperation is very beneficial for all parties, although it is quite possible for different indicators.
- Natasha Koroleva and Igor Nikolaev: the union of a young singer and an experienced composer brought him a lot of money and great fame to her. The tandem exhausted itself when Natalya gained experience and became a self-sufficient artist. In the world of show business, there are a great many such successful examples: Raymond Pauls and Lyme, Igor Krutoy and Allegrova, Meladze and ViaGra, Leonid Agutin and Angelica Varum.
- Ilf and Petrov: brilliant creators of Ostap Bender. Was the novel "The Twelve Chairs" as bright and successful if one of the authors worked alone?
- Lenin and Nadezhda Krupskaya, Minin and Pozharsky, Marx and Engels - these tandems glorified these mental figures. Russia's well-known political union has also been nicknamed "Tandem".
- French duet "Les Twins": two twin brothers Larry and Lawrence, dancing in the style of hip-hop and showing the amazing possibilities of the body. Winning the world competitiondancers in 2012 brought them universal recognition.
- Pairs of dancers in ballroom and Latin American dances, as well as circus gymnasts, are also a convincing example of working in a creative tandem.

Language exchange with native speakers
"Tandem" is a site on the Internet, with which you can learn your favorite language by communicating via SMS with residents of different countries, who, in turn, also want to get comfortable in a foreign language. The peculiarity is that language skills are manifested on the go during the conversation, there is no need to pore over a boring textbook or listen to uninteresting explanations of a tutor - in live communication, a spoken language with a native speaker is comprehended much faster, more interesting and there is an opportunity to learn from your own experience the features of the mentality and life of others countries.