The rank scale of school subjects implies an average score that assesses the severity of the student's perception of a school subject. All classes at the school are objectively evaluated, and this is done precisely with the help of the aforementioned system, the rest are not so popular. Computer science and various specialized subjects with an in-depth course are considered the most difficult on the rank scale of difficulty.
Student grades

Judging by the numerous surveys of schoolchildren, the most difficult subjects in their minds were mathematics, Russian language, foreign languages, physics and chemistry. The middle category of severity included mainly humanitarian disciplines, such as literature, geography and natural science. They also talked about physical education, labor, drawing and singing. The latter can also be attributed to light items in the rank scale. Given all the information, it is necessary to correctly draw up a curriculum. It implies that very hard classes will be subtracted on the initial days of the week, when the student is still full of strength and motivation, they should alsotimetable to be put on the 2nd and 3rd hours. The last hours of the school day must be used for physical education or work.
A specially designed hygienic organization of the entire educational process should take into account not only the arrangement of lessons, but also the rest of students. Leisure between lessons should not be stressful for students so that their effectiveness during the lessons does not fall. To do this, it is important to structure and think over a vacation plan. Rest includes holidays, days off and breaks, and these hours should not be cut. An example of a ranking scale that is properly designed is the availability of the necessary rest with the optimal structure of the distribution of lessons.
How to get rid of fatigue?

In order for the student to be active and full of motivation all the time, it is necessary for him to provide a good rest, which should be aimed at restoring physical and moral activity. Uncut changes and full days off will be a lifesaver.
Due to long-term research, it has been found that fatigue relief will be successful if at least 10 minutes are allowed after the lesson. The reduction of this time due to the whim of the teacher or because of the rulers does not bring a beneficial result for the student. The ranking scale implies the optimal ratio of rest and study.
Also, the teacher should always ensure that the classroom has a favorable environment - fresh air, a clean room.
Correctly drawn up schedule according to the rank scale of the difficulty of subjects

The curriculum is considered to be correctly drawn up if there is a schedule for both students and teachers for the whole working day. The nominal and rank scales also provide that the highest severity score of objects falls at the beginning of the week, but these periods may differ for junior and senior students. Lessons must necessarily alternate, that is, the easy one must follow the difficult one or vice versa. In schools where modular education is not provided, two identical subjects in a row are not allowed. The names of the subjects in the schedule must correspond to the curriculum.
Wrong schedule
At a ranking school, the schedule is considered incorrect if the most difficult subjects in terms of points fall on the first and last days of the school week, and also if the schedule is the same for each day. If complex subjects follow each other or the same difficult lesson is doubled, then this will have a bad effect on the student. Difficult subjects should also not be in the first and last lessons, it is optimal to squeeze them in in the middle of the day. Also, the student will not be in time and prepare poorly if the number of subjects in the schedule corresponds to the amount of work assigned.
Existing curriculum guidelines

When scheduling, you need to make a calculation. Which will show that the subjects at the beginning and at the end of the week do not have a high score on the rank scale of difficulty. Also teachersshould not put control on the first and last lesson, optimally - this is the middle of the school day. That is why the load should fall in the middle.
Lessons of two hours should not be set on Monday and Friday with Saturday. Primary school teachers should understand that it makes no sense to conduct double lessons, as this will greatly tire the child. In secondary school, double lessons are allowed, but only if they are followed by a subject with an easy score.
In high school, it is best to introduce a modular schedule system so that there are double lessons, as this is the most suitable option for an older student.
Hard lessons are set for the second and sometimes the first lesson, subjects with average severity should be carried out after a big break, and physical education or work is best placed at the end of the schedule.
If there are subjects that are held in the second half of the school day, then it makes sense to give students an hour or forty minutes of rest to recuperate. When drawing up the curriculum, it is also necessary to be guided by the views of students, for example, if the class is doing well in mathematics and physics, then it is important to rotate these subjects and increase their frequency.
The amount of homework assigned should not equal or exceed the number of subjects, as this will cause the student to be in constant stress and fatigue. It is important that zero subjects are prohibited in schools, as they completely break the student's daily routine and drive him into fatigue.
Influence onstudent of the wrong curriculum

If the curriculum is still drawn up incorrectly, then numerous studies in this area indicate a negative outcome for the student and for the teacher. First of all, this leads to a violation of the physical and moral he alth of the student, which will become even worse from year to year. That is why the hygienic organization of the entire school process has been introduced. It helps to keep all he alth indicators normal, and can also affect the student's activity, add motivation to him.