Sooner or later in the life of every student there comes a moment when you have to start preparing for exams. And the very first serious exam in our country awaits students in the 9th grade. OGE - a general state exam, is a test to determine the student's level of knowledge in each subject.
Also, the result obtained at the OGE (Grade 9) affects the grade in the certificate, therefore it is very important to pass the certification well.
But not every student at the beginning of the year realizes which subjects are easier to take at the OGE and which is better to give preference to. Let's go through this step by step.
Classification of all items

First of all, every student should know that all subjects can be conditionally divided into two groups: humanitarian and technical.
There are quite a few items that belong to the technical group. However, it is these sciences that in 90% of cases are necessary for admission to a technical college. Among them are mathematics, physics, computer science. It should be noted that physics is the only subject that is passed in 99%cases for admission to a technical speci alty. Computer science is also not an uncommon choice for the exam, but it is required for careers in programming.
The list of humanities includes a much larger number of school subjects. Among them:
- history;
- social studies;
- literature;
- geography;
- biology;
- chemistry;
Although, of course, biology and chemistry are often singled out as a separate group, it is generally accepted to attribute them to the list of humanitarian subjects that are taken at the OGE.
And you should not forget about the required subjects for passing the OGE. There are only two of them: Russian language and mathematics. Therefore, no matter which direction you choose, you must remember that preparation for these subjects is mandatory in order to successfully pass the OGE.
9th grade is a difficult period. This year, everyone must determine the subjects that he wants to take. But which subjects are easier to take at the OGE?

Choose directions
To make a choice, you must first think about which sciences are the easiest for you. It's no secret that some people understand physics perfectly, others are able to solve difficult problems in chemistry, and still others are well versed in history.
Because the student must understand that there is no list of easy subjects, because for everyone they are different.
To understand which subjects are easier for you to take at the OGE, first you need to choose one direction out of two. Having decided, we can proceed to further search.
Choosing a technical direction
If the choice fell on the technical direction, then, most likely, physics is not an overwhelming science for the student. But, alas, this is not always the case. Sometimes the desire to get a technical profession may not come true due to problems with the subjects necessary for delivery. What to do in this case?
If you understand that physics is not the easiest subject, then you need to plan your preparation correctly.

- Seek help from a tutor. If a student needs to score a rather large number of points, then it is very difficult to prepare for the OGE on their own.
- In addition to classes with a specialist, the child must also study on his own, which means plan his work and strictly follow the class schedule.
- It takes a lot of practice to pass the physics exam. Constantly solving problems is what is the key to success at the OGE.
The same advice can be applied to other exact sciences, such as mathematics and computer science.
With the humanitarian direction, everything is a little different. Of course, due to the large number of subjects, everyone can find the easiest one for themselves. But we can offer a list of the most popular items for passing the OGE, which indicates that they are relatively easy.

Social Studies
This item sells about 70%students in 9th grade. Such a high popularity is due to the fact that the subject is easier to understand and remember. This science is not exact, and the student receives a lot of knowledge in this course in the process of life, because this subject is the science of society.
But we should not forget that easy subjects at the OGE will not be such if you do not prepare for them. A student who regularly does homework in social studies, prepares at home on his own at least a couple of times a week and is interested in the subject in the classroom, will undoubtedly receive a high score in the OGE.
In fact, calling this item easy is hard to say. But about 28% of 9th grade students pass history. What's the secret? The fact is that history is a science that needs to be taught and memorized. There are no complex puzzles and formulas, but there are a large number of dates and events that you need to remember. If the child is responsible for the preparation, then he will not need anything other than careful memorization. And that means the exam will not be so difficult for him.
And biology completes this list. Biology is a very interesting science. In addition, it is necessary for admission to any medical college, without it it is unthinkable to get a medical education. Therefore, this subject is often chosen in the 9th grade. But he is not too easy. In the tasks of the OGE, the child can meet not only test questions, but also tasks that need to be solved. One good thing is that biology is not difficult to understand. With due effort, it will be possible to pass this item.
Well, that's it. It remains for the student to carefully think about his preferences and abilities, and he will be able to answer for himself the question of which subjects are easier to pass on the OGE. If he plans his preparation, the OGE will no longer seem so scary and difficult to him.

Also, the student should know how many subjects to take at the OGE. The changes that have taken place in a couple of years are unlikely to please future students. And they consist in the fact that if earlier a student could pass only compulsory subjects or choose the ones he needed, then today, in addition to the two compulsory subjects, everyone must determine two more subjects that he wants to pass.
This suggests that each student should prepare for at least 4 subjects, or even more. But this should not be feared either. Do not forget that if you are responsible for learning, then you will not have to think about which subjects are easier to take at the OGE.