How to explain to children why winter is coming?

How to explain to children why winter is coming?
How to explain to children why winter is coming?

The reasons for the change of seasons for each person become relevant. Already in childhood, the child begins to ask questions. Why is winter coming? What is happening to our planet? Why do different countries have different climates?

The first and main explanation is the creation of optimal climatic conditions for human habitation. With the change of seasons, the temperature on the entire planet becomes comfortable for living.

What does astronomy say about the change of seasons?

Spring, summer, autumn, winter are eternal and unchanging phenomena of nature. The reason for such natural phenomena is the movement of the globe in outer space. The Earth moves in a conditional orbit, which has the shape of an elongated circle.

why is winter coming
why is winter coming

Unfortunately, many people still live by the stereotypes of school programs, where the explanation for why winter comes was the approach and removal of the planet from the Sun during movement.

Astronomers have long refuted this theory and argue that the change comes because of the axis of rotation of the planet. It is tilted at 23 degrees, so the sun's rays heat different parts of the Earth unevenly at different times.

Why is it so cold in winter?

autumn winter
autumn winter

The Earth's orbit around the sun takes 1 year or 365 days. During the entire movement, the planet rotates along its conditional axis, which causes the change of day and night.

When the northern hemisphere of the Earth turns towards the Sun, it receives the maximum number of rays, while in the southern hemisphere such rays will fall "casually" on the earth's surface.

Autumn, winter - these are the periods of time when the Earth is at its maximum distance from the Sun. The day is getting short and the sun is shining but not warm.

The minimum amount of heat from the celestial body is explained simply. The rays fall obliquely to the surface, the sun does not rise high above the horizon, so the warming up of the air will be slow.

What happens to air masses in winter?

When the air temperature drops, evaporation decreases, the air humidity changes. When the concentration of water vapor in the atmosphere decreases, the ability to trap heat on the Earth's surface is also minimized.

The transparent atmospheric mass of air is not capable of absorbing infrared radiation, which heats the air and the surface of the earth. Why is it cold in winter? Only because the surface and air cannot hold heat, which is already supplied in minimal quantities.

What is the sun like in winter?

why is it cold in winter
why is it cold in winter

It is extremely important to explain to children about the sun, its changes in winter. Here the emphasis should be placed on the fact that the Sun is a huge,hot star, around which a large number of planets revolve.

The sun has a huge temperature, no person or aircraft can approach it, as it will simply melt and destroy them.

Thanks to solar energy, rays, life is possible on planet Earth: trees grow, animals and people live. Without the heat of the sun, all living things will die in a short amount of time.

Solar energy and rays in winter do not heat as intensely, but can do more damage to the skin. This feature has a logical explanation: the entire surface of the planet, which should reflect the rays, is bright and mirrored, as it is covered with snow. The human body cannot reflect, it receives ultraviolet rays and is actively saturated with them. Doctors emphasize that tanning in winter is more dangerous than in summer. The skin is oversaturated with ultraviolet radiation from the sun and can even get burned.

Interesting facts about winter

Why winter is coming, children and adults can be explained by knowing the basics of astronomy. But what is winter nature fraught with, what interesting facts about winter are known to science and people?

Snowflakes. Scientists have repeatedly studied snowflakes that fall to the surface of the earth. Such work requires special training, equipment and scrupulousness. The discovery for people was that snowflakes can have 7 types: star crystals, needles, columns, columns with tips, transparent dendrites, irregularly shaped snowflakes

what is the sun in winter
what is the sun in winter
  • Snow mass speed. For many snow- it is a soft, airy substance, but with a large amount of snow mass, it can descend from the surface of the earth in the form of an avalanche. The minimum speed of such an avalanche is 80 km/h, the maximum is 360 km/h. A huge mass of snow blows everything in its path. If a person falls under an avalanche, then he dies due to the huge weight or lack of oxygen.
  • For most of the world's population, the question of why winter is coming is not relevant. They do not even know that a sharp change in air temperature may occur, the indicators will fall below 0, it is snowing. In some kingdoms of hot countries, games are played on artificial sugar snow to amuse their subjects.

Why is winter coming? Every child asks this question sooner or later. Using the presented material, each parent will be able to easily and interestingly answer this question.
