Explain why the biosphere is a global ecosystem. Simple answer

Explain why the biosphere is a global ecosystem. Simple answer
Explain why the biosphere is a global ecosystem. Simple answer

Ever from the school course, everyone is familiar with such concepts as the biosphere and ecosystem. The concepts themselves are different, but they are very interconnected. How? Our task is to explain why the biosphere is a global ecosystem. First, let's remember what an ecosystem is.

The concept of an ecosystem. Types of ecosystems

An ecosystem is a system that includes a biocenosis and a biotope. In other words, these are all living organisms with their habitat. This already explains why the biosphere is a global ecosystem. All living organisms included in the ecosystem are closely related by the fact that a continuous exchange of substances flows between them. There are two large groups: natural ecosystems and agroecosystems. The latter are distinguished by the fact that they were created thanks to man. Both groups have a similar structure. Any system includes three blocks, namely: producers, consumers, decomposers.

Biosphere - global ecosystem
Biosphere - global ecosystem

First create organic matter (greenplants), the latter consume organic matter. Among them are herbivores, predators and omnivores. It is customary to include humans in the omnivorous group. It is customary to include various fungi and bacteria as decomposers. Decomposing substances, they transfer them from the dead remains back to the inanimate environment. The ecosystem is only a small part of all life on earth. Why the biosphere is a global ecosystem should be explained in more detail.

Biosphere - the system of all life on Earth

What do we know about the biosphere? It is connected with the concepts of "life" and "ball". In other words, the biosphere is a shell of the Earth, densely populated by various organisms, and also modified to some extent by them. The Earth's shell was formed over 3.5 billion years ago. At that time, the first organisms had just begun to appear. The biosphere includes the hydrosphere (water shell), part of the lithosphere (outer sphere) and the atmosphere (air shell). In other words, all this can be called an ecological sphere (ecosphere), that is, a system that includes living organisms, interconnected with each other, and their habitat. In total, 3 million different organisms live in the biosphere. Man is also undoubtedly part of the biosphere.

So, the biosphere is first and foremost a system.

The structure of the biosphere
The structure of the biosphere

Any system always consists of separate elements. Different ecosystems are interconnected not only within themselves, but are also closely interconnected with other ecosystems. Between them, as well as inside even the smallest system, there isenergy metabolism and metabolism. United ecosystems form their circulation, thanks to which they will unite into a single global ecosystem. This global system is called the biosphere. How does it actually work?

Why the biosphere is a global ecosystem

This can be explained by the following example. If we take any of the corners of our planet, we will definitely find in it the sources of life. The oceans, the upper atmosphere, the zone of perpetual snow - everywhere there is water. Therefore, in every corner of the planet we find life.

aquatic ecosystem
aquatic ecosystem

That's what Charles Darwin said. And, of course, he was right. Inhabiting the most diverse places on the planet, living organisms form an ecosystem. Being in it, they are all interconnected, primarily by the metabolism and energy. A certain ecosystem is interconnected with other systems by the circulation of substances and energy. Those, in turn, too. And so it happens that many small ecosystems create one big ecosystem called the biosphere.

The biosphere is also an ecosystem

To explain briefly why the biosphere is a global ecosystem, the earth's shell is a living sphere that includes a huge number of life forms. Thus, it consists of separate ecosystems, which means it is a global system, the violation of which threatens life on the planet.
