Lipetsk Institute of Management: faculties

Lipetsk Institute of Management: faculties
Lipetsk Institute of Management: faculties

Lipetsk Institute of Management appeared in 2007. Perhaps this is one of the few examples where a private educational institution can guarantee the acquisition of quality skills for highly effective specialists. There are no budget places at this university, and reviews of the Lipetsk Institute of Management are diverse, but let's look at the facts.

Where is it

The location of the university is not very convenient. It is located in the Levoberezhny district of the city, which can complicate daily travel here from the northern microdistricts of Lipetsk. However, this fact is not a significant problem.


Address of the Lipetsk Institute of Management - st. May 9, 27. You can get there either by private transport or by trams No. 5 and 5a. Those who prefer to travel by their own car will find this university especially pleasant, because it is convenient to park on this street, and there are always enough free places for everyone.

Name confusion

This university is often confused with the Lipetsk Cossack Institute of Technology and Management, which isbranch of the Moscow First Cossack University. Despite similar names, these educational institutions have different goals, areas of training and structure. The Lipetsk Institute of Management is an independent private educational institution of higher professional education, while the Cossack Institute is only a structural subdivision of the capital's university.


Lipetsk Institute of Management is a private liberal arts university. Speci alties not related to the natural sciences or exact calculations are taught here. One can endlessly argue about the advisability of obtaining such an education and its relevance in the labor market, but one thing is for sure - the acquired competencies allow one to develop in the chosen direction.

girl student
girl student

Faculties of the Lipetsk Institute of Management:

  • management;
  • economy;
  • design;
  • advertising and public relations.


This faculty educates future managers. There are 3 training profiles available:

  • state and municipal government (ideal for future officials);
  • project management (the profile will be indispensable for heads of departments or sectors in business);
  • management of the organization (suitable for beginner businessmen and hired managers in private enterprises).

You can become a bachelor at this faculty. Education is available in full-time (4 years) and part-time (5 years) form.

manager manager
manager manager


For those who want to connect their professional activities with finance and economics, a bachelor's degree is available at this faculty.

Main training profiles:

  • commerce;
  • world economy;
  • accounting, analysis and audit.

Of the three profiles, the last one is the most in demand among employers. A student of the Lipetsk Institute of Management can start working as an accountant already in the last years of study, and after receiving a diploma, start the path to the position of chief accountant and even an auditor.


Things are more complicated with the Faculty of Design. Finding a job in your speci alty after receiving a diploma from the Lipetsk Institute of Management will be quite difficult. If you have at least a rough understanding of how you will apply the acquired knowledge, then you can take a chance and become a bachelor of design.

bachelors in robes
bachelors in robes

Provisioning profiles:

  • environment design;
  • graphic design;
  • interior design.

It is worth noting that this faculty does not involve distance learning, so the future designer will have to attend classes at the Lipetsk Institute of Management every day.

Advertising and public relations

Future "PR and advertisers" can get a quality education at a university that does not depend on the state. In the field of advertising, one cannot be left behind, so the Lipetsk Institute of Management will be a good option for getting an education.

Basictraining profiles are divided according to the main purpose of the enterprises:

  • advertising and public relations in the state and municipal government system;
  • advertising and commercial public relations.
applicant's exams
applicant's exams

Full-time (4 years) and part-time (5 years) courses are available. Getting higher education at this faculty will allow you to start a career as a journalist, a specialist in the marketing department, and even become a press secretary of enterprises of completely different levels.

Entry requirements

The Lipetsk Institute of Management is a fully commercial university, that is, there are no state-funded places. So, almost everyone can apply here. To do this, it will be necessary to pass the exam at least the minimum threshold for obtaining a certificate.

For the faculties of economics and management, it is necessary to successfully pass exams in mathematics, social science and the Russian language. At the Faculty of Design - Russian language, social science and drawing (a creative test, which is arranged separately). To enter the Faculty of Advertising and Public Relations, it will be enough to pass exams in the Russian language, history and social studies.

Military Department

Unfortunately, there is no military training center or military department at the Lipetsk Institute of Management. So getting a diploma will not be the basis for leaving the reserve. If you do not plan to do science and are physically he althy, then you will have to go to the army. Among other things, the problem will beobtaining a deferment from military service for the entire period of study at the Lipetsk Institute of Management, because the university issues non-state diplomas, which deprives the student of a guaranteed deferment.

students graduates
students graduates

Online Institute

A distinctive feature of this university is the ability to keep the entire course of study online. Now the student does not need notebooks, printed timetables, and so on. You don't even need to write down the title of the literature you want to read. All this is available on the website of the Lipetsk Institute of Management. Each student has an individual online card where he can see his homework, upcoming classes, a list of recommended literature and research projects. All this greatly facilitates learning and is a kind of beginning of the institution of the future.
