Most people, after acquiring a land plot, plan to build a country house, a trading establishment or a building of a certain functional purpose on it in the future. What documents are needed for such a transaction? First of all, a plan with the size, location of buildings and communications, both above ground and underground. To prepare such documentation, a topographic survey of the site is carried out, which provides complete information about the features of the area and its geographical coordinates.
Agricultural land is an exception here, as it is usually bought or rented for the subsequent cultivation of various crops and their sale in retail outlets. However, in some cases, even with such land use, it is recommended to do a topographic survey in order to determine the conditional zero point. It is in relation to it that the site will be examined for geographical features, such as ravines, hills, ditches and others.

Topographic survey - what is it?
To obtain accurate site plans or original maps of the area, a certain set of works is carried out, which is called topographic survey. All received measurements comply with the standard and are provided in the form of generally accepted GOST 22268-76.
There are three types of ground shooting:
- planned;
- high-rise;
- combined.
For example, horizontal (planned) determines the coordinates of the area in relation to the Earth's surface, vertical - the height of these points.

Topographic survey allows you to measure the exact distance of a certain area, its angles and so on. Special tools are used to perform this work.
Varieties of topographic survey
Based on the scale today, the following types of topographic surveys exist:
- Tree-based - carried out during landscaping, indicating the exact location of growing trees on the site plan.
- 1:200 - extra large. It is used in the arrangement of construction sites and allows you to get the most accurate dimensions of the various buildings and other elements present on it.
- 1:500 - "five hundred". This view is used to draw up detailed drawings and a master plan for the location of utilities that run along the construction site.
- 1:2000 - this scale of topographic survey is used to create plans and schemes of settlements(villages and urban microdistricts) and large manufacturing enterprises.

Types of topographic survey depending on the technological process
Topographic survey can be conditionally divided into types, taking into account the equipment used during these works:
- theodolite - a ground survey complex designed to obtain metric data, produced using rangefinders and theodolite;
- stereotopographic - characterized by obtaining primary information when using a stereo pair;
- compass topographic survey is carried out by equipment such as rangefinders and compasses;
- menzulnaya - performed using cypregel and beaker;
- aerial photography - allows you to get a photographic image using aircraft;
- digital - the process of obtaining an optical image, which is subsequently transferred to a specific medium;
- sonar survey allows you to get information about the bottom of various water bodies, performed by sonar.

Purpose of topographic survey and geodetic work
Before construction, geodetic work is required, as well as subsequent surveying. The former are necessary to obtain accurate indicators of distances, heights and angles, determine the area of the site, its boundaries and geographical coordinates. But professional topographic survey is carried out withthe purpose of creating maps and diagrams of construction and other sites. With its help, you can build an accurate digital 3D model of the area. Most often, large-scale shooting is used. Thanks to her, it became possible to design landscape designs, update master plans and draw up drawings.

Procedure for conducting topographic surveys
If it is necessary to carry out geodetic work on the construction site, then you should know the procedure for carrying out such a procedure in order to competently complete all the necessary preparations. Performing a topographic survey consists of several successive stages:
- Preparatory. A contract is being concluded, the necessary documentation is being prepared, and the relevant authorities are being visited in order to obtain permission to perform these works.
- Field. Shooting is in progress at this point.
- Final is the final step where the technical report and plan are drawn up, and the work is handed over.
As you can see from the last stage, the customer, after performing all the necessary manipulations, receives a ready-made topographic plan and a detailed report. It is important to know that the total cost and quality of a topographic survey is completely dependent on the features of the site topography and its area, so it is recommended to order preliminary geodetic services in full. Only in this case, the results of the work will facilitate the subsequent topographic survey for specialists.