Currently, the ethics commission exists in every educational, departmental, medical institution. The issues discussed at the meetings relate to the relationship between employees, patients, students, parents. Let's discuss the main issues that the ethics committee considers. Let's touch on the history of its appearance, as well as the main activities.

History of Creation
There is no exact information about the period when the Ethics and Standards Commission appeared. In modern history, 1947 is singled out. It was at this time that the Nuremberg Code was adopted, which was developed within the framework of the international Military Tribunal. It contains the basic ethical principles that the ethics commission still uses in its work today. Today they operate in all military, medical and educational institutions.

Functions and structure of the ethics committee
The Ethics Commission is an independent body, which consists of persons with special education, which makes it possible to analyzeviolation of the rights and working conditions of employees. For example, in a medical institution, such a commission includes not only people with medical education, but also representatives of other professions (lawyers, economists).
If any conflict situation arises, all conflicts and contradictions are resolved by a third party.
Ethics committees are divided into two types: "European", "American". In the European version, consultative and advisory work is distinguished among the powers of the commissions.
In medical and educational institutions, the commission of professional ethics meets in cases where moral problems arise. The prerogative of such committees is to discuss difficult problems that arise in practice, as well as formulate recommendations on options for their solution.
The essence of the functioning of such committees is that the conflict situation does not reach the court, it is possible to resolve the problem out of court.
They form such a commission of independent people with certain competencies in matters of ethics, able to assess the situation, make recommendations to both sides of the conflict.

Conflict commissions at school
Increasingly, parents of schoolchildren turn to school principals with written statements in which they accuse teachers of violating professional ethics and exceeding their powers. What are the actions of the head of an educational institution in such a situation? How can a teacher protect his reputation? Let's try to understand these complex and relevant fordomestic education issues.
First, the director invites the teacher, takes written explanations from him about the situation described in the application.
By order, a commission is being formed in the OS to study this conflict, trying to find a way to reconcile the parties. An educator who is sure of his innocence has the right to apply to the ethics commission.
The purpose of such an appeal will be to protect their pedagogical competence, encroachments on the "good name" on the part of parents. The completed protocol of the commission on ethics, the teacher can submit to the court by filing a lawsuit for the protection of honor and dignity, compensation for moral damage.

Deputy ethics
What does the Parliamentary Ethics Commission do? What are its regulations?
According to the legislation in force in the Russian Federation, even persons who have committed crimes can be deputies, if they have fully atoned for their guilt. If such a person is nominated for deputies, the issue moves from the realm of law to the realm of ethics. Currently, not only talented and worthy people have rushed into politics, but also those who, first of all, think about realizing their own ambitions, material enrichment.
The most important requirement of parliamentary ethics is the overpowering of personal vanity, respect for voters, social movements and organizations. It is difficult to understand those who, after receiving a deputy mandate, refuse orders and their own election promises.
Important aspects
BThe regulations of the commission on ethics and standards include consideration of the behavior of such unscrupulous people's deputies, consideration of the issue of depriving them of their powers.
Ethics involves the rejection of propaganda hype, creating the appearance of observing the interests of voters, collectives, public organizations.
The Ethics Commission ensures that deputies respectfully treat representatives of other parties, officials who do not share their point of view, political views.
A deputy is obliged to keep his word, promises, periodically give voters a report on his own activities, respect Russian legislation.
First of all, it is necessary to mention correctness, decency, decency, delicacy. Ethical rules are formulated in the code, their implementation is monitored by the etiquette commission.

Attorney Ethics
This term was introduced by Aristotle. He meant by ethics a practical philosophy that helps answer the question of what a person does.
The behavior of representatives of this profession in the circumstances where he represents his profession acts as the subject of lawyer ethics. This is a specific behavior of a member of the legal community, prescribed by corporate rules for cases that are not mentioned in the law.

Sources of Ethics
A lawyers' ethics commission is being set up to resolve disputedissues that arise between representatives of this profession and their principals. The main sources of professional lawyer ethics are:
- code;
- Qualification Commission precedents;
- customs.
Principles of the Commission
They will include the presumption of possession of lawyers of ethics, conflict prevention, image.
When working with a client, a lawyer must follow certain ethical rules. Relationships are based on trust. The lawyer's task is to choose an algorithm of actions aimed at a complete acquittal (mitigation of the court sentence) for the client.
The lawyer tells the client the probable outcome of the case, gives advice on resolving the essence of the conflict within the framework of the current Russian legislation.
In cases where the defendants admit their own guilt, but there is no evidence in the case, in agreement with the client, the lawyer analyzes the reasons for the behavior, tries to convince the client to change his testimony.
He should pay increased attention to the defendant in custody, because the arrested person is isolated from the usual social environment. Deprivation of liberty causes him not only physical, but also moral suffering.
If the client's requirements conflict with Russian law, the lawyer may refuse to represent his interests in court.
A lawyer should not enter into close relations with a client. All issues related to the amount of the fee for the implementation of the defense are resolved by mutual agreement with the client. Its value is affected by the complexity of the case under consideration, time limits, financial situation of the client, legal reputation.
In the event of conflict situations, the Commission on Attorney Ethics pays special attention to the behavior of a lawyer during a court session.
One of the ethical rules is the conscientious attitude of a lawyer to the court. He cannot influence the decision taken by the judge, provide false evidence of the innocence of the client, bribe witnesses. In case of violation of the rules of the Lawyers' Code, the Ethics Commission decides on expulsion from the Bar Association, decisions on the rights to exercise protection.

Currently, special attention is paid to ethical relations in various areas of social and economic activity: medicine, pedagogy, legal practice. In order to avoid serious conflict situations between the participants in relations, special ethics commissions are created in each organization.

Their main responsibilities include pre-trial settlement of various disputes between employees and other persons related to the company. The commission maintains documentation: minutes of meetings, decisions taken, statements of the injured party.
Depending on the specifics of a particular organization, the ethics committee may include not only employees of this company, but also independent experts who help resolve disputesquestions.