The meaning of the word "consent", synonyms, examples and interpretation

The meaning of the word "consent", synonyms, examples and interpretation
The meaning of the word "consent", synonyms, examples and interpretation

Let's talk today about what worries many. People rarely understand each other. Selfishness and intolerance are gaining momentum, despite the fact that we are persistently told about the importance of tolerance. In other words, today we will talk about the meaning of the word "consent", not only about the meaning, but also about the essence.


It's hard to live without books, but without one our task would be almost impossible. Of course, we are talking about the explanatory dictionary. Those who think that the noun in question has one or two meanings will be greatly surprised.

the meaning of the word consent
the meaning of the word consent

So, our indispensable companion in linguistic research states: the definition of "consent" has as many as 5 meanings. Here they are:

  1. This is the name of one of the currents of the Old Believers.
  2. Permission or yes. For example: “Father finally agreed that I learned to drive a car.”
  3. Unanimity, common interests or points of view. For example: "We came to an agreement in discussing this issue, our conflict is over."
  4. Friendship,unanimity. For example: “There must be agreement between a husband and wife, otherwise happiness cannot be expected.”
  5. Proportion, harmony, harmony.

Fable "Swan, Pike and Cancer"

The last lexical meaning of the word "consent" needs, on the one hand, a more detailed example, and on the other, a textbook one. Remember the fable of I. A. Krylov “Swan, Pike and Cancer”? The work of the great Russian writer begins like this: “When there is no agreement among the comrades …” We will not continue further, because the text is well known to everyone. And it is surprising that here the word "consent" is used in three meanings at once (from the third to the fifth). The imbalance of animals occurs because they do not have a common interest, unanimity, and in the end this leads to a lack of harmony, that is, they cannot complete the task they have undertaken.

Of course, Ivan Andreevich always has anthropomorphic, that is, humanized animals. The problem of understanding has been between people since time immemorial. It cannot be said that it was once less acute than it is now. Finding a common language with both a colleague and a wife or husband is usually not easy. Moreover, both work and family are equally suitable for the metaphor of the fable. It is important not only to have an abstract understanding of the meaning of the word "consent", but also to strive with all our might to achieve it between the parties.

Understanding is the basis of peace between people

There are two phenomena in psychology, which, on the one hand, exist inseparably from each other, and on the other hand, are constantly in a state of war. It's about acceptance and understanding. Ordinary people and psychologistsThey argue which is better, the first or the second. Of course, it all depends on the situation and the conflicting parties: when parents and children do not want to seek consent, it would be better if the older generation accepted the younger one without much understanding.

what does consent mean
what does consent mean

If we are talking about friends, comrades or a couple in love, then usually you want understanding, not acceptance. Kurt Vonnegut even has a wonderful aphorism on this subject: "Please love me less, just treat me like a human being." And "human relations" is based on respect. Of course, you can respect, and not understanding, that is, simply accepting, but this is the lot of exceptional natures. When it comes to the norm, it is nevertheless necessary to understand, if not the beliefs and behavior of a person, then at least their source, basis. In other words, why does he think this way and not otherwise?

Thus, the meaning of the word "consent" forms a tripartite alliance with respect and understanding.

Is it important to agree with yourself?

The question may seem rhetorical, because everyone understands that a happy life begins with harmony with oneself. But people are now torn apart by internal conflicts and contradictions: rarely is anyone satisfied with their lot, especially when almost all the news is centered around numbers.

lexical meaning of the word consent
lexical meaning of the word consent

An ordinary person knows how much stars earn, what an interesting life they have, and he has to drag himself to a hateful office at 7 in the morning. All this is extremely sad, of course. But here, too, comfort can be found. For example, forget aboutmillionaires, movie stars, focus on hobbies, close people and find the strength to finally change jobs. After all, if a person is satisfied, then it is easier to achieve harmony with oneself. The main thing is to believe that balance is possible.

Thus, the question of what the word “consent” means can be given both a narrowly linguistic meaning and a philosophical and psychological one. In what context to consider the problem is up to the reader.
