What's stopping you from having a good life? Someone is not happy with thick legs and a swollen tummy with fat. Someone does not like a penny salary and grim colleagues. Not everyone likes to pay for heating, water and housing and communal services. Or prepare for the session that always comes so unexpectedly.
Trouble surrounds
In a word, life is full of problems. Big and small. Serious and not so serious. Important and thoughtful. For some, problems are synonymous with the end of the world. That's why people don't know how to deal with them. Broken nail means life is over.

Others, problems are met with gratitude. It's just a lesson to be learned. Or a test of fate that will make you stronger.
This article will focus on the word "problems" and its synonyms. Its interpretation will be given. And also examples of sentences are given so that the information received does not disappear without a trace.
Part of Speech
A language unit cannot exist in isolation, just like that. She interacts with otherswords, carries a certain meaning.
But before you know the interpretation of a word, you need to determine its part of speech. Otherwise, it is simply not clear what syntactic role it can carry.
What part of speech is the word "problem"?

For an example, here is a sentence.
An acute problem is synonymous with a stalemate
The word "problem" has a dependent word: "the problem (what?) is acute". The logical question is "what?" It's safe to say that "problem" is an inanimate noun. The plural form is "problems".
Most often, the word problem performs the syntactic function of the subject, as well as the object. Although it can be used in the role of all members of the proposal. It all depends on the specific speech situation.
Lexical meaning
After the part of speech of the word "problem" has ceased to be a mystery, you can begin to determine its lexical meaning. In the explanatory dictionary you can find what the noun "problem" means. A synonym for a word should be selected only after the interpretation is clear. So, the "problem" has the following interpretations.
- Problems to be solved, hard questions.
- Difficult obstacles or difficulties.
It is worth noting that the noun forms phrases with adjectives that are often found in speech. Here are some examples:"eternal problems", "burning problems", "key problems", "social problems", "topical problems", "world problems".

Sample sentences
To consolidate the acquired knowledge, it is recommended to make several sentences. The word "problem" is quite common, so you can easily use it in a speech situation. Below are sample sentences.
- "To avoid problems, just calculate your steps ahead and work tirelessly on your success."
- "Leaders of nations must solve global problems, take care of the well-being of citizens, and maintain peace and tranquility."
- "The acute social problems that have arisen in the country can only be solved by reasonable and rational people who sincerely want to overcome poverty and give happiness to others."
- "Is this a problem, is anyone able to pick up a synonym for the word?".
- "There is a housing problem in my town as young families cannot get their apartments."
- "We can't solve fundamental philosophical problems, but we should at least try to get closer to the truth."
- "Urgent problems should come first, and only then you can move on to secondary things that do not require immediate intervention."
- "Complex problems arefrom several components, but at the same time they form a single whole".
- "We've been busy solving a fascinating problem that's been on our minds for a couple of years now."
- "The slightest little problem causes her to shed tears."

Synonyms for the word
Having learned the lexical meaning of the word, you can proceed to the selection of synonyms. "Problem" is a common language unit that often occurs in speech. There are several words with similar meanings.
- Case. "Such bad things happened here, I lost my keys, and I also missed the train."
- Headache. "Now I have a new headache - I need to redo someone else's work."
- Difficulties. "We didn't even think that you would have difficulty solving this trivial matter."
- Difficulties. "Unexpectedly, there was a problem while using the computer, the image disappeared on the screen."
- Failure. "Here, in a clear algorithm, he happened to be himself, which endangered the entire enterprise."
When the same word occurs many times in the text, you can solve the problem by choosing a synonym. It will eliminate repetitions, make speech more diverse. However, it is worth remembering that not all synonyms are interchangeable. Consider the context of a particular sentence.
How to beat problems?
Trouble seems to follow. They do not let you get bored and strive to complicate life as much as possible. So that they do not bite so much, you need tofight.
It's worth remembering that problem solving is synonymous with success. Only an extremely strong person can overcome difficulties and become successful.
Psychologists suggest several ways to help solve all problems. It is worth understanding that they will always be. It's like potholes and bumps that are found on the road. Nothing without them.

Next is to get rid of accumulated stress. It might be worth tempering your expectations so you don't beat yourself up about not living the life you want.
It is important to remember that happiness lives in the heart of every person. This is the force that will overcome all problems. It is also desirable to surround yourself with people who support you and sincerely love you.