South America: countries and cities

South America: countries and cities
South America: countries and cities

South America is the fourth largest among the continents of the Earth. More than 7 thousand km long and about 5 thousand wide, it has a total area of 17,800 square kilometers. The map of South America clearly shows us that this continent did not fit entirely in the Southern Hemisphere, part of it is located in the Northern. The population of the mainland is more than 385 million people. The cities of South America are delightful, they stun with the fusion of completely different, seemingly incompatible cultures: ancient and modern, European and Indian, colonial style and skyscrapers.

South America
South America


South America is a huge, completely unexplored world, extremely bright and extremely interesting. Imagination is struck primarily by the diversity of landscapes. The Andes (the ridge of South America and the longest mountain range in the world at 9000 km) have not yet calmed down: earthquakes and volcanic eruptions often occur here. The famous Amazon River spread its tributaries here. impassablethe swampy jungle in its selva is the lungs of our planet. And nearby is one of the driest places on Earth - the Chilean deserts, the Argentinean and Uruguayan steppes - hot, waterless, dusty. And nearby are huge lakes, the highest waterfalls and vast islands full of rocks. In the north - the almost hot Caribbean Sea, in the south - Tierra del Fuego and the cold storms of the Atlantic, the proximity of Antarctica with its penguins and icebergs. South America is so diverse that anyone can be interested, everyone will discover this continent.

south america map
south america map


This is the largest state in terms of area and population. The capital is Brasilia. The most vibrant city is Rio de Janeiro, full of tourists, carnivals and first-class beaches.

South American cities
South American cities


Also a big country. The capital is Buenos Aires, the city of the famous carnival (January 16), and for many inhabitants of the planet - the most beautiful in the world.

South America
South America


The government of this "middle" state prefers the city of La Paz, but the capital is Sucre. La Paz is the largest city in the country and very beautiful.


This is the place where South America ends, its north, warmer climes. The capital of the country is Caracas, located on the Caribbean coast, and on its outskirts begins the National Park with delightfully virgin tropical nature.


Northeast coast, capital - Georgetown. Land of the wet jungle - before90% of the territory is occupied by them.


Although this is South America, but here the French overseas region, without a visa is not allowed. The administrative center is the city of Cayenne.


Northwest, capital - Bogota. The country is named after Columbus. There are many museums that demonstrate the richest historical and cultural heritage, as well as an extremely interesting fusion of two cultures - European and Indian.


A landlocked state. The capital is Asuncion, a beautiful and original city, with many architectural monuments.


South America
South America

Andes west coast, the state is still unsolved by the Incas. The capital is Lima, an amazingly beautiful city on a high ocean coast.


Tropical country in the northeast of the mainland. Paramaribo is its capital, a city without skyscrapers, original, preserving style.


This is the southeast of the continent. The capital - Montevideo - was glorified by the carnival, known no less than the Argentinean. Colonial architecture is not offended by eclecticism.


South American cities
South American cities

A long strip along the Pacific coast, breathtaking and the heights of the Andes. As the poet said: "There is no country more beautiful than Chile." The capital is Santiago, a city famous for coups, balneological tourism and beautiful views of the highlands.


Equatorial country in the northwest with the capital Quito, where the most important monuments are concentratedancient culture, museums of the colonial and pre-colonial eras.