In different contexts and meanings, the adjective "wonderful" can be used, the experience of not a scientist, but a native speaker insists on this. The meaning can be direct, or it can be ironic when the adjective is saturated with negative content. Consider the origin of the noun related to the adjective, as well as the meaning itself.

Each person perceives the lessons of history differently. Some believe that this is a waste of time and has nothing to do with the present. Others are not so categorical and think that history just gives the key to understanding what is happening around. But the history of words and language is absolutely necessary for everyone, because there are no such people among the native speakers of the Russian language who do not use all possible parts of speech. That is, the language is something that concerns everyone.
The words "miracle" and "feeling" are related nouns. They have a common ancestor - the word "chuti", meaning "feel, hear, feel, know." And earlier, a miracle was understood as a common phenomenon (for example, rain), observed with one's own eyes. Thenthe emphasis shifted, and only events that stand out from the general series began to be called that way.
Meaning of adjective and sentence

Therefore, the miraculous is a characteristic worthy only of an amazing incident. It is good that in the history of literature there are many examples of miracles. First of all, it is not fantastic works that are supposed to be of this world that are remembered, but fairy tales. For example, the authors and the works themselves will not be offended if the Chronicles of Narnia and the story of Mary Poppins are included in this kind of literature. And they also teach that the miraculous is what is nearby. An adult or not, you still need to believe in the best. And if you do not read fairy tales, then this faith is unlikely to appear by itself. True, there are exceptions. However, we put the cart before the horse, so let's find out the meaning of the word "wonderful" anyway:
- Being a miracle, completely unprecedented, unusual.
- Wonderful, very good.
And immediately offers:
- Pavel miraculously got on a minibus and was not late for a date.
- It was a wonderful winter day outside, and the children went for a walk with their parents in order to unwind a little.
Even if you just say "wonderful", it somehow brightens the state. And when you manage to observe the unusual or good, then in general you can consider that you have won the jackpot.