Joke is a text with humorous content. This definition is not a secret to anyone. A joke can offend, or, conversely, cheer up, defuse the atmosphere, relieve tension. Women love men who joke funny, men love women who joke funny. People who know how to joke funny attract others with their optimism.
So let's figure it out. How really funny to joke, and what better not to laugh at.
Secret 1: Talk nonsense

Remember: jokes are, first of all, words that confuse us a little, and laughter is a defensive reaction to such a break in patterns. So the more absurd the joke, the funnier it is. Don't be afraid to talk nonsense. Gradually, relying on the reaction of the interlocutors, you will find that golden mean between too abstruse and too delusional joke.
For example, let's compare two jokes:
Do you know why the tram rumbles when it goesrails? Let's figure this out together. The tram moves along the rails with the help of wheels. This part of it is a circle, if we talk about its geometric shape. Therefore, to calculate the area of the wheel, you need to use the following formula: pi squared. Pi is a constant number. Therefore, it must be excluded from the formula. R is the radius. In this case, its size is unknown. Therefore, this value should also be excluded. Remains a square. When it rolls, it always rattles.
The joke is undoubtedly very witty, but the average person will need at least five minutes to think, and only then will he understand the joke and laugh. So, if your goal is not to show off your erudition, but to cheer up others, jokes of this type are not very suitable.
And the second example.
A brick floats down the river, followed by another one. Well, let them swim, maybe he is his wife.
Yes, the phrase is essentially nonsense. However, few people hold back a smile or a chuckle when they hear her. It is this kind of nonsense that makes millions laugh.
Secret 2: The joke shouldn't be offensive

Remember, a joke is, first of all, something that brings laughter and joy, not tears and resentment. Never laugh at someone if they don't want to. And never laugh at someone who can't stand up for himself and say whether he likes your words or not. Small children, old people, cripples, animals, shy and downtrodden people should in no case become the object of yourridicule. So you will not attract people to you, but, on the contrary, will repel them with your cynicism. No need to joke about other people's grief or tragedies, about terrorist attacks, accidents and other terrible things. You will be considered an immoral person without brakes.
Secret 3: Laugh at your own jokes

Of course, this can cause an awkward moment when only the comedian himself laughed. However, in most cases, someone else's laughter, firstly, relieves some tension, and, as it were, gives permission to laugh (if someone else laughs, then the moment is appropriate for laughter). Secondly, we all know that laughter is contagious. Well, and thirdly, if you yourself do not consider your words funny, then how can you convince others of this?
Remember, a sense of humor, like other qualities, it is quite possible to cultivate in yourself, even without special innate talents. Funny jokes are art, and art can be learned.
Joke and laugh, because laughter prolongs life!