History knows a huge number of murderers. Some commit this crime because they can no longer endure it, others deliberately and with particular cruelty, and some because of a mental disorder. The last reason forced the "Arizona shooter" to commit mass murder. Lofner Jared Lee killed 6 people with his actions. But everything has its own special background, which we will analyze further.

Lofner Jared Lee was born in Tucson, Arizona. In 2006, without finishing his studies, he dropped out of high school. He dressed like a representative of the Gothic culture, and adhered to the idea of \u200b\u200ba conspiracy. In particular, he believed that the September 11 terrorist attack was staged by the United States government itself. In addition, the young man was addicted to soft drugs. But at the same time, he was not too difficult a teenager - he played the saxophone, was very friendly and liked to joke. That's how he was remembered by all his friends. Nobody could have imagined that hementally ill.

Adult years
At 18, Jared was in college. Relations with his parents during these years were very strained. Often Lofner Jared Lee ran away from home. His father did not work, only occasionally worked part-time, repairing cars. Mother also stayed at home - the family lived on welfare.
In 2007, a young man was arrested for possession of drugs. He, a year later, having served a small sentence, again took up criminal acts.
During the same years, Jared tried to get into the national army, but was declared unfit by the results of a medical examination. It is impossible to say with certainty whether it was found out that he was mentally ill or whether there were other reasons for the refusal. It was rumored that marijuana use was the culprit.
The "Arizona shooter" proudly called the revolutionary Che Guevara his favorite politician. In addition to him, he gave his preference to Barack Obama, President of the United States, and Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela. But Jared did not join any political parties in his entire life. He had no job, except for dog walking. But even here he could not hold out for long - he was kicked out for inappropriate behavior.
Relatives remember that most of all he liked to read books. Favorites include Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. The Manifesto of the Communist Party by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, My Struggle by Adolf Hitler and Animal Farm by George Orwell did not leave him indifferent. Obviously JaredI was attracted by the topic of opposition to the totalitarian system covered in some of them. Perhaps this influenced his outlook.

In 2010, Lofner had to attend a community college designed for dropouts in Pima County. There he began to break all the rules and regulations. Teachers unanimously declared that he was “crying for a psychiatric hospital.”
In September of that year, college officials found a YouTube recording made by none other than Lofner. It was said there that the college was functioning illegally and contrary to the basic law of the state - the Constitution. After that, the unfortunate student was temporarily expelled from the educational institution. Now they demanded a medical certificate of mental he alth from him. He did not want to provide it, and he would hardly have been able to confirm his normality, because even then his psyche was disturbed.
The whole situation pushed Lofner to finally say goodbye to all educational institutions. He never studied anywhere else, as he despised the educational system.
Crazy Ideas
Lofner Jared Lee returned home to his parents. After registering on MySpace and opening his YouTube channel, he began to actively publish anti-government messages. In particular, the young man was obsessed with the crazy idea that the government was brainwashing people and trying to control them through grammar. He was also against the police, saying that its employees violate the norms of the constitution.
Soon Lofner began developmentits own monetary system, which was to be based on the gold standard. And in November 2010, on legal grounds, he acquired the very fatal weapon - a pistol. After passing all the checks of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, he received a license. True, his first attempt to buy cartridges was unsuccessful. The seller refused him, citing inappropriate behavior. He later purchased ammo from another gun shop.
And so the shooter was born
On January 8, 2011, the "Arizona shooter" got to meet Gabrielle Giffords, a member of Congress from Arizona. According to eyewitnesses, he drove up in a taxi and, without even waiting for the change, went to the place where the meeting was held. The taxi driver turned out to be conscientious and went after him to return the money. Because of this, he was even considered at first an accomplice of the shooter. Lofner, three meters away from the member of Congress, shot her in the head with a 9mm Glock 19. Then, without resting, he began shooting at the crowd and fired all 33 bullets.

As a result of his shooting, 5 people died on the spot, and another girl, 9 years old, died in an ambulance from a wound. 14 people were injured, including Giffords (the shooter never killed his main target). Eyewitnesses managed to detain the criminal before the arrival of the police.
Charge and sentence
After Lofner was interviewed by the FBI, it was announced that he would not cooperate. He hid behind the Fifth Amendment, which allows him to remain silent. His motivation in this matter is not known to anyone.has become.
Officially, Lofner was charged with the attempted murder of government employees and the murder of federal government employees. A lawyer was assigned to him by the state - Judy Clark, who once defended an al-Qaeda terrorist.

During the trial, Jared Lee declared to everyone that he was innocent. However, the jury did not believe it and added a few more points to his accusation. In particular, the murder of four people who were not public servants, and the infliction of grievous bodily harm. The fact that the shooter planned everything in advance became clear after the police found envelopes with inscriptions like “My murder”, “I planned everything in advance” at his house. The experts had no doubt that both the jury and the judge would issue a single verdict, deciding to find the shooter guilty.
In 2011, after Lofner underwent a psychiatric examination, it was announced that the defendant was in a state of some kind of mental disorder, and we can say that he is insane. This man also showed his mental inadequacy in the courtroom, because of which, even before a decision was made on the appointment of compulsory treatment, he was taken out of the court session.
Forced treatment
Loughner has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. However, after some time, his psychotherapist stated that the patient was getting better, and he began to realize what he had done and repent of the murder. For a long time, the shooter underwent compulsory treatment inpsychiatric clinic in Missouri, and on August 7, at the next court session, he confessed to his deed - killing 6 people and injuring fourteen. This saved him from the death pen alty.

The Arizona shooter was finally sentenced in 2012. It sounded rather harsh: found guilty and sentenced to seven life terms, without the right to parole and another 140 years - additionally.
Such absurd, at first glance, accusations are often given by the courts of the United States. But this is the only way to clearly show the gravity of the crime committed. In conclusion, the judge announced that the perpetrator would never again take up arms. These words meant that the "Arizona shooter" would never hurt anyone again.