The future German officer and Gestapo officer Adolf Eichmann was born in 1906, March 19, in the town of Solingen in Westphalia. His father was an accountant and took a job with a new company in Linz, Austria. This was in 1924.
Childhood and youth
The boy received a Catholic upbringing from childhood. History knows many strange coincidences. So Eichmann, for example, went to the same school in Linz, where Adolf Hitler, who was two decades older than his namesake, had previously studied.
War and revolution fell on my childhood. The Eichmann family survived the turbulent times calmly, and the head of the family achieved success at all and even opened his own business. His business activities included a mine near Salzburg, as well as several mills. However, after the revolution, an economic crisis began, due to which the elder Eichmann went bankrupt and stopped his attempts to manage the company. This was not surprising, since all entrepreneurs went bankrupt. Adolf Eichmann during this time was never able to finish his studies at the school and was sent by his father to his own mine to help the workers. He later studied electrical engineering and worked for a fuel company supplying kerosene toareas with weak electrification.

Joining the SS
In the late 20s, Adolf Eichmann got into the Youth Union of Front-line Soldiers thanks to connections in this association. This environment was full of agitators from the SS, who offered the members of the union a place in their organization. Front-line soldiers could carry weapons, which was very important for curators from the NSDAP. Adolf Eichmann joined the SS and the National Socialist Party in 1932. He still lived in Austria, where the government did not like the vigorous activity of German radicals at all. Therefore, the very next year, the SS was banned, and Eichmann left for Germany.
At first he served in Passau and Dachau. In this year he became an Unterscharführer, which corresponds to the rank of non-commissioned officer. This was followed by work in the clerical apparatus of the Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler. It was the head of the SS. He instructed Eichmann to enter the new department responsible for the Jewish question. At this time, the Reich was preparing to expel the entire Semitic population from the country. Adolf was supposed to compile a certificate on the book "Jewish State". It was later used by the SS as a standard circular.
In 1937, Eichmann tried to go to Palestine in order to get acquainted with the order of this country. He met with representatives of Hagala, a paramilitary Jewish group banned in the Middle East. After the Anschluss with Austria, the officer returned to this country, where he made plans for the accelerated emigration of unwanted persons from the country.

The decision of the Jewishquestion
With the onset of the war in September 1939, Department IV-B-4 was created at the Reich Security Headquarters, headed by Adolf Eichmann. The Jew and any other citizen associated with Semitism fell under his vigilant control. It was he who agreed that the famous death camps, opened in 1941, appeared in Auschwitz.
Later he worked as a secretary at a conference where measures for the "final solution of the Jewish question" were discussed. He kept the minutes of the meeting and offered to exile those arrested to Eastern Europe. In the second half of the war, when the atrocities broke out on a special scale, Adolf began to lead the Sonderkommandos. They sent Jews from all over Europe to Auschwitz. In 1944, the head of the SS, Himmler, received a report on 4 million murdered Jews, the author of which was Adolf Eichmann. The biography of this functionary is inextricably linked with blood and murder.

Flight to Argentina
When the Third Reich was defeated, the Allies began to round up the surviving leaders of the repressive Nazi machine. Many of them ended up in the dock during the Nuremberg trials, from where they were sent to the death pen alty. Among them was Adolf Eichmann. The photo of the criminal was a reference point for many military and special services of the USA, the USSR, etc.
One day he failed to escape, and he ended up in custody. But even at this point, Eichmann lied about his identity and introduced himself as a member of one of the volunteer SS divisions. While he was imprisoned inlocal prison, he managed to escape. To survive, Nazi criminals had to flee Europe. Most often, the goal of their route was Latin America, in the vastness of which finding a person was tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. There was a whole system of "rat trails" along which the fugitives found holes in the borders and transport.
The key issue was the change of identity and documents. Who is Adolf Eichmann after the appearance of a new passport? He chose the Spanish name Ricardo Clement and, with the help of the Franciscan friars, made himself a Red Cross card in 1950. He ended up in Argentina, where he moved his family and got a job at a local Mercedes-Benz plant. Eichmann Adolf, whose date of birth was March 19, 1906, changed it in the new passport.

Mossad is looking for a criminal
During this time, the state of Israel appeared in the Middle East. Mossad local intelligence was engaged in tracking down Nazi criminals. For Jewish society, this was the most pressing issue, since many citizens of the new country (or at least their relatives and friends) suffered from the Holocaust. Eichmann was the number one target, as it was he who directed the sending of the innocent to the death camps at Auschwitz. But for about ten years, the search was fruitless, until a chance turned up.
In 1958, intelligence officers received undercover information that Eichmann was hiding in Argentina. It literally happened by a miracle. The son of a former member of the Gestapo began dating a girl and boastfully told her about his past.father. The new friend also had a dad named Lothar Herman. He was a Jew of German origin who suffered during the purges in the Reich. He was already blind, but he retained a clear mind and was interested in the fate of Nazi criminals. Having learned from his daughter about a young man with the surname Eichmann, he immediately remembered the famous Gestapo. Lothar was able to contact the Mossad and share his thoughts.
Preparation for surgery
The operation to catch a fugitive criminal was carried out with maximum conspiracy measures. It was headed by Mossad director Isser Harel. All agents went to Argentina one by one, at different times and from different countries. In order to facilitate the movement of scouts, a fictitious travel company was created. In April 1960, direct observation of the object by arriving Mossad employees began. In total, 30 people participated in the operation, 12 of whom were the direct perpetrators of the capture. Others provided technical and informational support. Several cars and houses were rented for latitude to maneuver in case of unforeseen situations.

Eichmann in the hands of Israeli intelligence
Seven agents were waiting in ambush for Eichmann, when one of the performers called him in Spanish. Adolf was stunned by the nelson and was pushed into the car. He was brought to a safe house, where he was immediately checked for the presence of a hidden poison. Many Nazis carried test tubes with them in case of unexpected detention. This habit did not leave the persecuted until the veryof death. Eichmann immediately admitted that he was the one the Mossad was looking for. For nine days the prisoner was kept in the villa while the question of sending him to Israel was decided. During this time, he was interrogated several times, which was later used in court.
When Eichmann was brought to the airport, he was drugged and sedated. He was dressed in the uniform of an Israeli pilot so that he would not arouse suspicion from the customs officers (they were provided with a fake passport).

Trial and execution
In Israel, Eichmann was put on trial, where many victims of the Holocaust spoke. The convict was sentenced to death. Already after his appearance in Israel, Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion told the media that the Nazi criminal was in the hands of local justice. The process had a huge public outcry around the world. On June 1, 1962, he was hanged for genocide-related crimes.