Suffix "tel": examples of words with the suffix "tel" and ending -i. Word with the suffix "tel" and zero ending

Table of contents:

Suffix "tel": examples of words with the suffix "tel" and ending -i. Word with the suffix "tel" and zero ending
Suffix "tel": examples of words with the suffix "tel" and ending -i. Word with the suffix "tel" and zero ending

Pioneers, builders, sculptors, Prospectors, fuses, searchers, rescuers, Healers, feeders, warriors, teachers

And law enforcement officers - we are all earthly inhabitants

And servants of society.

suffix tel
suffix tel

It is not enough for a person to be just a person, he definitely needs to do some business, to be someone by profession. There are a lot of words in the language with the meaning "a person by profession or occupation." This meaning is expressed by various suffixes, one of them is "tel".

With the meaning of a person by profession

The names of people's professions are usually formed from verbs that denote what the person who earns money does. -t (sya) is separated from the verb of the indefinite form, the generating stem remains, the suffix -tel is attached to it. Examples:

  • drive - driver;
  • educate - educator;
  • sculpt - sculptor;
  • to interrogate - interrogator;
  • test - tester;
  • supervise - overseer;
  • build -builder;
  • save - lifesaver;
  • follow - investigator;
  • teach - teacher;
  • write - writer;
  • teach - teacher;
words with the suffix tel
words with the suffix tel

tame - tamer

With the meaning of the person who performed a certain action

It is more convenient to form these words from the past tense verb, as they denote a person who has done something in the past. At the same time, the past tense suffix is not included in the generating stem. Here you can see such words with the suffix -tel-:

  • maral paper - scribbler;
  • good wishes - well-wisher;
  • owned - owner;
  • sighed - admirer;
  • outraged - outrageous;
  • extorted - extortionist;
  • robbed - robber;
  • donated - donor;
  • lived - resident;
  • bequeathed - testator;
  • laws gave - legislator;
  • conjured - caster;
  • gold searched - gold digger;
  • spectator - viewer;
  • published - publisher;
  • invented - inventor;
  • explored - researcher;
  • healed - healer;
  • conquered - conqueror;
  • replaced - Deputy;
  • declared - applicant;
  • baptized - baptizer;
  • loved - amateur;
  • metal - thrower;
  • thought - thinker;
  • win - winner;
  • dissolve - solvent;
  • dilute - thinner;
  • gave birth - parent;
  • ruined - ruiner;
  • hand leads- leader;
  • digger - digger;
  • inhabited - inhabitant;
  • possessed - owner;
  • accused - accuser;
  • landscaped - landscaper;
  • informed - whistleblower;
  • liberated - liberator;
  • founded - founder;
  • denigrated - denigrator;
  • poisoned - poisoner;
  • defiled - defiler;
  • designed - designer;
  • denied - negative;
  • set on fire - arsonist;
  • devoured - devourer;
  • conquered - conqueror;
  • bought - buyer;
  • received - recipient;
  • used - user;
  • imitated - imitator;
  • violated the right - offender;
  • visited - visitor;
  • kidnapped - kidnapper;
  • rules - ruler;
  • traitor - traitor;
  • chased - stalker;
  • enlightened - enlightener;
  • job gave - employer;
  • destroyed - destroyer;
  • advertising gave - advertiser;
  • first discovered - discoverer;
  • well wished - well-wisher;
  • puffed evil - spiteful critic;
  • performed - performer;
  • voted - voter;
  • eradicated - eradicator;
  • tempted - tempter;
  • destroyed - destroyer;
  • asked - petitioner;
  • served - servant;
  • listened - listener;
  • created - creator;
  • blasphemed - detractor;
  • kept - keeper;
words with the suffix tel and ending and
words with the suffix tel and ending and

read - reader

With the meaning of an object designed for a specific purpose

The suffix -tel- also forms words denoting inanimate objects. Such things are usually created by man and used by him for some purpose. These words come from a verb that has the meaning of the action for which the object is intended. The indefinite form of the verb without -t is used, the suffix -tel is attached to it. Examples:

  • throwing bombs - bomber;
  • hold paper - paper holder;
  • knead concrete - concrete mixer;
  • explode - fuse;
  • view look for - viewfinder;
  • heat water - water heater;
  • straighten - straightener;
  • off - switch;
  • mute - muffler;
  • move - engine;
  • fat replace - fat substitute;
  • thicken - thickener;
  • darken - dimmer;
  • fix - fixer;
  • dye - dye;
  • replace the skin - leatherette;
  • look for mines - mine detector;
  • accumulate - drive;
  • lighten - brightener;
  • refresh - freshener;
  • clear - cleaner;
  • heat - heater;
  • bleach - bleach;
  • reflect - reflector;
  • steamed - steamer;
  • clear - cleaner;
  • form steam - steam generator;
  • switch - switch;
  • show - indicator;
  • sweeten - sweetener;
  • protect - fuse;
  • suffix tel examples
    suffix tel examples
  • play - player;
  • towel hold - towel holder;
  • towel to dry - heated towel rail;
  • dissolve - solvent;
  • dilute - thinner;
  • spray - sprinkler;
  • spray - sprayer;
  • mix - mixer;
  • clear snow - snowplow;
  • develop - developer;
  • extend - extension cord;
  • seal - seal;
  • speed up - accelerator;
  • insulate - insulation;
  • strengthen - strengthener;
  • strengthen - booster;
  • color divide - color separator;
  • carrying energy is an energy carrier.

With place value

Words with the suffix -tel- can have a spatial meaning.

This may be the name of the place where children left without parental care are taken for further distribution to orphanages - a reception center.

There is a place where they can sober up - a sobering-up station.

It happens that you need to delimit some place into sectors, then draw a line, the name of which is the delimiter strip.

With the meaning of mathematical concepts

In mathematics, words with the suffix -tel- denote numbers with which mathematical operations are performed: division, multiplication, crushing.

word with tel suffix and zero ending
word with tel suffix and zero ending
  • divisor;
  • multiplier;
  • denominator;
  • numerator.

Words with the suffix -tel- in the singular

Nouns withthe suffix -tel- refers to the masculine gender of the second declension, changes in cases and numbers. Any word with the suffix -tel- and a zero ending is in the singular form of the nominative case, in the genitive and accusative cases it has the ending -ya, in the dative - u, in the instrumental - it, in the prepositional - e. For example, this is how the word with the suffix changes -tel- and zero ending in the nominative case:

p. n. - caretaker;

d. - to the caretaker;

in. n. - caretaker;

tv. n. - caretaker;

pr. p. - about the caretaker;

These forms have a word with a suffix -tel- and a zero ending in the initial form.

Words with -tel- plural suffix

In the plural, words with the suffix -tel- and the ending -i are in the nominative case. Only one word can be an exception - teachers, teachers. It has two plural forms that need to be distinguished:

suffix tel ending and
suffix tel ending and
  • teachers are people who fulfill their professional duties of teaching children at school;
  • teachers are people standing at the primary sources of new directions and teachings.

Words with -tel- suffix, -i ending: teachers, divisors, switches.

In the genitive and accusative cases, these words have the ending - her, in the dative - yam, in the instrumental - -yami, in the prepositional - -yah. For example:

p. n. - caretakers;

d. - to caretakers;

in. n. - caretakers;

tv. n. - caretakers;

pr. oncaretakers.

This is how words with the suffix -tel and ending -i change in the initial form.

Suffixes -teln-

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the suffix -tel- stands out only for nouns. If you have an adjective in front of you, then it has the morpheme -teln-. This suffix forms adjectives with meanings:

  • "capable of a certain activity", for example: able to observe - observant, able to try - diligent, able to perform - executive, capable of approving - approving, capable of refreshing - refreshing, capable of satisfying - satisfactory;
  • "having an objective meaning", for example: it is desired - desirable, it is tangible - tangible;
  • "intended to perform an action", for example: intended for smoking - smoking, intended for swimming - swimming, intended for flying - flying;
  • "indicating a connection with some action", for example: where they will elect - electoral, what can prepare - preparatory, where they can clean - cleaning.

Tel words

It is necessary to distinguish between words with the suffix -tel- and ending in -tel, in which:

  • suffix is not highlighted. Such words are usually foreign in origin: hotel, artel, tunic, motel, strap, dumbbell, cartel, pastel, bed, fortel, spatula, gimp, capital, spatula;
  • words, yof which the suffix -el stands out: snowstorm, abode.

Interpretation of some words in -tel:

artel - bringing people into a group for joint business;

gimp - a thin metal thread;

suffix tel ending zero
suffix tel ending zero

capital - the top of a column or pillar;

cartel - association of industrial enterprises in order to control prices;

carotele - round sweet carrot;

corncrake - a fast-running bird living in the grass;

mittel - typography font, equal to 14 points;

cloister - a place where monks live;

trick - an unexpected trick;

These words change in the same way as words that have the suffix -tel-, ending zero.
