Suffix-free way of word formation. Words that are formed in a non-suffix way: examples

Suffix-free way of word formation. Words that are formed in a non-suffix way: examples
Suffix-free way of word formation. Words that are formed in a non-suffix way: examples

The non-suffix way of word formation differs from others. This is shown clearly in the illustration.

suffix-free way
suffix-free way

In many sources nothing is said about it, it is not singled out as an independent way of forming words. However, on the exam, knowledge of his method is required. Therefore, it is necessary to know about it. In any case, every graduate of the school should be able to find words in the text that are formed in a non-suffix way. You need to start the formation of this skill by practicing word-formation parsing.

Derivational analysis

Produced according to a plan that determines:

  • What is the lexical meaning of the word?
  • From what word was formed?
  • What formed it with?
  • How did it form?
  • words formed in a non-suffix way
    words formed in a non-suffix way

If you parse the word "quiet", then you need to answer the above questions:

  1. The lexical meaning of the word is "a state of silence".
  2. Derived from the word "silence".
  3. Formed by cutting off the suffix.
  4. Suffix-free way.

Thus, we analyze the words from the given statement in the picture:

"smooth" - smooth - gla [d´] - non-suffix

"God's" - God - god[th´]a - suffixal

"grace" - grace - grace [t´] - non-suffix

As you can see, not all words that do not have a suffix are formed by cutting off this morpheme.

Suffix-free way of word formation

This is how words are formed with a zero suffix. What does this mean?

A zero suffix is a suffix that is not expressed in any way either in speech or in writing, but its absence is significant - it forms a new word or form of a word.

Such a suffix can be denoted by Ø.

For example, with the help of a zero suffix, words are formed - professionalism: lining, firing. A lot of colloquial words are formed in this way: fall away, attack.

Such words in our time are rapidly spreading through the media: constructive, positive, intimate, etc.

non-suffix way examples
non-suffix way examples

Words that are formed in a non-suffix way often have face meanings: extreme, fan, theatrical, informal, etc.

Don't confuse the zero formative suffix with the zero word-formative suffix.

Shaping zerosuffix

Only verbs have such a suffix and it serves to form the verb form:

  • past masculine: carried - carried Ø;
  • conditional mood: dried up would dry up Ø would;
  • imperative: sit downØ.

Derivative zero suffix

It has words formed in a non-suffix way. Most often it happens with nouns, sometimes with adjectives, numerals, adverbs.

There are definitely two conditions under which Ø stands out.

  1. should have a synonym - a non-zero suffix: wilderness - deserted[ye];
  2. has a deriving word: wilderness - deaf, for example, the word "gam" does not have a generating word, this word is non-derivative, it has no suffix, even zero.

Nouns with zero derivational suffixes

A suffix-free noun derived from

verb and has:

  1. abstract meaning of the action: jump - jumpØ, walk - moveØ, run - runØ;
  2. objective meaning or meaning of the person who performs the action: ascend - shootsØ, drive - leaderØ, (break ice) - icebreakerØ, (steel cook) - steelmakerØ;
  3. meaning of the place of action: undermine - undermine Ø, flood - bay Ø, drive up - entrance Ø, divert - withdrawal Ø;
  4. meaning of an object or the result of an action: pour - pour Ø, give - gift Ø, blow up - explosion Ø;

adjective and has:

  1. abstract meaning of the sign: quiet - quietØ, smooth - smoothnessØ, deep -depthØ;
  2. meaning of the sign carrier: intelligent - intelligentØ, Kuril - Kurils, ship - shipØ;
  3. meaning of a person performing an action: woe to moo is a miserable woman, to serve is a servant.
words in a non-suffix way
words in a non-suffix way

noun and has:

  1. meaning of a female creature: kum - kumØsha, fox - fox;
  2. collective meaning: black - blackØ, overgrowth - overgrowthØ;
  3. Meaning of creature by location: sacristy.

Adjectives with zero derivational suffixes

Words of various parts of speech form adjectives, to which the non-suffix method is applied, examples are given below:

from nouns:

  1. with a common meaning: weekdays - weekday, gold - gold;
  2. with the meaning of the absence of something: without a tail - tailless, without a head - headless Ø th;
  3. with the meaning of belonging: father - father, eagle - eagle;
formed in a non-suffix way
formed in a non-suffix way
  • from verbs with the meaning of a sign by action: to call in - visiting;
  • from adjectives and adverbs with the meaning of a superior degree of a feature: below - inferior, bitter - bitter.

Numerals with zero derivational suffixes

The non-suffix method of formation is rarely used for numerals, therefore there are few examples: five - the fifth, six - the sixth. All these words are formed according to the same principle: a qualitative number is formed from a quantitative number.

Adverbs with zero derivational suffixes

The suffixless method is rarely applied to adverbs:

  1. there is a zero suffix in some adverbs formed by the prefix method: swim - swim Ø, bottom - down Ø;
  2. zero suffix forms some adverbs with the meaning of the state: sorry - sorryØ.

The most common words formed in a non-suffix way

Of all the words formed with the help of a zero suffix, nouns are more common in Russian than other words. It is they that are used by the compilers of examination papers to test the knowledge of graduates. Therefore, it is advisable to finish the topic “The non-suffix method” with an alphabetical list of nouns that are most often found in the USE and GIA tasks.


analyze - analysis.


import - import; enter - input; look - look; sigh - sigh; take off - take off; swipe swipe; meet - meeting; sob - sob; throw away - throw away; dislocate - dislocation; output - output; reprimand - reprimand; exhale - exhale; call - call; shout out - shout; release - release; cut - cutout; sow - sowing; shoot - shot; exhaust - exhaust; speak - performance; subtract - deduction; exit - exit.


to bring - an argument; to agree - an agreement; report - report; speculate - speculation; inform - denunciation; allow - admission; inspect - inspection; tremble - tremble.


Ride - ride.

non-suffix way of formation examples
non-suffix way of formation examples


run - run; to score - slaughter; pick up - fence; take care - care; fill up - blockage; veil - veil; envy - envy; start - plant; to import - import; to sunbathe - sunburn; bend - bend; drive - corral; call in - check in; clamp - clamp; order - order; roll up - order; stale - deposit; fill - bay; pledge - pledge; swing - swing; knead - knead; dry - drought; ringing - ringing.


meander - twist, bend - bend; break - break; change - treason; wear - wear; import - import; confess - confession; frighten - fright; proceed - outcome;


peck - peck; slander - slander; glue - glue; stigmatize - stigma; take notes - abstract.


catch - catch; break - scrap.


wave - move;


to dial - set; hang - canopy; heat - heating; endow - put on; supervise - supervision; tear - tear; press - pressure; roll - roll; boil - boil; tilt - tilt; fly in - raid; pour - pouring; to hint - a hint; apply - application; to float - an influx; grow - growth; dress up - outfit.


defend - defense; cut - cut; break off - break; to dress up - a rite; shell - shelling; describe - description; lean - support; set - frame; interrogate - poll; orient - a landmark; besiege - siege; grin - grin; answer - answer; guard - guard.

words that are formed in a non-suffix way
words that are formed in a non-suffix way


to enumerate - enumeration; fracture - fracture; change - change; transfer - transfer; break - fracture; cross - crossing; surf - surf; transfer - transfer; overspending - overspending; retell - retell; revise - revision; intercept - interception; win - victory; repeat - repeat; chase - chase; mow - mowing; cover - cover; to read - honor; spare - mercy; to block - a barrier; greet - hello; to sentence - a sentence; to arrive - arrival; accept - acceptance, order - order; apply - butt; mix - impurity; note - omen, spare - mercy, spin - yarn;.


run up - run; parse - parse;


Whistle - whistle; bend - fold; conspire - conspiracy; shift - shift; mow - bevel; gnash - gnash; creak - creak; to be bored - boredom; fly off - fly off; break - scrap; change - change; mix - a mixture; watch - look; to understand - meaning; equip – projectile;


poison - bullying; brake - brake; tremble - tremble; crack - crack.


clean up - cleaning; burn out - frenzy; agree - an agreement; hit - hit; give - lot; to lay - way; prick - prick; bite - bite; catch - evidence; pay - payment; reproach - reproach; drop - damage; serve - service, lose - loss; leave - departure.


praise - praise; laugh - laughter; crunch - crunch.


rustling - rustling.

Suffixless method, examples of which are given above,is, as we see, a fairly common occurrence in the Russian language.
