Sooner or later, almost every one of us faces the question of how to write a testimonial. You can easily cope with this work if you imagine what information blocks this document should contain.

The first block (at the very beginning of the description) should acquaint the employer (or other official) with biographical data. The full name of the employee, the date and place of his birth, and the education received are indicated. If there are several diplomas, then they are listed either in chronological order, or they put in the first place the education that allows them to hold this position.
The second block should inform about the position of the employee, his duties, time of work in this unit. If a characteristic of a student from practice is compiled, then the tasks and goals of his work are indicated. If we are talking about an employee of the company, then all the stages of his career growth are listed.
The following are qualities related to the professional field. The performance needs to be assessed andcompetence of the employee, his business and professional qualities.

If a characterization is drawn up for an employee from the place of work, especially a managerial employee, it is necessary to pay attention to his business qualities: the ability to work in a team, organize his work and that of the team, the ability to work with documents, etc.
If the characteristic is given to the student on the basis of the work experience, it should be indicated how he showed himself during the practice, what business and professional qualities he showed.
How to write a testimonial for employees of different speci alties? Naturally, these documents, obeying the same scheme, will be different in content. So, if for leaders in the first place it is necessary to put their organizational qualities, then, for example,

characterizing people of free professions, it is better to first indicate their creative qualities: talent and creativity, the ability to quickly come up with something new.
In the next part of the characteristic, it is necessary to characterize the ability of an employee to communicate with colleagues and subordinates, and for a student - to accurately fulfill the requirements of teachers or practice leaders. Personal qualities can also be listed here: diligence, professionalism, goodwill.
Some office workers no longer think about how to write a testimonial. They have prepared a template in advance, with the help of which they quickly and easily compose a document. The template lists many qualitiesemployee. The compiler of the characteristics only needs to choose the necessary ones.
Some inexperienced managers, thinking about how to write a testimonial, forget how to write it.

Firstly, in accordance with Article 14 of the Labor Code, a characteristic, as a document containing personal information, is issued only upon a written application and must be signed. This also applies to those cases when a reference is issued at the request of law enforcement agencies.
Secondly, the characteristic is drawn up by the immediate supervisor, and signed by the superior and certified by a round seal.
Finally, the document must be properly registered and have an outgoing number.