The story of Arkady Gaidar was written just before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War - many men had already left to serve, and care for the older generation, women and children, in fact, fell on the youth. In such circumstances, the characters from the story "Timur and his team" find themselves - in the essay, you must definitely demonstrate your understanding of the historical context, the actions of the characters and their characters in general.
War on the doorstep
Remember what your grandparents tell you when May 9 is approaching? During the terrible years of the war, men and part of able-bodied women were at the front, even children of 14-15 years old often asked to serve, and sometimes ran into the forests to the partisans. Who, in such circumstances, takes care of the elderly, children, military families?

Here, the heroes of Gaidar's story are divided into two camps: Timur and his friends take on the responsibility of helping the weak, and Mishka Kvakin believes that this is none of his business - he agitates the guys to live for their own pleasure and think first of all about yourself. In an essay onthe topic “Friendship in Timur's team” this fact should be noted, because it is it that allows the boys to rally around a single mission - serving people. Such relationships cannot arise in Kvakin's company, because they initially have their own selfish goals.
Adults and children
Another group of actors are adults. Or rather, what kind of “adults” can we talk about if Olga, who is raising the main character, the girl Zhenya, is only 18 years old? However, here we are talking about worldview, and in this respect this classification is correct. Olga, along with Timur's uncle, Georgy, refuse to understand the actions of his company, perceiving him more as a bully, which he really is not.

In an essay based on the story by A. Gaidar "Timur and his team" one should demonstrate an understanding of the reasons for such a contrast. Misunderstanding of children and adults, fathers and sons is raised regularly in the literature. Perhaps in high school you will still write other essays on this topic. Try to guess what are the reasons for such a misunderstanding - after all, it would seem that adults were also children?
Analyze the actions of the main characters, their behavior. An essay on the topic “Timur and his team” requires not only a description, but also an attempt to penetrate the human soul. What is so special about Timur's actions? Why does the girl Zhenya take a liking to him? Why can't Mishka Kvakin count on the same attitude, even theoretically? Demonstrate understanding of the problemrelationship between the characters: what is the basis for communication between a group of hooligans and Timur's team? Recall the most striking, in your opinion, episodes. Explain to yourself and then write why you remember them, what attracts your attention?
You probably don't know, but after the publication of Gaidar's story, it made a splash among young people. In the shortest possible time, on the initiative of boys and girls, organizations and groups were created that set themselves the same goal - to help the elderly and people in difficult situations.

During the war, such a movement proved to be an invaluable help to the rear, because there were not enough men - even the wounded were busy in production and could not solve everyday problems, and sometimes even appear at home. Mention these facts in your essay on the topic “Gaidar A. P.: “Timur and his team”. Your teacher will be pleased - not many students read historical sources before writing creative papers.
Uncover the meaning of the storylines presented in the story. As you know from what you read, there are several of them: the relationship of sisters - Zhenya and Olga, Timur's team and Kvakin's hooligans, groups of adults, as well as Zhenya and Timur. Present your thoughts on which line is more important, and whether it is even possible to talk about the greater importance of any one of them.

On what are the relationships between adults based? What do you think about the episode in which Timur takes without askinga motorcycle so that Zhenya could see his father? What changes this episode in the perception of the characters? You can raise all these questions in an essay on the topic "Timur and his team." Do it in a form convenient for you, express your thoughts freely: the information provided is for informational purposes and only helps you find the right direction of thought.
Remember the Russian language
Many guys make a mistake: they go deep into descriptions and reasoning, completely forgetting about literacy. Imagine how upset you will be when you learn that you got an A for content and a C for spelling and punctuation. The essay on the topic "Timur and his team" is primarily a work on the Russian language, and the teacher will be strict when he sees mistakes, even if they are made by accident.
Use the following recommendation: start your work with words about the author and the value of this work. Such words will be a good introduction, preparing the reader for the content.

Next, in the essay on the topic “Timur and his team”, go to a brief historical background, noting the conditions in which the boys, the main characters of the story, were. Finally, start analyzing the relationship between the characters: briefly retell the main points about which you are going to express your own opinion, acquaint the reader with your assessment of the situation. Be sure to consider interpersonal relationships and generational conflict - these are very important issues that the teacher wants to see covered in your essay.
At the endexpress your opinion about the work as a whole, give advice to your peers: should they read this book? This teacher will be enough.
If suddenly you have not read the work of Arkady Gaidar, be sure to correct the situation. And the point here is not at all in writing: this is really a wonderful story, motivating the youth for several generations to think not only about themselves, but also about those around them, about the weak and infirm, about those who cannot stand up for themselves. This message is always relevant: yesterday, today, tomorrow. Of course, we have computers, the Internet and all kinds of games, but believe me - you will not regret picking up the book "Timur and his team". The time spent reading will not seem wasted to you, and the work will surely become one of your favorites.