Collecting information about a person is daily. Some data people transfer on their own, some end up in the wrong hands without the consent of the person. In society, total control is everywhere - these are video cameras, sensors, GPS navigators and determinants.
Man Control
The constitution of the Russian Federation says that everyone has the right to privacy. The emergence of electronic passports and cards allows you to read information about the subject with a single touch. Total control is a way to track information about a person based on previously collected data.

When drawing up documents in public institutions, a consent to the processing of personal data must be signed. The control system allows you to find out not only the date of birth and passport data, but also career growth, hobbies, marital status.
Total control system stores information in electronic form, which creates risks:
- data can be stolen by hackers for personal use;
- human he alth informationcan be used by scammers.
Tracking a subscriber by a mobile operator
Mobile operators collect information about the movement of a person for the correct redistribution of traffic between towers. Companies need this for the smooth operation of cellular communications. Operators know the amount of traffic spent and topics of interest. The information is shared with the government of major cities to analyze and improve the city's infrastructure. An honest person has nothing to hide, but there is no guarantee that this information will not turn against him in the near future.

Total control over people is safe as long as the information does not fall into the wrong hands, or political repressions begin. Information technology is developing faster than the law. The greater the difference between these points, the more dangerous total control.
Controlling society
Video cameras on the streets of the city are found in large and small cities of Russia. They help solve crimes, find the perpetrators of the accident or help in the search for people.
The "Safe City" program has been developed, which allows not only to track the movement of a person, but also to predict his behavior. Digital cameras with the function of tracking a person's state by gait and gestures are installed at Moscow metro stations and railway stations.
The technique identifies each person who has passed and compares it with the database, if it matches, the information is transmitted to the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Total control over society is of interest to the state, because it allows you to monitor the situation and make decisions. Any person caught in the lens is being checked and, if necessary, the camera will give a signal to the appropriate services. The reason may be a physical resemblance to the criminal.
Legislative base of total control
Total control is the ability to monitor a person's private life without additional permission. In the Russian Federation, the issue of wiretapping telephone conversations and Internet correspondence has been settled. To do this, you must obtain permission from the court for a certain period.
Video recording allows you to film a society and store data about each person, while the actions of law enforcement agencies are not fixed by law. Surveillance of a person is possible only with a warrant, and the camera does not require permission.
People carelessly leave personal data on various sites, this is used by the state. Tracking who visited prohibited Internet resources is easy. The data may be used to protect the public or to find criminals.

Total human control speaks of a society with clear signs of a repressive regime.
Social networks
Total control is an opportunity to preserve national security, but sometimes a person himself puts information on the Internet that allows you to see his whole life.
Social networks track our preferences, posts that cause positiveemotions and offer interesting material for viewing. But the Facebook network went further and patented a system that allows you to transfer information about the financial condition of the user's friends to the bank. Such data helps the bank make a decision on issuing a loan.
Estimated not only the status of friends, but also the degree of relationship with them. If the rating of friends is higher than the rating required to receive the loan amount, the bank continues the process of collecting information about the client.

Information is collected on the basis of the data that the user posted himself on the network. Social networks are a great dossier created by your own hands. At the same time, the main condition for uploading photos to the network is the person's face, which should be clearly visible. In this case, you must confirm that it is you in the photo.
You can not upload photos of other people, children and animals. Unauthorized persons cannot be uploaded to the network without their consent. But social networks prohibit posting animals. This is done in order to have a comparative base for camcorders. By linking photos and videos, you can create a complete picture of a person's life and movements.
Quality control
Total verification can be useful. Japan is the first country to prove this. Total quality control was introduced here. In the absence of such control, up to 60% of the time can be spent on correcting errors and defects. Market leaders always take product quality seriously.
In Japan, it is tested not only at the factory. after sale productstracked durability and performance, maintenance.
Quality management moves to a new level and strengthens control over it by the consumer. The latter is interested in buying reliable quality for long-term use.
Japanese developers believe that work analysis is required. It allows you to discover the relationship between flaws and the opinion of the end user. Control takes place at every stage from development to user.
Product quality tracking training is not only for factory workers, but also for managers. The management of the enterprise puts it in the first place. The personnel appraisal system allows you to cover all employees and conduct an analysis of their training.
The Japanese adhere to the following rules:
- saw a defect - stop the conveyor;
- do not accept inferior products;
- don't repeat your mistakes.
The future of control
From time to time there are proposals to introduce total surveillance not only in the sphere of personal data of the country's inhabitants, but also for their income. Stores equipped with online cash registers will allow citizens to control their spending not only on credit cards, but also when paying in cash. In the second case, it will be linked by phone number.
Thus, the state wants to identify those who have a salary in an envelope or work unofficially. The store must not only issue a receipt to the customer, but also send information to the tax authorities.

It will always be possible for the consumer torestore a check electronically, even if it is lost on paper.
Such a system may appear in the future, but there is no way to solve technical issues yet. Total control is the ability to restore information of any age and any level. On the other hand, data about a person is a leverage that the state can use to make it under the control of the system.