How often does it happen that a whole dynasty grows up in one family, whose members were awarded the academic title of "academician"? A striking example in the history of science in the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation is the Scriabin family of academicians, which will be discussed in the article. The most prominent, of course, can be called the oldest member of this dynasty - Konstantin Ivanovich Skryabin.
Academician Scriabin Sr
In 1878, the future scientist was born, the luminary of microbiology of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union. They named the baby Constantine. By 1905, the young Scriabin had already graduated from the Yuryev Veterinary Institute, having received a higher education. Just after he graduated from high school, a wave of revolutions began in the Russian Empire, because of this, he had to look for a job for quite some time. But after 2 years he managed to find a place for himself in Central Asia, where he worked as a veterinarian. From 1917 to 1920, Scriabin worked as a professor at Donskoyveterinary institute. At this time, his son was born. The scientist lived for 93 years and was buried in the city of Moscow. Everyone knew Academician Scriabin as a very intelligent person who was not only an outstanding scientist, but also an excellent family man. During his life, he received many awards of state significance, including the title of academician, as well as the Lenin and Stalin Prizes, which at that time was extremely prestigious. His merits can also be attributed to the upbringing of two prominent figures in biology: the son of George and the grandson of Konstantin.

Academician Scriabin: biography
Son George was the next in a line of well-known academics. He was born in 1917 in the city of Petrograd. Georgy devoted his whole life to science and research, for which during his lifetime he was awarded many awards of national importance in the Soviet Union. The Order of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, the State Prize of the USSR - all this was deserved by one person. Academician Scriabin was an outstanding luminary in the field of microbiology and biochemistry of microorganisms. To this day, his scientific works are studied at universities in many CIS countries and not only: he made a huge contribution to the development of domestic science. Georgy Skryabin lived for 71 years and died in 1989, was buried in Moscow. After himself, he left many works, research reports and another talented biologist - his son.

Konstantin Scriabin Jr
As has already been the custom in this family, a scientist with a capital letter has reappeared. Born inpost-war, in 1948, Konstantin received a very good education. In 1970 he graduated from the biological faculty of Moscow State University. Lomonosov. The young man had already clearly decided that he would follow in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, devoting his life to science. In 1970, at the age of 22, he began work as a graduate student at Moscow State University and since then he has not left science for a year and has been fruitfully engaged in molecular biology, and later in what breathed new life into this area - genetic engineering. The contribution that this scientist made to the development of domestic science cannot be overestimated, so he can proudly say about himself: "I, Konstantin Skryabin, am an academician."

State facilities
The most senior academician Skryabin left a huge scientific legacy. The street named after him bears its name naturally: it houses the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology. K. I. Scriabin. It was renamed back in the days of the Soviet Union, which testifies to the universal recognition of the genius of Konstantin Ivanovich, and in those days it was a fair reverence for talent and merit. Until 1973, the street was called Kuzminskaya, but at the moment only a small part of it remains with a historical name. Although, it is worth noting, many people believe that the name unites all three famous academicians of the family, which is very flattering to Konstantin Jr. In general, in all countries of the former Soviet Union there are streets that are named after such a famous person asAcademician Scriabin. The street is not the only one, nor is it the only university to bear that name.

Helminthology as the main direction of scientific research
Academician Scriabin, whose biography is not filled with some super interesting facts, lived a rich life in science. His work left a bright mark in biology and medicine. Helminthology - a science that studies the structure and behavior of parasitic worms, as well as the diseases they cause in humans and animals, was the main activity. During the youth of Scriabin Sr., the name of this area did not even exist, all worms were studied by zoologists without any connection with medicine or veterinary medicine. The academician, living in the East, noticed that people are very often affected by the parasite paragonimus, and the picture of the course of the disease very much resembles tuberculosis, which more than once misled doctors. Since then, the science of helminthology began to develop, and all thanks to the outstanding academician Scriabin.

It was this family that made a huge contribution to the development of Russian science. We can say that three lives were given to scientific and research work, which makes us respect these people as geniuses in their field and take an example from them. One can only hope that the Russian land has not become impoverished with talents that will put their whole soul into work, sparing nothing for their beloved work. Everyone can become a specialist in any field, the main thing is the desire andmotivation, and this is often lacking in today's youth, which is very sad to realize.