Paper messages are now a rarity. They were replaced by phone calls, video calls and e-mail. However, sometimes the child's parents or the child himself find it necessary to write a message to the teacher. This can be done in writing. For example, a message about missing school days. At first glance, the question is trivial, but it turns out that most do not know how to write a letter to the teacher, so they usually send simple notes or make do with calls. However, documentation is important in some schools and may be required here.

When to use
Letters are of the following types:
- Introductory. It is used as one of the ways to provide the teacher with important information about the child, for example, about the characteristics of his he alth. This species is sent at the beginning of the school year. Most often used after a transfer to another school, although nothing prohibits sending it at the beginning of each year. It can be considered as a separate speciesdocumented communication with the teacher. This could include planning for the child's future travel and advance notice of absence, discussion of additional educational plans, etc.
- A letter to resolve any emergency or conflict behavior. The teacher cannot always keep an eye on all the children in the class and timely assess the degree of the problem that has arisen in the children's society. Such a notice can be used to resolve such cases, so it is important for parents to know how to write a letter to a teacher. Of course, this method should not be considered a means of insulting or complaining. Like dialogue, it should be built on constructive and mutually respectful principles.

- The most common and used type of letters is a notice of the absence of a child. It can be sent both before the planned absence (a trip with the family to another region), and after as an accompanying note. For example, if a child has indigestion. The reason is not serious enough to go to the hospital for a medical certificate, but at the same time it will not allow a child with an intestinal disorder to sit quietly in the classroom.
- Thank you. This is a convenient form to convey to the teacher words of gratitude for the outstanding teaching activity or especially attentive attitude to the child's problems and help in solving them. The text of the letter of gratitude to the teacher will serve as a pleasant bonus to his responsible activity.

A letter addressed to a teacher orschool director. This type is used in various situations to address the principal or class teacher on behalf of the student or his parents. It describes the reason for this request. This may be a student's admission of a mistake or a report of a non-standard situation that requires the school management to be notified. For example, a letter from a student to a teacher asking for permission to form a school music band
Writing instructions
There are a huge number of different letters: thanksgiving, business, happiness, cover and many others. There are no fewer style forms for writing: business speech, poetic form, handwritten, printed, etc. We will skip the details about types and provide a way of writing to your taste, focusing only on the main thing, namely, how to write a letter to a teacher. Otherwise, the instruction will be the size of an entire volume.
Paper, envelope and pen
You can use any paper, any envelope and any kind of ink. At the same time, it should be understood that the letter should look neat, written on a clean, not torn sheet that has not been previously used for any other notes. It is worth taking care that the pen writes well. Multiple strokes of letters will make it extremely sloppy. The classic simple standard is an A4 sheet in a white envelope using a black or blue ballpoint pen when writing. And remember, if you are writing a letter to a Russian language teacher, literacy will be extremely important.

Starting is half the battle. And this proverb fits the letter perfectly. In Russia, it is generally accepted etiquette to begin with a greeting address to the addressee with the words "Respect the th (th) full name." The appeal is placed in the upper right corner of the sheet. At the same time, if the addressee has titles suitable for this case (class teacher, school principal), then they should be listed in the line below. At the end of the beginning, you should identify yourself. So the beginning should look like this:
Dear Ivanova Galina Feodorovna
To the director of school No. 123 in Moscow
From Petrova Irina Sergeevna
Moms of Petrov Vanya from class 7B
After the appeal, the subject of the letter is written below in the center of the line. For example, such traditional wording as "statement", "explanatory note", "request for permission", "request", "invitation" or any other that will make the addressee understand the meaning of the appeal.
There is another beginning of letters, slightly different from the one described above, but popular in Russia. It looks like this:
To the director of school No. 123 in Moscow
From Petrova Irina Sergeevna
Parent of student Petrov Vanya from class 7B
Dear Galina Fedorovna!
In this case, instead of the subject, the appeal "Dear Galina Fedorovna!" is indicated, after which the essence of the letter begins on a new line. There are other variations of the beginning. No lessthe following is popular. It is typical for almost all appeals to government agencies:
To the director of school No. 123 in Moscow
G. F. Ivanova
Dear Galina Fedorovna!
I, Petrov Ivan, a student of class 7B, please allow me…
Main part
This is the main essence, that is, the purpose of writing. It should be in the subject line, in the first paragraph immediately after introducing yourself. For friendly letters and messages between family members, it is excusable to use a long summary to the main topic, with detailed stories of all the events that have happened in your life over the past week, but in an official and semi-official message, which is a letter to a teacher, this is categorically not welcome. However, in the case of a letter to a teacher from a student, the dilution of the content with unnecessary details is excusable.

In this case, the saying "brevity is the sister of talent" fits well. The task is to formulate the essence of the appeal to the addressee as briefly and clearly as possible in the first paragraph. And only after that you can start painting additional details, if there is such a need. In other words, before you figure out how to write a letter to a teacher, you need to think about what it is about and build a clear message structure.
If with the beginning there are usually difficulties of the "how" or "from what" level, then the end is often simply forgotten. However, even here there are some peculiarities. Written etiquette recommends at the end to thank the addressee for the spentthe time to read your message, as well as indicate your contact details for feedback and the date of writing. Then your personal signature is put. It should be remembered that the signature is placed close to the text, and not at the end of the sheet. This advice was born at a time when they were ubiquitous, and scammers could write additional text in the free space between your last paragraph and your signature, for example, a request for financial assistance. Signing close to the last lines "seals" the letter, does not allow you to add any lines.
At the end of the article, we will give a sample letter to the teacher, or rather, the director, as an explanatory letter due to missing several school days. Hints are in square brackets.
[upper right corner of sheet, beginning]
To the director of school No. 123 in Moscow
G. F. Ivanova
[Subject] Explanatory
I, Ivan Petrov, a student of class 7B, was absent from classes from 23.10 to 27.10 due to a family trip.
[end: date and signature]
28.10.19 Petrov I. S. ------------------------------ signature
Here, these are the options. On this topic, how to write a letter to the teacher, we consider it closed.