There are many ideologies in the world, ranging from economic to political. Each promotes something, defends. Some of them are utopian, they cannot be realized. At least in the near future. But it is worth analyzing one of them - internationalism. Who is an internationalist? This term is defined below.
How did it all start?
Karl Marx, a German philosopher and sociologist, divided humanity primarily into classes, not into nations and races. According to his theory, there are two classes: those who have property and those who are deprived of it. In addition, there is also a political system: primitive, slaveholding, feudal, capitalist, communist.
And the division into classes is absent only in the primitive and communist political system. Which means that people are equal. No gender, no nation, no race plays a role. Everything will come to equality sooner or later.

Who is an internationalist?
Based on the above, we can say that an internationalist is a person whofreed from prejudice, upholding universal human values. He is against any wars, chauvinism and aggression.
An internationalist is a person who does not pay attention to race and nation. The internationalist group sees its enemy exclusively in the bourgeoisie, the ruling class.
The significance of internationalists in world history was simply colossal.

Is the world today striving for internationalism?
Now there are many processes at the same time, at first glance, striving for communism and internationalism. An example is globalization. Is it a step towards pure internationalism? Unlikely. The process of global trade is an example of economic cooperation, in which each state protects its interests, seeking to derive the greatest benefit for its people. A similar example is the various commonwe alths, such as the European Union, which is simply beneficial to the state and the ruling class.
An internationalist does not care about the differences between people, for him they are all equal. If global trade is an example of economic cooperation, then the internationalist seeks both economic and political cooperation, with subsequent unification into one state or federation of countries, because the proletarian always expresses respect for other proletarians.

Internationalism has found support in many states. The number of socialists in the world grew. The main reason for this wascapitalism of the 19th century. Capitalist relations now and then are too different. Then there was no eight-hour working day, insurance, pensions and benefits, wages were low, child labor was used. Conditions were difficult.
This prompted the proletariat to rise under the red banners. And the enemy was no longer a person in a foreign state, but a bourgeois who benefited from these hellish working conditions. The growth of supporters of socialism was uncontrollable and motley. Societies were scattered. Therefore, in 1869, the first international was convened, in which the immediate goals of the left forces were determined: reducing the working day to eight hours, protecting women's labor, abolishing child labor, etc.
Internationalists are one of the world's leading forces. There were four congresses in total. They pursued various goals, from changes in labor laws to a world revolution. And internationalism became a popular movement. If in 1869 only four states were present at the congress: Germany, France, Britain, Switzerland, then already at the fourth congress in 1938 it had delegates from almost all continents.

Internationalist Warriors
Although internationalism originated in Central Europe, it spread mainly in the Soviet Union and China.
USSR has always been a strong state with powerful industry. He was also the leader of the socialist camp. In the 20th century, the world had a bipolar structure, divided into two parts: capitalist and socialist. And the opposition of these parts wasconstant, as is the struggle for spheres of influence.
A warrior-internationalist is a soldier who took part in conflicts in neutral territories and tried to persuade other countries towards the social. camps. They took part in armed conflicts. This was called "international duty" when the liberation of other states from the imperialists and colonialists was encouraged. The final goal of the soldiers-internationalists was to incline as many states as possible towards the socialist camp. This has been done in a variety of ways, from arms shipments to civil wars.