HSE Master in Moscow

HSE Master in Moscow
HSE Master in Moscow

A master's degree is a great opportunity for those people who want to get deeper knowledge in their speci alty or completely change their direction of activity. This is the second stage of higher education. The Higher School of Economics, which is one of the leading and largest universities in our country, invites you to study for a master's degree. What directions are there? How can I apply for a master's program at HSE? Let's find the answers to these questions.

Why do I need a master's degree?

Every year, Russian state and non-state universities graduate a huge number of specialists - young bachelors. It is very difficult to compete with this degree in the labor market. For additional benefits, it is recommended to complete a master's degree. It allows you to supplement and deepen existing knowledge. People with a master's degree are more highly valued by employers in the labor market.

It is also recommended to enter the second stage of higher education for those persons who, for some reason, did not like their speci alty. Here is an example. The person graduated from the university in the direction of "Economics" (bachelor's degree). Once he went to study as an economist on the recommendation of his parents. Throughout the years, this man realized that he liked the law better. In this case, with a bachelor's degree in economics, you can enter the master's program to receive a legal education. In just 2 years, you will be able to get a new profession.

master's degree
master's degree

Advantages of a master's program at the Higher School of Economics

The Higher School of Economics is a renowned educational institution. This is a national research university. He occupies a leading position in various Russian ratings. A lot of people come here for the second stage of higher education. The university attracts by being the first master's university in the Russian Federation. It was opened in 1992 as a master's training center. During its existence, the Higher School of Economics has gained extensive experience in training such specialists.

The advantages of the HSE master's program are also the availability of student benefits. Applicants are offered budget places, students are granted a deferment from conscription for military service. In the first semester, students who study free of charge receive a scholarship. In the future, it is calculated depending on the results of training.

HSE magistracy
HSE magistracy

Receipt of Diploma Supplement

An important advantage of the master's program at the Higher School of Economics, which you should pay attention to, is that all graduates receive an applicationto the European Diploma - European Diploma Supplement. It confirms the compliance of the education received at the Russian university with European standards.

The Diploma Supplement is a document written in English and Russian. It lists all the studied disciplines, describes the system of Russian education. The application simplifies the relationship between HSE graduates and foreign universities and employers, allows them to continue their education in a foreign country or build a career in a foreign company.

Is it difficult to get into a master's program at the Higher School of Economics?

Admission to the HSE master's program is no different from admission to any other university. Admissions officers do not give preference to their graduates. The magistracy is open to absolutely all graduates of state and non-state universities. The most talented people are enrolled here.

What do you need to enter the HSE master's program? First, you should decide on the direction of training and the educational program. Secondly, you need to prepare for the entrance examinations and successfully pass them. For the purpose of admission, you can also participate in the HSE Special Olympiad. Its winners are enrolled in the university.

HSE magistracy
HSE magistracy

Training areas and educational programs

The Higher School of Economics is located in Moscow, but the capital is not the only city where the university is located. National Research University hasbranches in St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm. Applicants to the magistracy in each city are offered certain educational programs. The most complete list of them has a Moscow university.

Masters in Moscow at the HSE offers areas of study related to:

  • architecture;
  • fine and applied arts;
  • informatics and computer technology;
  • history and archeology;
  • cultural studies and socio-cultural projects;
  • mathematics and mechanics;
  • political sciences and regional studies;
  • psychological sciences;
  • social sciences;
  • media and librarianship;
  • management in technical systems;
  • physics;
  • philosophy, ethics and religious studies;
  • economics and management;
  • electronics, radio engineering and communication systems;
  • jurisprudence;
  • linguistics and literary criticism.

Each area of Master's program at the Higher School of Economics includes various educational programs. For example, in "Cultural Studies and Socio-Cultural Projects", applicants make a choice between "Visual Culture", "Cultural and Intellectual History: Between East and West", "Applied Cultural Studies". In order to make a choice, you can visit open days. This is the best way to get up-to-date information about educational programs of interest.

HSE Olympiad Master's Degree
HSE Olympiad Master's Degree

HSE Masters:entrance examinations

At the Higher School of Economics, most master's programs have 2 entrance tests, one of which is an exam in the speci alty, and the second is a qualifying exam in English. For example, in the educational program "Data Analysis in Medicine and Biology" (direction "Mathematics and Mechanics"), applicants pass higher mathematics in writing. The second exam is English. It is conducted in the form of testing and audition.

There are also programs that do not provide for the delivery of a foreign language. An example is He alth Management and Economics. The exam is taken in management in writing. For some HSE master's programs, the entrance exam is a portfolio competition (“Personnel Management in State Organizations”, “E-Business”, “Demography”, etc.). Portfolio includes:

  • motivation letter;
  • higher education diploma;
  • recommendations;
  • diplomas, certificates and other documents confirming the level of knowledge of the English language;
  • diplomas of the winner, prize-winner, laureate and participant of olympiads, student competitions of scientific works of various levels;
  • diplomas, certificates and other documents evidencing professional development;
  • copies of publications in scientific journals, collections;
  • documents confirming participation in scientific conferences;
  • work experience.
magistracy hse moscow
magistracy hse moscow

Olympiad of the Higher School of Economicsfor applicants

People wishing to enter the HSE master's program are encouraged to participate in a special Olympiad held for students and graduates. It is held annually in March. Registration starts a few months before it starts. Each participant is given the opportunity to choose the direction and profile of interest.

Winners and prize-winners are provided with benefits when enrolling in master's programs that correspond to the profile of the Olympiad. Applicants are given the maximum score for the entrance test without passing it. Also, the winners of the Olympiad at the National Research University Higher School of Economics on the master's program receive a discount for the entire period of study (25 or 50% of the total cost).

Preparation for admission to the magistracy

Special courses are offered to graduate students. At the Higher School of Economics, they are implemented in the form of additional professional education and advanced training programs. Applications for training are accepted every year during September. Classes in the chosen direction begin on October 1 and last throughout the academic year, until the end of May.

Courses allow you to get theoretical training. Thanks to this, students fill in existing knowledge gaps or learn completely new information for themselves (if the direction was chosen completely different, different from the education received at the bachelor's degree).

And now for the price. For applicants to the HSE master's program, preparatory education costs more than 70,000 rubles.

GU HSE master's degree
GU HSE master's degree

Additionalinformation for applicants

On the admission of documents to the master's program, the university annually notifies applicants. They are informed of the period during which it will be possible to visit the selection committee. If for some reason it is not possible to make a visit to the university, it is recommended to use the electronic method of submitting documents. On the official website, each applicant can create a personal account and upload scans there.

Very often, applicants are asked how many programs can be applied for. In a Moscow university, an applicant can apply for a place in only one educational program. In branches located in St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod, it is allowed to choose 2 programs. But in the Perm branch, documents can be submitted for an unlimited number of programs.

HSE magistracy introductory
HSE magistracy introductory

In conclusion, it is worth noting that admission to the HSE master's program is the right step. It offers specializations that are in demand in the modern world, there are budget places. Each student has a chance to go on an internship in some foreign country, take advantage of double degree programs.
