The Higher School of Education in Russia is a single system that includes more than 650 state-recognized universities. About nine million people receive education in them, among which there are a large number of citizens from foreign countries. Training is conducted in several directions: medical, engineering, financial, economic and humanitarian. The disciplines that exist today make it possible to get higher education in any speci alty and absolutely anyone who has a certificate of graduation from a secondary (school) or a special educational institution (vocational school).
Higher School of Russia

The foundation of Russian higher education is based on the world famous school, the unique knowledge and discoveries of Russian scientists, as well as on the irresistible craving of our predecessors for science.
Higher education in Russia is not an empty phrase. It is supported by the practical skills of highly qualified teachers, many of whom have a Ph. D., Doctor of Sciences, and some of them are proud professors. A higher school provides an opportunity not only to gain good knowledge, skills, professional skills, but also a prestigious education, since a Russian-style diploma is valued in many foreign countries.
Russia is a country with a centuries-old history, traditions, cultural heritage, incomparable nature and its we alth, with its own way of life, customs and national characteristics. Getting a higher education, a person imperceptibly becomes a part of all this power, joins the experience of generations, history, becoming a part of the Russian soul.
The system of higher education in Russia

Whatever one may say, the topic of higher education is inextricably linked with history. In particular, with the history of its formation. The system that has developed today did not appear immediately. It has been developed over centuries, achieved over years.
Modern higher professional education in Russia has a multi-level system in which different degrees of training are distinguished: the main term for obtaining a speci alty takes 5 years, after which the student is awarded the qualification "specialist". Then you can continue your studies in graduate school, it takes place over three years. In addition, there is an opportunity to obtain the academic degrees "Bachelor of Science" and "Master of Science", the duration of study is four and two years, respectively.
The situation is somewhat different if you decide to pursue higher education at a medical school. In this case, the training time depends on the chosen specialization: clinical diplomathe student receives a psychologist, pharmacist or dentist after five years. In the course of pediatrics, sports medicine and general medicine, he needs to study for six years. Further education in a higher medical educational institution can be continued by enrolling in an internship (1 year). Depending on the speci alty and wishes of the doctor, you can complete clinical residency (from 2 to 5 years). Or enroll in graduate school, the duration of study in it is three years.
Highlights in the VO system
The academic year in Russian higher schools lasts from September 1 to June 30. It is divided into two semesters, each of which ends with a session (winter and summer). During it, students take numerous tests, exams in previous disciplines. Students who receive higher education also have holidays. And they start just after the sessions. Winter lasts two to three weeks, summer - two months. The student passes the most difficult examination tests in the last year of his studies. In winter, he takes state exams, they include questions in all disciplines studied. And in the summer he defends his independent thesis.
Education at Russian universities is carried out in Russian and is conducted in three forms of education: full-time (daytime), part-time (allows you to work in parallel with studies) and evening (conducted in the evenings or weekends). Recently, many non-state higher schools have been practicing distance learning, in which a person lives in another city (usually a province) and receives assignments at home, periodically coming to the session. By thisIn the same system, classes can be carried out via Skype, if, for example, we are talking about learning foreign languages.

After graduating from the university, the graduate receives a Russian state diploma with an indication of qualifications. And, as a rule, a document with honors has a red color, in other cases - blue. It is important to know that our diplomas are currently considered valid worldwide.
Grading system
Raising the topic of assessment in the Russian Federation, it should be said that it is not much different from the school grading system. The highest mark is considered - "5" - excellent; then comes "4" - good; "3" - satisfactory; "2" - unsatisfactory. There is a form of assessment "pass" and "fail". Upon receiving a “fail” or “failure”, the student has the opportunity to retake the subject, having agreed in advance with the teacher. He has three attempts for this procedure. If during this time the student could not get a decent mark, he is threatened with expulsion from the university.
Particularly negligent students may not be allowed to the session at all. The reason most often is skipping lectures and absence from seminars. This problem can be solved if there is a good reason, and the necessary minimum has been passed by the beginning of the session. In this case, the "university student" can still be admitted to the exams.
In addition to negative forms of evaluation, higher education in Russia also provides for incentive certification. A student can receive a “pass” or a good grade automatically (“automatically”) without passing the subject, provided that the entire semester is correctattended all classes, completed assignments and followed all the requirements of the teacher.
How higher education has evolved
This is quite a large topic. It could be singled out in a separate publication or even a book, but we will try to fit into the framework of one subsection of the article. The origin and development of higher education in Russia began around the 11th-12th centuries and constantly depended on a number of factors. Firstly, different areas of human life (science, culture, navigation, trade, and others) did not stand still, but developed, therefore, society already needed more qualified personnel. Secondly, the Russian environment itself required further formation in terms of the development of sciences, since there was an exchange of experience with other countries, and languages were actively studied. This was especially noticeable during the time of Peter I.

One cannot ignore the fact that a great contribution to the development of higher education was made by Russian figures, educators, mathematicians, chemists, philosophers, thinkers: Kovalevsky, Lomonosov, Radishchev, Lobachevsky, Pisarev, Belinsky, Herzen, Dobrolyubov, Timiryazev, Pirogov, Mendeleev and many, many others. At the same time, higher education in Russia was strongly influenced by the teachings of K. Marx and F. Engels. And Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, for example, like no one else, sought to rid the sphere of teaching from the scholastic views previously imposed by the church, and tried to make education more secular. In addition, he created curricula, trying to make sure that students did not receiveonly theoretical knowledge, but also learned practical skills, participated in laboratory experiments and experiments. And in 1755, the Moscow University named after Lomonosov (MGU) was opened, which was perhaps the most classic example of an educational institution where even today you can get Russian higher education in its full understanding.
A bit of history…
The development and history of higher education in Russia are also closely intertwined with events that constantly took place on the territory of the country and abroad. For example, following the industrial revolution in Europe, our country is also undergoing its own changes, in particular, the Leningrad Mining Institute is being founded, which became the progenitor of higher technical education in Russia. Basically, in the mining school (as it was called in those days), mathematical disciplines were taught: algebra, geometry, architecture, metallurgy, mineralogy, chemistry, physics, foreign languages. Such a variety of exact sciences helped to receive a decent and versatile education. Russia, like many other countries, tried to make education accessible to the female half. This finally became possible after the Great October Socialist Revolution. At the same time, higher education faced other goals and objectives. It was planned to build a completely new society through the targeted education of young people and the introduction of fundamental changes in the learning process.

In Soviet times, getting higher education was closely connected with plansdevelopment of society and all sectors of the national economy. Suffice it to recall the annual departures of student brigades for potatoes or the obligatory active participation in the affairs of the trade union. Before higher schools, the main task was to increase the level of training of future specialists, as well as to attract as many people from the people as possible to receive a quality education. In this regard, a number of measures were taken: the introduction of benefits, the provision of a free hostel, and the education itself was also free of charge and was carried out in 70 languages. During the Soviet Union, higher education in Russia became available to all citizens with a school leaving certificate.
Higher education in modern Russia
The system of higher education in Russia is developing in accordance with the needs of society, as well as depending on the achievements of our scientists in the natural sciences, medicine, physics, chemistry, computer science and other fields of knowledge. From here, programs, subjects, forms and methods of teaching in higher educational institutions are immediately indicated.

In recent years, the issue of the need for broad-skilled specialists has become acute: a design engineer, a biochemist, a lawyer-economist, a software engineer, etc. i.e. lectures alternate with independent tasks, including practical ones. This approach to teaching allows you to activate thinking, initiative, efficiency, responsibility among students. The systematic conduct of scientific research by the department allows you to involve the student community in experimental work and thereby increase the level of training. To this end, experimental laboratories, computer centers, scientific institutes have been organized in many universities of our country, where urgent problems of modern society are studied and solved.
Problems of higher education
Of course, today's Russia cannot be imagined without pressing issues and prospects for planning in the field of higher education. Among the most obvious difficulties, perhaps, is the issue of paid education. Unfortunately, since the late 1990s, it has been possible to get an education in our country with the help of money. On the one hand, this is an additional opportunity for some categories of citizens, on the other hand, it is a real panacea that gives rise to many controversial issues.

The first of these is related to the fact that the level of education has fallen sharply, since everything is bought, from grades to a diploma. As a result, the second problem follows - severe corruption in educational structures. And in recent years, it has become more and more serious. The problems of higher education in Russia are acute and are being solved slowly. However, the good news is that there is at least some movement in this direction.
If we talk about the prospects for the development of higher education in our country, then this process is greatly facilitated by our victories in science. The development of nano- and biotechnologies will definitely lead to the emergence of new speci alties in the near future. BUTalong with this and to new programs, methods and forms of education.