Weight measures today and in the past

Weight measures today and in the past
Weight measures today and in the past

Today, almost all over the world, weight measurement measures are used in the metric system. However, this was not always the case. Just a hundred years ago, in Russia, as in other European countries, completely different units were used. Well, the United States today has not switched to a more convenient system.

Metric units

The simplest unit of weight in the metric system is the gram. It is equal to the weight of one cubic centimeter of fresh water. Moreover, it is measured at a temperature of +4 degrees and a pressure of exactly one atmosphere. The unit is well known to all our compatriots, and throughout the world. It is used everywhere, in many calculations, purchases and other areas.

Already from the gram, several other units were created, which are also quite popular.

One pound weight
One pound weight

So, one kilogram means exactly one thousand grams. Very convenient for everyday use. In addition, for weighing more massive loads, centners (100 kilograms) and tons (1000 kilograms) are used. These units of measure for measuring weight are widely used in the calculation of any structures -houses, bridges, and dozens of other areas.

Standard in the Chamber of Weights and Measures
Standard in the Chamber of Weights and Measures

But for some experts, 1 gram is too much weight. Therefore, a smaller unit was adopted - 1 milligram. It is equal to one thousandth of a gram and is commonly used in medicine, jewelry and other areas where extremely high accuracy is required.

Obsolete European

About a century ago, almost every European country had its own measures of weight measurement. Moreover, with the similarity of names, they could seriously differ. For example, the pound is a unit used from Russia to Great Britain, from Scandinavia to Italy. But he weighed differently. The smallest pound - Carolingian - weighed 408 grams. But the weight of the largest - Austrian - was 560 grams. Of course, one could only dream of a more or less exact ratio. It was necessary to carry out difficult calculations so that experts from different countries could come to a common opinion.

One troy ounce
One troy ounce

Telling about all the units of weight used in Europe will be quite difficult - this is the topic for a small book, not a short article. Therefore, let's focus on Russian units of measurement.

Based on the pound, which weighed 410 grams, several more units of measure were created.

For example, a lot was 1/32 of a pound, that is, 12.8 grams. However, even such a small unit did not satisfy the accuracy measures of some specialists. Therefore, they also used a spool - 1/96 of a pound. Heweighed 4.3 grams. But this unit was too rough. Because of this, an additional unit was introduced, used only for very delicate calculations - the share. Her weight was 1/96 of a spool, or 44.4 milligrams.

But the pound was too small a measure for weighing massive loads. To solve the problem, a pood unit was used, equal to 40 pounds - 16.4 kilograms. For most people, it's enough. But still, if it was necessary to weigh really large volumes, even a pood was not enough. The problem was solved by the introduction of Berkovets - 10 pounds or 164 kilograms.

Of course, with the transition to the metric system, it has become much easier to weigh any item.

Modern American

But not all countries in the world have switched to the metric system. For example, the measure of weight in the United States has not changed since the founding of the country. English units are still used there, although England itself abandoned them long ago.

The starting point, as in the old Russian system, is the pound, although it weighs a little more - 453.6 grams.

14 pounds equals one stone or 6.4 kilograms.

If lighter items need to be weighed, the ounce (not to be confused with the troy ounce) is used, which is 1/16 of a pound or 28.3 grams.

If it is necessary to carry out the most subtle calculations, a grain is used - 1/7000 of a pound. One grain equals 64.8 milligrams, which is how much one grain of rye weighs on average.

Each weighs one grain
Each weighs one grain

But when weighing massive itemsthe pound is not very convenient. Therefore, a handredweight equal to one hundred pounds or 45.4 kilograms is used instead.

Well, when it comes to especially heavy objects, a short ton is used - it equates to 2000 pounds or 907.2 kilograms.


This concludes the article. Now you know about the main measures of weight measurement in America and around the world. At the same time, we made a short digression into history, learning how our ancestors weighed various things.
