Revision of the basic principles and priorities of education is now in full swing. The requirements of new standards and trends in social development make it necessary to search for and apply methods that will allow the child to develop both intellectual and personal abilities. However, it is not always easy for a modern teacher to choose really effective methods for organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities.
Classification of teaching methods
The cognitive process should be as connected as possible with the activity of the student, his desire for new knowledge and willingness to apply them in practice. On this basis, a classification of teaching methods was developed that combine the active actions of the student in the assimilation of information, various ways of stimulating interest and controlling the learning process. The result is possible with a harmonious combination of methods of organizing educational andcognitive activity. There are three groups of methods:
- Motivation and incentives.
- Implementation and realization of cognitive activity.
- Techniques for monitoring the effectiveness of educational and cognitive work and self-control.
It is quite difficult to unequivocally answer the question of what the method of organizing educational and cognitive activity is called. After all, each of these groups, in turn, includes a number of components. Thus, the organization and process of a student's cognitive and educational work is a sequence of perception, comprehension, memorization, transmission of information, as well as its practical application.
The concept of educational and cognitive activity, the procedure for its implementation
In domestic pedagogy, the developers of the psychological theory of cognitive and educational practice were V. V. Davydov, D. B. Elkonin, P. Ya. Galperin and other well-known researchers. Each of them in his writings tried to answer in detail the question of what the method of organizing educational and cognitive activity is called and what components it includes. Until now, there are several interpretations of this concept. Sometimes it is considered as a synonym for the learning process as such, in other situations - as a form of social activity, including cognitive and objective actions.
Learning is a process of cognition of the surrounding reality, controlled by a teacher. It is the position of the teacher that ensures the assimilation of new knowledge and skills, the development of creative abilities. Cognitive activity is a combinationtheoretical thinking, practical activity and sensory perception. It is carried out both in social life and in the framework of the educational process (solving research problems, experimenting, etc.).
Training is not just a "transfer" of knowledge. This is always a two-way process of communication and interaction, which includes a teacher and a student. And the activity of the child is of great importance. Components of learning activity: the desire for independent practice, the willingness to consciously complete tasks, the systematic nature of the cognitive process, the desire to improve one's level and acquire new knowledge.
That is why one of the most important tasks of pedagogical activity is to increase this kind of activity of students. To a large extent, this is facilitated by the diversity and harmony of the chosen methods, techniques and tasks used in the educational process.

Educational and cognitive motives and actions
The effectiveness of the method of organizing educational and cognitive activity of students is directly related to the level and direction of their motivation.
There is no activity without a motive. The learning goal set for the student must be transformed into the motives of educational work. This happens on the basis of a number of internal motives of the child. The goal is what the activity is aimed at. The motive is that for which this activity is carried out in principle. The presence of a strong motive activates cognitive and emotional capabilities. The role and content of the motives of educational activitiestend to vary with the age of the students. The following groups of motives are distinguished:
- social (associated with the student's attitude to the reality around him);
- cognitive (reflect interest in the content of the subject, the process of cognition as such).
It is the second category that psychologists consider the most effective when it comes to learning and cognition.

In addition to motivation, a significant role in the organization and implementation of methods of educational and cognitive activity is played by the degree of formation of the student's cognitive actions. The composition of such actions is quite extensive:
- realization of the significance of the issue under study, the insufficiency of existing knowledge to explain new facts;
- analysis and comparison of the studied phenomena and processes;
- hypothesis;
- collecting materials and summarizing them;
- formulation of conclusions;
- using the acquired knowledge in new situations.
Verbal Methods
One of the most significant categories among the methods of organizing educational and cognitive activity is the technology of verbal interaction between the teacher and students. The most common forms are: explanation, conversation, story, lecture.
Story - a method of narrative presentation of the material being studied by the teacher. This presentation is usually descriptive. The method is widely used at all stages of education. Highlight:
- Introductory story. It is used to "include" students in the discussion of the topic. Differs in brevity, emotional presentation.
- Story-outline. The content of the topic is revealed in a clear sequence, according to a certain plan, highlighting the main thing, giving examples.
- Story-conclusion. Its function is to summarize the main theses, to summarize what has been said.
In this case, the characteristics of the method of organizing educational and cognitive activity can be as follows:
- personal involvement of participants;
- careful selection of examples, retention of attention and support for the appropriate emotional mood of the listeners, summarizing.
Often a story is combined with an explanation. This is a presentation of patterns, concepts, properties of processes. Includes analysis, explanation, proof, interpretation of the presented material. The effectiveness of the method depends on the clarity of the problem statement, definition of the essence of the problem, argumentation, disclosure of cause-and-effect relationships, formulations.
Lecture – a lengthy presentation of voluminous theoretical material in combination with means of enhancing the cognitive activity of students (drawing up supporting notes, diagrams, etc.). Most often used in high school and universities. There are three main types:
- Lecture-conversation. It is possible when the listeners have certain information on the topic. May alternate with problem questions and discussion.
- Traditional lecture. Information is transmitted by the teacher in a ready-made form for memorization.
- Problem lecture. Statement of a certain practical or scientific problem (historyoccurrence, directions and prospects for solutions, forecasts).
Interactive verbal method - conversation. The teacher, with the help of a specially composed sequence of questions, sets up students to study the topic, encourages reasoning, generalization and systematization of information. It can be individual, frontal or group. They also distinguish between introductory (introductory), informing, reinforcing and control-correctional conversations.

Practical, visual, inductive and deductive methods
They are a mandatory component of a set of methods for organizing the educational and cognitive activities of students.
The category of visual methods includes demonstration and illustration. The demonstration is connected with the display of video materials, experiments, instruments, technical installations. The illustration involves the presentation to students of various visual aids (maps, posters, sketches, etc.).
Practical methods – are laboratory experiments, written exercises, study workshops, case studies and assignments. Provide for the use of planning techniques, setting goals, managing the execution process, regulating and controlling actions, analyzing results. They are used in combination with visual and verbal teaching methods.

The next category of methods is directly related to the basic processes of thinking. We are talking about deduction, induction, analysis, synthesis, analogy, etc.
The inductive method of learning (from particular to general) is effective,when the material is more factual, based on specific data. The limited application is associated with rather large time costs when studying new material.
The deductive method (from the general to the particular) is more conducive to the development of abstract thinking. It is more often used when studying theoretical material, when it is necessary to solve a problem based on identifying specific consequences from general provisions.
Problem-search methods and independent work
Methods of organizing educational and cognitive activity of students provide for the creation of conditions for comprehending information and its logical assimilation. That is why there are methods of reproductive, problem-search and independent activities of students.
Reproductive methods involve active perception and assimilation of information provided by a teacher or other source of educational information. They are more often used when the material is being studied for the first time, is rather complex, is informative or contains a description of practical actions. They are used only in combination with other methods of educational and cognitive practice, as they do not contribute to the formation of research skills.
To a greater extent, logical methods of organizing educational and cognitive activity include problem-search technologies. In the course of application, the teacher creates a problem situation (with the help of questions, non-standard tasks), organizes a collective discussion of options for getting out of it, and formulates a problem task. Students at the same timethink independently, update existing knowledge, identify causes and effects, try to find an explanation. A more creative method, however, has a number of limitations in use. It takes more time to study the educational material, is ineffective when studying a completely new topic and developing practical skills (it is better to use direct demonstration and work by analogy).
Independent work is carried out by the student both on his own initiative and on the instructions of the teacher with indirect process control. This may be work with educational literature or a laboratory installation. At the same time, the student acquires the skills of planning their own actions, choosing methods of work, control.

Formation of educational and cognitive activity
Speaking briefly about the methods of organizing educational and cognitive activity, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with its main characteristics. Among these characteristics, researchers include:
- awareness (as far as the student understands the motive and purpose of the activity, its results);
- completeness (the level of the student's knowledge of a number of actions that make up this type of educational and cognitive activity);
- automatism (the ability to intuitively choose and perform learning actions necessary in a given situation);
- speed (task completion speed);
- versatility (the ability to use a specific skill in different activities).
The complex of these characteristics allows you to determine the level of masterystudents methods of organization and implementation of educational and cognitive activities. There are three main levels:
- reproductive (model activity);
- heuristic (according to a self-selected option from those offered);
- creative (own planning and implementation).
In the process of cognitive and educational activity in children, based on the performance of private actions, generalized skills and abilities are formed. This process includes several stages:
- Formation of private skills.
- Introduction to the scientific basis of activity and its structure.
- Formation of the ability to independently determine the appropriate sequence of actions.
- Developing the skills of analysis of the work done.
Age features of the formation of cognitive and educational skills
Students of all ages participate in educational and cognitive practice. However, each age stage has its own characteristics. The first age category is senior preschool age and elementary grades. At this time, educational and cognitive activity is leading, its main components and motives are formed. It is at this time that children get acquainted with elementary theoretical knowledge and concepts, learn to conduct a dialogue, and focus on completing educational tasks. Also, the initial skills of exercising control over educational and cognitive activity are formed.
At the level of the basic school, cognitive and educational practice ceases to be the leading activity, but becomes noticeably more complicated. The guys get acquainted with the systemtheoretical and abstract concepts. There is a transition from the collective solution of educational problems to the individual. At the same time, learning and cognitive skills are developed and improved, including readiness for self-assessment and self-control.
In high school and student years, educational and cognitive activity with a professional bias comes to the fore, acquiring a research character. Previously accumulated knowledge is actively used in solving independently set practical and research problems.
Educational and cognitive activity of students
If we are talking about studying at a university, then experts define this type of activity as a purposeful, independently organized solution of educational problems that forms a system of cognitive and value ideas. Among the methods of organizing educational and cognitive activity of students, preference is given to productive and creative ones, while reproductive ones are of secondary importance at this age stage. At the same time, an individual style of cognitive activity is formed.
Students perform tasks and plan their work without direct instruction from the teacher (he performs organizational functions), showing cognitive activity. Methods of organization and implementation of educational and cognitive activities at this age allow you to go through their main levels (from completing a task according to a model to research practice). At the same time, the level of knowledge and skills formed as a result directly depends on individual cognitive activity.student.

Methods of organizing educational and cognitive activities of preschoolers
A child learns the world around him, starting with an acquaintance not with theory, but with practice. And this feature of perception should be taken into account by the teacher in the organization and implementation of educational and cognitive activities of preschool children. Of great importance in this case is the cognitive interest of the child, his ability and willingness to learn new information or acquire any skill. The emergence of such interest is largely facilitated by the appropriate developing subject environment in kindergarten with the allocation of thematic zones.

Also, among the conditions for the successful formation of the skills of educational activities of children, there are:
- variety of activities (experimentation, play, modeling) and their alternation;
- use of various types of motivation (cognitive, playful, social) and evaluation;
- use of various means and forms of education.