Any student sooner or later asks the question: “Why study? And so everything is simple and understandable …”The child does not realize that“simple and understandable”, because it has already mastered some piece of knowledge. The child does not yet understand that the path of knowledge is endless and extraordinarily exciting. In addition, knowledge can bring moral, physical, material benefits if used wisely.
What is knowledge?
When a person gets into a critical situation, he sits down and thinks about how to get out of it. Thinking is the process of extracting from your own store of knowledge and experience those means that will help resolve the situation. The more a person studied, adopted the theoretical and practical life experience of other people, the richer this baggage. Consequently, an unfavorable situation will be resolved faster and easier by the person who knows and can do more.

Knowledge is:
- meaningful human perception of reality;
- tool herconversions;
- an integral part of the human worldview;
- source of interest;
- necessary condition for the development of talents and abilities;
- property of the individual and common property.
Knowledge is acquired in the process of learning, mastering and understanding the scientific we alth of mankind.
Knowledge in pedagogy is both the goal and the means of pedagogical activity.
Pedagogy is a science?
Evidence that pedagogy is an independent branch of knowledge, a separate science, are the following facts:
- Pedagogy has its own history of origin and development.
- It has sources of development proven by practice - centuries-old experience in educating the younger generation, scientific research and works, on the basis of which modern education systems have developed.
- She has her own subject - educational activities.
- And also a special function of learning the laws of upbringing, training, education of a person and finding ways to improve them in modern conditions.
In addition, pedagogy as a branch of scientific knowledge has its own goals, objectives, forms, methods and techniques of research and practical work.
Sources and system of pedagogical sciences
Solving the specific problems of upbringing and education forces teachers to turn to related sciences about man in order to get answers to some questions. Therefore, pedagogy occupies a strong place in the system of scientific knowledge.

Philosophy is the basis of pedagogy, the source of the ideas of this work, drawn from various philosophical systems. Philosophical sciences such as ethics, aesthetics, sociology, science of science and others provide material on new social phenomena and processes. With this in mind, the tasks, forms, and methods of educational work are also changing.
Anatomy, physiology and medicine provide data on the human body. Studying the features of the functioning of its various departments helps in choosing the right systems for the development and education of a pupil with he alth problems (correctional and rehabilitation pedagogy).
Psychology studies the patterns of development of the inner world and human behavior. Pedagogy effectively uses the results of psychological research in its practice (age pedagogy - preschool, school, higher education). Psychopedagogy and educational psychology arose at the junction of the two sciences.
The system of pedagogical sciences is extensive. Based on the study of the characteristics of the contingent of students, specific goals and objectives, forms and methods of pedagogical influence are developed and selected. For example:
- conductive pedagogy deals with the problems of raising and educating children with cerebral palsy;
- ethnopedagogy uses the centuries-old educational experience of peoples of different nationalities;
- penitentiary pedagogy studies and uses the possibilities of re-education of persons in custody;
- preventive pedagogy studies the causes and methods of correcting deviant and delinquent (deviating)behavior;
- family pedagogy reveals the problems and shortcomings of family education, deals with their prevention;
- leisure pedagogy (free time pedagogy, club pedagogy) solves the problems of organizing useful leisure for people of different age and social groups;
- social pedagogy studies the impact of the environment on a person and develops technologies for using its capabilities to maximize personal abilities.
Thus, knowledge in pedagogy is a close interweaving with the theory and practice of various sciences.
More about social pedagogy
Social pedagogy studies the impact of the environment on a person and develops technologies for using its capabilities to realize personal abilities. Social pedagogy is as close as possible to each person as a member of society. Its technologies for the socialization of an individual are based on such knowledge as the identification of personal plans and motives, resources for their implementation, stages of socialization, types of human socialization (family, professional, sex-role, etc.).
Social pedagogy as social knowledge is part of the humanities, dealing with the problems of humanization of society.

By and large, the activity of any teacher includes, to a greater or lesser extent, social knowledge.
Sources and types of pedagogical knowledge
Knowledge in pedagogy is a set of systematizedtheoretical and practical data on the upbringing, development and training of a person.
Sources of pedagogical knowledge:
- Own experience of any person (worldly or everyday knowledge).
- Practical knowledge gained in the course of pedagogical work. Problems that arise in the course of raising children or a child force the educator to turn to scientific sources to find answers to questions, rational methods of personality formation and learning.
- Specially organized scientific research (scientific and practical knowledge). Knowledge of the features of the objects of study generates new hypotheses, ideas that require additional research. As a result, new scientifically substantiated pedagogical systems of education, training, and personality development appear. Acquiring new knowledge in pedagogy is a creative process that requires a thorough theoretical education and practical experience.

Forms of Pedagogical Knowledge
The theoretical form includes a number of concepts that a scientist operates by studying pedagogical phenomena at a theoretical level - principles, patterns, theories, concepts, technologies, etc. As a result, assumptions, descriptions, hypotheses are born that require systematization and confirmation or refutation in a practical way (for example, experimentally). That is, in the process of cognition, new knowledge appears.

Practical form is the experiential or empirical knowledge obtained inas a result of direct work with objects of pedagogical activity. To obtain them, many methods are used, selected taking into account specific conditions, goals and objectives, and the characteristics of the object of education.
Knowledge in pedagogy is a close interweaving of their scientific-theoretical and empirical forms. Such a "union" of theory and practice gives rise to new pedagogical theories and concepts, trends and technologies.
Functions of pedagogy as a science
Pedagogy as a field of knowledge performs two specific functions.
Theoretical function: study of existing experience, diagnostics of its effectiveness, scientific justification, modeling.

The technological function is associated with the development of pedagogical projects in the form of programs, guidelines, textbooks and their implementation in practice. Evaluation of practical results entails their adjustment at the theoretical and practical level.