Methodology in pedagogy is Concept, principles and functions

Methodology in pedagogy is Concept, principles and functions
Methodology in pedagogy is Concept, principles and functions

One of the aspects of the training of teaching staff is to familiarize them with the basics of methodology in pedagogy. This not only significantly expands their professional horizons, but also stimulates a scientific approach to pedagogical activity.

What is a methodology?

The formation of the term "methodology" has a long history. The modern definition of "methodology in pedagogy is the doctrine of the organization of activities in educational institutions" implies the need for a scientific approach to any of its types: gaming, educational, professional (in the sphere of material production and in the spiritual sphere).

principles and approaches of production methodology
principles and approaches of production methodology

The scientific approach to activity implies a number of specific actions aimed at such an organization of labor that allows you to achieve your goals with the least material, time or moral costs.

With the development of material and spiritual production, with the advent of new professions, new ones are being developed and existing methodologies are being improved.

Structuremethodological development

Based on the fact that the methodology teaches to organize any work, we should consider what is included in the concept of "organization of activity". That is, what exactly is the design of any work, what theoretical and practical problems should be solved in this case.

principles and approaches of methodology of pedagogy
principles and approaches of methodology of pedagogy

The structure of methodological development includes:

  • description of the features of the conditions, principles, labor standards;
  • determination of results, subject, object, subjects, forms and means, methods, stages of achieving the intended results;
  • determination of phased tasks of work and development of technology for their solution (necessary means, rational methods and techniques).

The correct methodological approach to work activity guarantees the logical sequence of its stages and the interconnection of all participants (subjects).

At the same time, there are no strict requirements for the construction of the process of literally all types of human activity due to their specific features. For example, the methodology of the game will differ significantly from the methodology of the production of material items.

The essence of methodology in pedagogical science

The essence of pedagogy is that it studies the processes of reflection of reality in the mind of the individual. Methodology in pedagogy is a technique for transferring knowledge about the forms, methods, principles of studying and accumulating pedagogical theory and practical experience, about ways to implement the results of theoretical research insignificant practical transformations in the field of education, training and personal development.

concept of methodology of pedagogy
concept of methodology of pedagogy

The close connection between theory and practice is an essential feature of methodology in pedagogy. Describing the already existing principles and approaches of the methodology of pedagogy, she gives specialists new recommendations, developments, programs and monitors and analyzes the results of their implementation.

Principles of methodology

Basic rules of activity - principles - are developed as a result of analysis of mistakes and achievements of previous experience. Their consideration is one of the basic principles of methodology in pedagogy. Compliance with the following rules ensures the effectiveness of pedagogical research and practice:

  • integrity of approaches in the study and formation of the pedagogical environment, taking into account its features, ability to develop and self-development;
  • taking into account the level and characteristics of the development and education of an individual or a team, their individual characteristics;
  • formation of the educational process depending on the type of activity in which it takes place: in educational or leisure, sports or creative;
  • complex approach to solving pedagogical problems, building options for their development;
  • accurate, scientifically based selection of methods and techniques of work;
  • observance of moral and ethical standards in the implementation of scientific and pedagogical practice.

With the development of science and processes in the socio-cultural environment, the principles of pedagogical research and practice can be supplemented andchange.

functions of methodology of pedagogy
functions of methodology of pedagogy

Methodology functions

Answering the question “what does the methodology do”, we can name the functions of pedagogy methodology:

  • learns, describes and explains the phenomena occurring in pedagogical science and practice - cognitive function;
  • predicts, based on the analysis of these processes, their further development - a prognostic function;
  • offers new goals, technologies of pedagogical activity - an innovative function;
  • analyzes own achievements in research and practical work, develops criteria for their evaluation - a reflexive function;
  • develops the rules and principles for conducting scientific research and practical actions in pedagogy - a normative function;
  • contributes to the development of scientific and pedagogical creativity - a creative function.

The concept of methodology of pedagogy is implemented at both levels of functions - scientific and practical.

Theoretical research methods

Obtaining information about new processes and phenomena, their analysis is an important and rather difficult stage in research work. At the initial stages of the study, general scientific methods are used:

  • analysis of literature, scientific publications, textbooks on the issue of interest, documentation (including archival);
  • collection and processing of new facts, synthesis, comparison, scaling, ranking.
principles and approaches of methodology of pedagogy
principles and approaches of methodology of pedagogy

Thus, methodology in pedagogy isalso a thorough analysis of the processes taking place in the studied space, the formation of ideas about their compliance with the principles of science, about innovative value.

Practical (empirical) methods

A large group of research methods is used in the study of directly objects and subjects of educational work:

  • study and analysis of their products;
  • study of documentation of children and teachers;
  • monitor their activities and interactions;
  • polls, interviews, questionnaires;
  • measurement and control of observed processes using testing, control cuts, scaling;
  • experiment to confirm the findings of the study - conducted in natural or artificially created conditions for its participants;
  • Checking the typicality, prevalence of new pedagogical phenomena in the conditions of another pedagogical institution (or several).

Mathematical methods for evaluating the data obtained show the presence of trends in changes in the pedagogical space (for example, how many students approve or disapprove of the actions of the school administration).

Educator's scientific culture

Every teacher daily faces the need to solve many non-standard educational tasks that children, parents, colleagues, and the management of the institution put before him. This determines the importance of owning a scientific culture.

Principles of Pedagogy Methodology
Principles of Pedagogy Methodology

Scientific culture includes:

  • understanding the importance of knowledge of the theory of education and training for the practical activities of a teacher;
  • knowledge of the main methodological categories, the history of scientific research, trends and results of modern approaches to the methodology of pedagogy;
  • use in the work of theoretical and practical methods of research of the pedagogical process, the participant and organizer of which he is;
  • taking into account the links and unity of social policy, education and upbringing;
  • priority for the teacher of his developmental and educational functions;
  • the ability to expand the field of educational influence, if necessary, on the pupil's society;
  • critically evaluate own and third-party pedagogical actions from a scientific point of view.

The presence and development of a teacher's methodological culture is an important indicator of his high level of professionalism and readiness for innovative practice.
