Functions of pedagogy as a science. Object and categories of pedagogy

Functions of pedagogy as a science. Object and categories of pedagogy
Functions of pedagogy as a science. Object and categories of pedagogy

Pedagogy is a complex social science that combines, integrates and synthesizes the data of all teachings about children. It defines the canons for the formation of social relations that influence the development of the future generation.

functions of pedagogy
functions of pedagogy

Goals and objectives of pedagogy

Aspects of pedagogical reality affect the child not only during the direct impact, but also subsequently reflected in the events of his life.

The main goal of pedagogy is to contribute in every way to the process of self-realization of the individual and the development of society with the help of a scientific approach, as well as to develop and implement effective ways to improve it.

At the beginning of the third millennium, full of important events, the need to affirm humanistic ideas in the minds of Russians is growing. This is possible only if a pedagogical approach is implemented in all spheres of life. Only then will it be possible to predict the effectiveness of upbringing and educational activities.

Thus, the tasks and functions of pedagogy are associated with the description, explanation and prediction of events and processes that haveplace in education. This is what determines the need to divide tasks into theoretical and practical. The tasks and functions of pedagogy are formulated on the basis of scientific principles, and then embodied in actual activity.

tasks and functions of pedagogy
tasks and functions of pedagogy

The following is a list of the most important theoretical problems.

  1. Identification of the main patterns of the educational process.
  2. Analysis and generalization of the experience of pedagogical activity.
  3. Development and updating of the methodological framework; creation of new systems of education and upbringing.
  4. Use the results of pedagogical experimentation in teaching practice.
  5. Determining the prospects for the development of education in the near and distant future.

The actual implementation of the theory, that is, the implementation of practical tasks, takes place directly in educational institutions.

Object of Pedagogy

The tasks and functions of pedagogy as a science are formulated quite clearly. Their content has never caused controversy among specialists and researchers.

categories of pedagogy
categories of pedagogy

Even at the beginning of the 20th century, A. S. Makarenko drew attention to the specificity of the object of pedagogy. He did not agree with most of the researchers of that time. A. S. Makarenko considered their opinion that the object of pedagogy is the child to be erroneous. This science studies aspects of activity aimed at the formation of socially significant personality traits. Therefore, the object of pedagogical scienceis not a person, in the educational process directed at him, a set of pedagogical activities that determine the development of the individual.

Subject of Pedagogy

The problems of the upbringing and educational process are indirectly connected with many sciences: philosophy, sociology, psychology, economics and others. But, none of them touches upon the essence of the activity that determines the daily processes of growth and development of the child, as well as the interaction between the teacher and schoolchildren. Only pedagogy is engaged in the study of patterns, trends and prospects for the development of the educational process as one of the factors in the formation of a person's personality.

Thus, the subject of this collective social science includes the patterns of formation of the process of education in time, which are closely related to the canons of the development of social relations. Also, the object, subject and functions of pedagogy reflect a set of features and conditions for the implementation of pedagogical influence.

Pedagogy as a science

The most important functions of pedagogy as a science are associated with the knowledge of the laws governing the upbringing, education and training of the individual and the development of optimal means for solving the main tasks of a person's personal development.

For concretization, experts single out the theoretical and technological functions of pedagogy.

The implementation of each of them involves the presence of three activity levels.

Theoretical function levels:

  1. Descriptive, or explanatory, which studies cutting-edge and innovativeteaching experience.
  2. Diagnostic, which reveals the state, conditions and causes of phenomena that accompany the interaction between the teacher and the child.
  3. Prognostic, implying experimental research that reveals pedagogical reality and finds ways to transform it. This level is associated with the creation of theories and models of interaction between participants in pedagogical relations, which are used in practice.

Technological function levels:

  1. Projective, including the development of an appropriate list of methodological material (curricula, programs, manuals, etc.), the content of which embodies the theoretical foundations of pedagogy.
  2. Transformative, associated with the introduction of scientific achievements in the educational process in order to improve it.
  3. Reflexive, or corrective, involving an assessment of the impact of pedagogical research on educational and educational practice, the results of which can be adjusted, taking into account the relationship between science and practice.
functions of pedagogy as a science
functions of pedagogy as a science

Main categories of pedagogy

The functions of pedagogy manifest themselves differently depending on the category within which the impact on the child is carried out.

Any theoretical foundation must be based on a clear distinction between ordinary ideas and scientific knowledge. The former are reflected in the daily practice of education and training. The second are the generalized results of pedagogical experience, which are presentedcategories and concepts, regularities, methods and principles of organization of the pedagogical process. The formation of this science was accompanied by a gradual differentiation of concepts, which became a prerequisite for the formation of three pedagogical categories: upbringing, training, education.


Modern science interprets the concept of "education" as a social phenomenon, characterized by the transfer of historical and cultural values that subsequently form the corresponding experience, its transfer from generation to generation.

Educator functionality:

1. Transfer of experience accumulated by mankind.

2. Introduction to the cultural world.

3. Stimulation of self-education and self-development.

4. Providing pedagogical assistance in difficult life situations.

The result of the educational process is the formation in the child of an individual attitude to understanding the world, other members of society and himself.

object of pedagogy
object of pedagogy

The tasks of education always reflect the historical need of society to prepare future generations capable of implementing certain social functions and social roles. That is, the totality of systems that determine the content, nature and tasks of this pedagogical category is in accordance with the established ethnonational traditions, the characteristics of the socio-historical formation, a certain value hierarchy, as well as with the political and ideological doctrine of the state.


Next categoryis "training", by which experts understand the interaction of the teacher and children, aimed at the development of schoolchildren.

Tasks of teacher activities:

1. Teaching, that is, the purposeful transfer of knowledge, life experience, methods of activity, the foundations of culture and science.

2. Guiding the development of knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities.

3. Creating conditions for the personal development of schoolchildren.

Thus, the essence of the dialectical relationship "education-education" is the development of the activity and personality traits of the individual, based on taking into account his interests, acquired ZUN, abilities.


The third pedagogical category is education. This is a multifaceted process that includes several areas of activity, in particular, the formation of students' value attitudes towards society and themselves; a set of activities for training and education.

The presence of various types of educational institutions determines the specialization of pedagogical categories. Their classification reflects the stages: kindergarten, elementary school, secondary school, etc. Accordingly, both the content and methodological side at each stage of education are specific. The categories of pedagogy of preschool age have their own characteristics due to the fact that the main leading activity for a child of 2-7 years old is a game. Education for this age is the basis of development. And then, when learning takes a dominant place in the life of a student, the ratio of the importance of pedagogical categories changes.

Based onThe foregoing, pedagogy should be considered a science of the essential laws and methodological foundations (principles, methods and forms) of teaching and educating an individual.

Preschool Pedagogy

The object of pedagogy, the impact of which is aimed at a child of preschool age, is specific. Its feature is due to age, and as a result - thinking, attention, memory and basic activities of children under the age of 7.

the subject of the task of the function of pedagogy
the subject of the task of the function of pedagogy

The tasks of the preschool branch of science are formulated taking into account its theoretical and applied role, social and pedagogical significance, reflecting the main functions of pedagogy.

1. Contribute to the process of raising and educating children in accordance with the requirements of modern society.

2. The study of trends and prospects of pedagogical activity in a preschool institution as one of the main forms of child development.

3. Development of new concepts and technologies for raising and educating children.

Functions of preschool pedagogy

1. Descriptive-applied, which is a scientific description of current programs and technologies, the use of which in the educational process guarantees the harmonious development of the individual.

2. Prognostic, which consists in scientific forecasting and finding ways to improve pedagogical activity in a preschool educational institution.

3. Creative and transformative, which consists in taking into account the results of scientific research and the creation of design and constructive technologies.

object subjectand functions of pedagogy
object subjectand functions of pedagogy

The subject, tasks, functions of pedagogy are interconnected. Their totality determines the content of educational activity, which is determined by the main goal of this science, which is to promote the harmonious personal development of the individual.
