Reproductive teaching method: technology and features

Reproductive teaching method: technology and features
Reproductive teaching method: technology and features

The reproductive method of teaching is rightfully one of the most effective, since it involves the application by a schoolboy or student of the studied material in practice. Following a visual example, instructions and prescriptions helps to better assimilate the material and consolidate the knowledge gained. Because this method is so popular.

reproductive teaching method
reproductive teaching method

About Features

Reproductive learning is a process that has a certain specificity. In this case, it lies in the nature of the students' thinking, which is formed during the perception and memorization of information provided by the teacher or another source.

The reproductive method of teaching is impossible without the use of visual, practical and verbal techniques, since they form its material basis. After all, methods of a reproductive nature are built on the principles of transmitting information by demonstrating examples, vivid and understandable speech patterns, paintings, drawings, presentations and graphics.images.

reproductive education is
reproductive education is

Learning process

If the teacher conveys information in a conversational form, and not by giving a lecture from the abstract, then the probability of learning it by students increases several times. However, reproductive learning is a process in which even a story must be built according to certain principles.

The bottom line is that the teacher formulates ready-made evidence, facts, definitions of concepts and focuses on the main points that students must learn first. Great attention is paid to explaining the sequence and methods of work, as well as their demonstration. This is especially evident in the lessons of choreography, music, artistic work, and fine arts. In the process of children performing practical tasks, their reproductive activity, otherwise called reproductive activity, is manifested.

But there is a little nuance here. The reproductive method of education involves the implementation of many exercises, which makes the process itself difficult for children. Pupils (especially in the lower grades) cannot cope with the same tasks all the time. That is their nature. Therefore, the teacher must constantly supplement the exercises with new elements so that the interest of his students does not fade away, but only warms up.

reproductive and productive teaching method
reproductive and productive teaching method


Reproductive learning technology is based on simple and clear principles. During the lecture, the teacher relies on facts andknowledge that students already know. In a conversation of this nature, there is no place for assumptions and hypotheses, they only complicate the process.

It is important to note that the previously mentioned visualization takes place not only in the creative process. Even during the study of mathematics, it is present. Students make reference notes, display graphs, numbers, rules, keywords, associations, examples in them - all this helps to activate the memorization of the material. Subsequently, children apply their developments to solve tasks given by the teacher. Action on the model helps to strengthen the acquired knowledge, turning it into a skill. However, this requires repeated practice.


Nothing is complete without them, and the reproductive method of teaching is no exception. The main disadvantage is the load on the memory of schoolchildren. After all, educational material must be memorized in a considerable amount. And as a result, the best performance is shown by children with well-developed memory.

Also, the disadvantage of the method is the low independence of students. When children receive ready-made knowledge from the teacher, they no longer need to work with textbooks. For the same reason, attention is scattered. Children only need to listen to the material and delve into it, but if the process is monotonous, then their attention will quickly dull.

The material is also not fully assimilated by schoolchildren, because the teacher cannot control how much the students remember exactly, and at what moments they have “gaps”. By the way, if the reproductive method is abused, then children will not be able to learn to think andindependently develop, obtain information. As a result, they will have an average amount of knowledge and a low pace in learning the material.

reproductive technology education
reproductive technology education

Productive methods

They also need to be mentioned. Reproductive and productive learning methods are fundamentally different. Since the methods belonging to the second category imply the independent acquisition of subjectively new information by students through individual activities. In the process, students use heuristic, research and partially search methods. They act independently, and this is the main difference between productive and reproductive learning.

Here, too, there are some nuances. Productive methods are good because they teach children to think logically, creatively, and scientifically. In the process of applying them, students practice independent search for the knowledge they need, overcome the difficulties they encounter, and try to turn the information received into beliefs. In parallel, their cognitive interests are being formed, which is reflected in the positive, emotional attitude of children to learning.

productive and reproductive learning
productive and reproductive learning

About problems

Heuristic and research methods have their own specifics, as well as explanatory-reproductive learning.

Firstly, they are not universal. And before moving on to productive learning, the teacher must conduct several classes in an explanatory and illustrative manner. Theoretical preparation is very important. And a good teacher knows how to combineexplanatory methods with productive ones.

You also need to remember that there are educational problems that are beyond the strength of schoolchildren. And you can lower their level with the help of reproductive methods. Other problems, on the contrary, are too easy. And it is simply impossible to design on their basis a demonstrative learning situation in which students could show an individual approach.

And, finally, it is impossible to create a problem situation just like that, from scratch. The teacher must arouse interest in his pupils. And for this they need to learn something about the subject of study, to get a basic stock of knowledge. Which, again, is possible through the use of explanatory-reproductive methods.

explanatory reproductive education
explanatory reproductive education


Well, after the teacher has given his students the necessary theoretical basis, you can begin to consolidate knowledge in practice. A problem is created on a specific topic, a real situation in which students become participants. They must analyze it (not without the participation of the teacher, of course). Communication is important, and the teacher has a duty to regulate and direct the process. During the analysis, the situation under consideration is transformed into one or even several problematic tasks that students must solve by putting forward hypotheses and testing their veracity. This is usually the solution.

Well, based on all of the above, we can conclude. All existing teaching methods are good and necessary in their own way, it is only important to combine them correctly in order toget the most out of the students. But this will not be difficult for a highly qualified teacher.
