What does the word shepherd mean today?

What does the word shepherd mean today?
What does the word shepherd mean today?

There are a number of words that were used in the Old Slavonic language, but in current everyday life they are not used at all. There are those who have transformed and began to sound differently. The word "shepherd" refers to terms that are not used as often today as they used to be.

Old word meaning

Before, shepherds were called ordinary shepherds who grazed herds of animals. In different countries, representatives of this profession were called differently, but their functions remained the same.

What were the duties of a shepherd? He had to know where to take his herd so that they had enough food, if the grass ran out in one place, they drove the herd to lusher pastures. Wandering with animals from place to place, the shepherd spent days and nights with them. Being among the herd for quite a long time, the shepherd even recognized them, gave them names.

The shepherds adapted to the rhythm of the life of their wards, woke up with them and rested when they rested. Care was taken to find the safest places for them during the transition. The area was surveyed in advance for suitability for grazing and safety.

shepherd photo
shepherd photo

Every day with the herd

The worker took all measures to prevent the disease of animals, treated wounds. It is not for nothing that the word “shepherd” began to be used in our time in a different interpretation. All responsibility for feeding, caring, watering, and protection lay entirely with the shepherd. He looked after both adults and babies, the old and the sick. It was necessary to know the specifics and needs of each animal, but they also knew its voice and listened to it.

shepherd with sheep
shepherd with sheep

What about today?

The analogy with the shepherd began to be used in the religious sphere. The meaning of the word "shepherd" has acquired other shades. The words presbyter, bishop or elder became synonymous. But the mission of these people remained the same as that of the shepherds of those times. They must take care that their flock is spiritually well-fed, they must protect their sheep from dangers with prayers and instructions. Mentally be with them day and night and be ready to heal their spiritual wounds. This is a kind of dedication, because the shepherd who lived with the flock did not have his own personal life, and his interests were not in the first place.

Pastorship in the Religious Sphere

The New Testament Church was under the leadership of the apostles, who later became known as elders, the word "pastor" is also relevant in this area. In Latin, the word means "to feed", "to feed". The shepherd of the Bible is also called to shepherd his flock, which he is entrusted with. Jesus said about himself that He is a true shepherd, good, who even lays down his life forsheep. (John 10:11).

When the psalmist David spoke of the Lord as his shepherd, he claimed that with him he would not need anything (Ps.23:1). And leaving for the Calvary cross, Jesus commanded one of the disciples to “feed my sheep”, that is, do not leave them, but continue to take care, as I did.

word shepherd
word shepherd

Today the word "pastor" can be heard only in relation to the clergy. Today it is their responsibility to look after the spiritual he alth of their flock. Deal with controversial life issues of church members, teach spiritual truths, be overseers of the church that God has entrusted to them, look after the flock.

You need to understand that, even having such a high calling - to shepherd human souls, shepherds are just people who themselves have their own problems and human weaknesses. On the Internet you can find a photo of a shepherd who, at the pulpit with the Bible in his hands, teaches his flock, and everyone reverently listens to him. In fact, the church is attended by different people, and it is not easy to work with them. You need to be a real psychologist to have the wisdom to answer the requests of each of them.

Pastorship is considered a vocation, although there are ministers who are officially settled in their parish as at work. But, without having a calling and love for people, it is impossible to hold this post. Even when a pastor retires from ministry due to age, this title is not removed from him. The flock can change the shepherd by their decision if his life does not correspond to the holy truths of the Bible.
