Graduation from school is a very reverent and emotional event. Poetic, prosaic sayings will help to fully convey what is on the soul.

School wishes from high school graduates
Of course, when the day of the last call comes, emotions overwhelm both schoolchildren and their parents. And at this moment, more than ever, I want to say the best wishes to the school, because a long life path has been covered with it. It is necessary to clearly and wholeheartedly convey your feelings and gratitude so that every word is correctly perceived. The wishes of the school from graduates may be as follows.
School line, the bell will ring.
Only he doesn't call us to the lesson anymore.
Our graduation party is today, With tears in our eyes we say "thank you" to everyone.
We will visit these walls someday, Let's sit, talk and discuss the news.
How can we say "thank you" to this school?
Today we will sing to her andshow number.
Thanks do not count, Praise and honor our school.
Let only smart kids be here, Stepping on such an important journey.
School taught me a lot, Be kinder, more restrained, Rewarded with a lot of knowledge, Which will be useful to us in life.
We are very grateful for this
Because today we are not just children.
We are all graduates today, School diaries are no longer useful.
We already hold the certificate in our hands, Tears of joy and sadness, Probably won't hold back.
Saying a huge "thank you", Everything was fine and beautiful.
Today the ruler in the school yard
One last time for us.
We are very grateful to our fate, That they spent this hour in it.
Let joy and tears in our eyes, We will thank you.
Then the numbers are also for the last time
Here, on this stage, we will show.
We wave, Goodbye school.
We won't come back here again.
Now to institutes, academies
We all go after you.
You are a good start for us, school, gave
And rewarded with knowledge.
Thank you for being all teachers
They stood behind us and taught.
In any case, the wishes of the school and teachers at the graduation speech will be somewhat sad and with a grain of emotion.
Wishes to primary school graduates in verse

Those who graduated from the fourth grade have also crossed the first stage of education and are taking the first step into another life, into high school. Unusual, vivid and emotional wishes for primary school graduates can be heard from parents and teachers, the most important thing is to choose the right words in these sayings.
From parents
Our little babies, We can't believe it at all, What is today's junior high, The door closes behind you.
The knowledge you have received
May you get along in life.
And all your plans for adult school
Surely let them incarnate.
It would seem that yesterday you were led to the first class, Now we are standing on the line and seeing you off to high school.
Tears melt before my eyes as time flies so fast
It makes you older and opens new gates.
Thank you, children, for your skills, our teacher, for your patience.
Children, good afternoon! All congratulations sound today only for you.
From the teacher
You were brought quite crumbs to me, You were six and seven.
Now I'm excited to imagine
That four years have passed like a day.
I can see you've grown up
Although you grew before our eyes.
I'm sad to leave you, After all, I fell in love with you.
I wave my hand today
To the most worthy students, Good luck, success in high school
I wish you.
Knowledge knows no boundaries, Fly ahead, you worthy birds!
I'm proudly big letting go now, Their matured kids
To the senior class.
Wishes to teachers and school from parents of graduates

Of course, the wishes of the school and the teachers of the graduating class want to say and parents. Who, if not them, can emotionally and inspirationally say "thank you" to those who gave good knowledge and accompanied their children throughout the entire educational period.
Thank you for your patience
For faith in our children.
For what you gave knowledge, Who helped them, Getting into good institutions, To which the paths led.
We are very grateful to you
You raised nice kids.
Poems from high school students for first graders

Of course, the last call is not complete without wishes to the smallest from those who leave the expanses of the school.
Today is the last call for us, For you, dear, he is the first.
We wish that each of you can
Explore the world of study boundless.
Let the school give you wonderful minutes, Don't worry about useless questions.
We are passing the baton to you, Learn well we give instruction.
Once upon a time we stood like that, guys.
We think it was yesterday.
Now we are out of school, We're going into adulthood, kids.
May you feel comfortable here, Learn, gnaw on granite, Make teachers proud of you
Already your first bell is ringing.
Reverent wishes for elementary school will help set the mood for the holiday.
Poems from first graders for graduates

Of course, graduation party is not complete without congratulations from the junior classes. Beautiful, short and simple wishes for the school and graduates, let the first graders tell.
We just started on this path, And it's time for you to turn already.
Remember school as a wonderful place, Where there was no evil, trouble, disputes.
Let the school remain in your memory, Today we will wave to you all.
What a pity that the years passed so quickly, We wish you to always be smart.
The last bell has rung in your honor, There are countless good wishes for you.
You hand over your desks to us
And go to adulthood.
Congratulations from teachers in prose
Parents and graduates can also express their wishes to the school in prose. In this case, you can convey more emotions in one saying.
It has been many years since our children came to first grade. They were very young then, it was not easy for them, but they coped. Thank you, dear teachers, for being from smallyou raised worthy free birds, which open wide opportunities. Only thanks to you, our children easily entered higher educational institutions. Because the level of knowledge was assessed there as well. Do not count the words that I would like to say to you. Praise and low bow to you.
Dear teachers, you know our children even better than we do. Thank you so much for your patience, endurance and for not only giving children knowledge, but also raising them to be real people. Your work has no price and no definition. You make a very significant contribution to the life of every child. May good luck always accompany you, everything works out as planned. And the children and I promise to come to visit you and share new emotions. So we don't say goodbye, we say goodbye.
Both parents, children, and teachers will be able to fully express their feelings and emotions in preparation for the gala evening.