Vologda is a regional center with more than a hundred schools. Of course, the question arises of where to acquire professions for their graduates. Today we will consider the colleges of Vologda, after the 9th grade of the school picking up the baton of education of the still growing generation.

The youngest professional staff
The number of colleges in the city, as well as technical schools equivalent to them, provides a wide choice of speci alties with a large number of budget places. Most of them, after the 9th grade, accept students for the same speci alties as after the 11th grade, only they teach for a year and a half longer, giving them time to learn school subjects in full. These educational institutions cover a wide range of speci alties. We present in the table below the addresses of colleges in Vologda, after the 9th grade of the school, they are ready to accept children for education.
Name |
Address |
Specialization |
Governor's College of Crafts | St. Kozlenskaya, 117 | Artists of folk crafts and painting on fabric, designer, lacemaker, seamstress | |
College of Service |
St. Chernyshevsky, 53 | Sales and catering managers, chefs and confectioners, catering technologists | |
Agro-Economic College | St. Gorky, 140 | Accountant, tax and insurance specialist, veterinary assistant | |
College of Technology and Design | St. Herzen, 53 | Designer, Sewing & Textile, Documentation, Social Work, Hospitality | |
Regional College of the Arts | St. Gorky, 105 | Actor, entertainer, choir conductor, vocalist | |
Construction College | Embankment of the 6th Army, 199 | Bricklayer, plasterer, carpenter, plumber, ventilation systems, welder, land surveyor | |
Cooperative College | St. Gorky, 93 | Working with documents, accountant, tax administrator | |
Pedagogical College | St. Batyushkova, 2 | Educator of preschool children, organizer of children's leisure, primary school teacher | |
Cooperative College | St. Gorky, 93 | Social worker, pastry technologist, merchandiser, catering technologist, accountant, PC user and network administrator, hospitality, pastry chef | |
College of Communications and Information Technology | St. May Day, 42 | Archivist, fire safety electrician, information security technician, database administrator | |
Technical school of railway transport | Tekhnikumovsky Lane, 4 | Electrician, computer operator, railway technician, driver assistant, rolling stock repairman | |
Industrial and Transport College |
St. Pugacheva, 40A |
Locomotive driver, conductor |
Interesting college events

Knowledge taught monotonously, not interrupted by rest, is acquired poorly. Therefore, teaching former students after grade 9, Vologda colleges offer age-appropriate entertainment:
- contest of landscapes "Seasons" (teachers);
- design competitions (communicators);
- lessons of kindness (all colleges).
Technical base

Everyone speaks of the teaching staff with praise. And what about the financial support of colleges in Vologda? After 9 classesschooling needs to interest the audience. Restaurant managers claim that:
- the offices have modern digital equipment;
- laboratories available;
- workshops are equipped with the latest technology;
- libraries have all the necessary materials;
- Gyms and fitness equipment available;
- dormitories built.
In Vologda, the leadership tried to provide an opportunity for further education of children after grade 9 with a speci alty. Adults are ready to help the younger generation decide how to go through life.