Recently, more and more often at the peak of interest in their native culture, Russian people are interested in the ancient faith of the Slavs, as well as the concepts and symbols associated with it.

One of the most important concepts of our ancestors is svarga. Svarog is the deity of the Slavs. His name is consonant with this concept, which is not accidental, because the word "svarga" means, first of all, "heaven and heavenly." Although the term is still ambiguous, so in this article we will consider it comprehensively.
First of all, svarga is synonymous with Iriy - this paradise among the Slavic-Aryans.
It was believed that Iriy or Svarga is the place of permanent residence of gods and bright ancestors.
Sky Way
The second most important aspect of svarga is the solar path. From this point of view, svarga is not only the Milky Way, not just countless bright worlds, including inhabited ones, but, above all, the Path of the soul, itsknowledge of the Universe through successive passage through all the worlds.

The path of consistent comprehension of their essence and laws.
The third aspect of the concept is the corresponding sign, possibly given by the gods. Svarga from this position represents multidimensional realities and specific laws of the universe, projected onto a two-dimensional plane in the form of specific lines of the sign.

This sign can be drawn on a specific material medium (leather, wood, metal, clay, stone, one's own skin in the form of a tattoo, and so on). Having entered into interaction with this sign, a person changed himself and the space around him, in accordance with the qualities of this sign. He acquired new properties and abilities, changed a specific life situation.
Svarga as a talisman
It is believed that svarga is a sign that is more suitable for men than women, as it carries more masculine than feminine energy.
In various sources there are warnings that a man can wear this talisman, having reached the age of thirty-two years and (according to some sources) becoming the father of 9 children! At the same time, it is said that a woman, having already given birth to one child, is able to wear this sign without any harm to herself and the space around.

There are also references to the fact that only a person who is not driven by purely selfish goals, but wants to do something big and extremelyimportant for one's kind, for the country and for the world.
The colors used for the symbol are very important. Researchers note that a sign applied in red promotes spiritual rebirth, blue - renewal, and black - change.
What helps svarga?
According to the opinions of practicing esotericists about svarga, the symbol carries not some specific, local change in the situation, not a simple solution to some problems, and so on. Svarga contributes to the fine tuning of the energy of a person engaged in spiritual practices to higher and brighter worlds, followed by energy replenishment from them. Svarga is a very powerful and multifaceted symbol that contributes to the formation and advancement of a person along the path of spiritual development.
Swarga functions
If we consider the individual directions of the influence of swarga, we can distinguish the following:
- Protective function: protects and cleanses from dark entities, evil spirits. You can include here the entities of all kinds of diseases and entities that bring all sorts of troubles. This can be explained by the fact that the high-frequency, light energy of svarga is not tolerated by negative entities, repels and scares them away.
- Healing function: there is evidence that the symbol heals all sorts of mental wounds, including those that cause various kinds of psychosomatic diseases, problems, unpleasant life situations. In other words, svarga heals a person and his destiny at the causal level, which causes positive changes on all planes of being. Together withcleansing from negative entities, which has already been noted, svarga gives a serious impetus to healing and correcting difficult life situations.
- Help in spiritual development. As already noted, svarga, among other things, carries the meaning of the Light Solar Path - the spiritual Path of human development. It also carries the qualities of this development, including the necessary information, knowledge that will suddenly “emerge” in a person who constantly wears this symbol with him and on his body. Svarga also helps to overcome some of the difficulties that inevitably arise on the spiritual path, and also gives the opportunity to develop spiritually in various difficult life conditions.
- Helps in all matters, giving faith in one's strength, getting rid of insecurity and complexes, gives good he alth, good work and prosperity. Yes, this is not surprising, because svarga, among other things, symbolizes Iriy (an analogue of paradise among the Slavic-Aryans), which contains the energy of well-being and he alth, a kind of matrix of the ideal state of a person and the events taking place around him. In other words, heavenly conditions are projected into the concrete, everyday life reality of a particular person.
How to make the talisman "work"?
Many people naively believe that in order to make favorable changes in their lives, it is enough just to buy and hang this or that talisman around the neck. However, such a statement is false and this misconception leads far from reality.

In order to protect the "svarga"began to work, it is necessary, firstly, to activate it, and secondly, to “align” your energy with the energy of the talisman.
The first is achieved by long "warming up" the talisman with its warmth. It is necessary to hold it in your hand and imagine that your own energy flows out of your hand and penetrates into this talisman. The criterion that everything is done correctly will be a fleeting feeling that the object being charged seems to “respond” with a possible sensation of heat, cold, tingling, etc., or that it “comes to life” or other similar sensations arise.
Attunement happens, first of all, by constant stay of the practicing person in contact with the object. You have to wear it without taking it off. The only exceptions are water procedures, especially at first, so as not to wash off the energy from the object.