What to do if you got "2" in school

What to do if you got "2" in school
What to do if you got "2" in school

Each of us went through a wonderful time - childhood, which means the school bench. Children from an early age begin to learn previously unknown subjects and disciplines.

Probably all of us got "2" in school. Someone more often, someone less often, and someone - just one single "deuce" in his life. But that chill that runs through the skin when you first see the mark "two" is remembered for a lifetime.

You can read more about what to do if you got "2" in the article.

what to do if received 2
what to do if received 2

How to treat the "deuce"

When you see in a notebook or hear an unsatisfactory grade, you need to calm down and in no case be upset. Many children, having received "2", begin to worry or even cry.

It's important to remember that this is just one of thousands of grades from years of schooling. Just a number drawn by a pen, which is not worth the worries, nerves and tears.

No employer will ever ask if the school had "deuces" on control or oralanswers. Grades in adulthood are worth nothing, the main thing is professional knowledge and skills that the student has yet to learn.

However, you should not be indifferent to your performance in general or in a separate subject. Successful schooling is the foundation on which the future destiny of a person will be built. If from school time the child is not hardworking, not diligent and does not know how to prioritize between study and entertainment, then in adulthood it will be difficult for him.

You need to understand that a person builds himself throughout his life, starting from childhood. Those qualities that are fixed in the mind of a person from childhood will affect his whole life. So don't let your studies drift and assume that the knowledge gained in the lessons will never come in handy.

What to do if I got a "2", and how to fix the grade, we will talk about this later in the article.

Reasons for getting a "deuce"

To understand what to do if you get "2", first of all, you need to understand the reasons for such a result.

It is necessary to determine for yourself whether an unsatisfactory mark was obtained due to a lack of or lack of knowledge in the subject, or due to inattention and negligence.

If the whole point is that the subject is not fully understood, then you should ask the teacher to explain the topic again, stay after class or sign up for additional classes. Tutoring is also a good option, but this requires a significant amount of money.

If a terrible assessment"2" was obtained due to inattention (I forgot the work done at home) or negligence (I will have time to learn it later, not today), then in this case, you should pay special attention to self-discipline, change the daily routine and attitude to learning. No wonder there is a popular saying: "Did the job - walk boldly."

how to fix double
how to fix double

Should parents talk about the "deuce"

The first thought in a student's head after an unsatisfactory grade is announced is "What should I do?". If you got a "2", then this fact should probably be reported to parents. But not always, it all depends on the approach of adults to their child's education.

If parents believe that their child should cope with school difficulties on his own, everything depends only on him, then, most likely, the best way out will be to remain silent and correct the grade in the near future.

But if mom or dad carefully monitor the marks of their child, control and check homework, it is still better to confess voluntarily. However, it is immediately worth talking about what measures will be taken in order to correct the deuce. How you can do this is described in the next section of the article.

got 2 in school
got 2 in school

Several ways to fix the "deuce"

Always and everyone has the opportunity to correct the "deuce". How to do it? It all depends on the teacher and his relationship with the student.

You can ask the teacher to rewrite the work, which was received unsatisfactoryappraisal.

deuce on the control
deuce on the control

If the "deuce" was given for an oral answer, then you should go to the teacher after the lesson and ask to prepare a report or essay on this topic, which will correct the grade in the journal.

There are situations when the teacher, for whatever reason, does not want to meet the student halfway and correct the grade. In this case, it remains to "close" it with other marks. For example, several "fives" after the "two" will suffice.

In the future, you should prepare more carefully for lessons and do your homework conscientiously. Then such situations will never happen again.
