Our world is simply unthinkable without high-ranking politicians and various officials. Many of them did not gain fame, even remaining alive and performing the functions assigned to them, however, there are such individuals who are remembered even two decades after their death. One such historical figure is Yitzhak Rabin. His biography will be discussed in detail in this article.

Birth and parents
The future Nobel Peace Prize winner was born on the first day of March 1922. His father was Nehemiah Rabin and his mother was Rosa Cohen. Moreover, his father was a native of Ukraine, and at the age of eighteen he ended up in the United States, where he joined the ranks of the Zionist labor movement Poalei Zion. In the same period of time, he transformed his native surname Rubitsov into Rabin. And in 1917, the young man even comes to Palestine in order to become a soldier of the "Jewish Legion", which was then supervised by the British authorities.
Yitzhak's mother was born in the city of Mogilev, located in Belarus. Rose was the daughter of a timber merchant. In addition, her relatives were highly educated and respected people who managed to achieve success in politics. So, in particular, her cousin became an Israeli diplomat and member of the Knesset from the Mapai faction. In 1919, Rosa Cohen ended up in Palestine, sailing there on the first ship from the Russian Empire. In the new country, the woman initially lived in Jerusalem, and after that she moved to Haifa, where she became one of the founders of the Haganah cell, and a little later, its leader. For her efforts to realize women's rights, she received the unspoken nickname Red Rose.

Entering the military service
At the age of nineteen, Yitzhak Rabin, whose family has always supported all his undertakings, voluntarily joined the Palmach, a special strike force of the Haganah, which later became an integral part of the Israel Defense Forces. It should be pointed out that subsequently, even after the disbandment of the unit, for many years its former members held leading positions in the Israeli political world, art, literature.
First promotion
Four years after the beginning of his military career, Yitzhak Rabin was able to become the first deputy battalion commander in the detachment. However, as a result of a special operation by the British on June 29, 1945, he was arrested, but released five months later. After going through thistest, a young Jew wanted to travel to the United States for education, but was banned from leaving his country.

A little later, our hero took part in the Israeli War of Independence and even led various military operations in Jerusalem, fought the Egyptians in the Negev desert.
Private life
In 1948, Yitzhak Rabin married a repatriate from Germany named Lea Schlossberg. In marriage, they had two children: son Yuval and daughter Dalia.
Yitzhak Rabin, whose political activities will be described below, graduated from the Kaduri agricultural school in 1940. In 1953, he successfully completed his studies at the British Staff College.

Dangerous Memoirs
In the late 1970s, Yitzhak Rabin wrote about his life memories in a book called "Pinkas Sherut". In this work, he mentioned an episode that for many years did not allow him to sleep peacefully. It happened during the war of independence, when the Defense Army forcibly expelled fifty thousand Palestinians from the town of Lod Ramle. This fact was removed from the final printed edition of the books by a special government committee that kept a close eye on such publications by Israeli ministers. This was done in order to exclude the possibility of harm to the security of Israel.
Highest Military Achievements
In the period from 1956 to 1959. Yitzhak Rabinserved as Major General of the Israel Defense Forces.
After that and until 1963, he was the first deputy head of the country's general staff. Between 1964 and 1968 head of the defense department. It was thanks to his knowledge, experience and extraordinary thinking that the Israeli army managed to win a brilliant and extremely important victory over the forces of the military that attacked the country from Egypt, Jordan and Syria.

Going into politics
Having completed his military service in February 1968, Yitzhak Rabin, whose origins were not in doubt in his Jewish roots, was appointed to the post of Israeli Ambassador to the United States of America.
Five years later, he was recalled from Washington home, where he became a member of the Labor Party. A year later, the politician was elected to the Knesset, which allowed him to become the Minister of Labor of Israel. In the summer of 1974, he completely became the prime minister of the state - after Golda Meir resigned. It is worth noting that the Rabin-led government was constantly unstable, as Yitzhak had a lot of conflicts with the then head of the Ministry of Defense, Shimon Peres.
As head of the Cabinet, Yitzhak was able to reach interim agreements with Syria and Egypt, personally supervise the operation aimed at the release of Israeli hostages who were in Uganda.
On March 15, 1977, an article was published in the Haaretz newspaper stating that there was a bank account in the United States opened in the name of Leah Rabin. Since the overseas accountfor the citizens of Israel was illegal at that time, Yitzhak had no choice but to take full responsibility for this episode and resign on April 7.

New round
In 1984, Rabin returned to the post of Minister of Defense and held it until 1990. During the First Intifada, he decided to resort to extremely harsh measures and ordered his subordinates to literally break the bones of all Palestinian demonstrators without exception. But as the conflict progressed, the general realized that the solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict lies not in the power plane, but in the direction of peace negotiations on both sides of the conflict.
Once again, he managed to take the post of prime minister in 1992. A year later, he sat down at the negotiating table in Oslo with Yasser Arafat and signed the peace agreements. It was for this step that Yitzhak subsequently received the Nobel Peace Prize. However, in Israel itself, such a step on the part of Rabin was reacted in two ways. Everything is explained by the fact that between Palestine and Israel there was a mutual mutual recognition of each other as separate states, as a result of which the Palestinian Authority received control over the territory of the Gaza Strip and the western bank of the Jordan River. A lot of Israelis accused Yitzhak of betraying the interests of their country and blamed him for the deaths of thousands of Jews who died after the signed agreements in Oslo.
And on October 24, 1994, an Israeli politician signed a peace treaty with Jordan.

November 4, 1995 Yitzhak Rabin spoke at a rally of many thousands in the Square of the Kings of Israel in support of the ongoing Oslo process. At the moment when the Prime Minister, after finishing his fiery speech, was walking to his car, three shots were fired at him, as a result of which he died forty minutes later in the hospital. His killer turned out to be a student named Yigal Amir, who explained his act by protecting the people of Israel from treacherous agreements.
Yitzhak Rabin, whose murder caused a wide resonance not only in the state, but throughout the world, was interred on Mount Herzl (Jerusalem). Many heads of other countries, including the United States, Egypt, and Jordan, arrived at the funeral of the politician. The son of the deceased, Yuval, received daily many letters from all over the world with words of condolence. Yitzhak's death made him a true symbol and idol for the Israeli left.
St. Yitzhak Rabin - these are the signs that appeared in 2005 on many streets in Israel. Bridges, avenues, districts, schools, boulevards, gardens, a theater, synagogues, a hospital, a military base and even an electric station were also named after the politician.
In 1997, the Law on the Day of Remembrance decided that every 12th day of the month of Hevshan according to the Jewish calendar would become the officially approved memorial day of Yitzhak Rabin.
By the way, a remarkable fact: one of the streets in Nuremberg, named after the deceased prime minister, intersects with the avenue, which was named after another Israeli politician, Ben-Gurion.
Yitzhak Rabin is also honored inpresent time. For example, in 2009, on the day of his assassination, a rally was held in Tel Aviv at which a video message from then US President Barack Obama was shown. The American politician expressed confidence that a final peace will be reached between the Palestinians and Israelis.