GBPOU Nekrasov Pedagogical College No. 1: review, features and reviews

GBPOU Nekrasov Pedagogical College No. 1: review, features and reviews
GBPOU Nekrasov Pedagogical College No. 1: review, features and reviews

St. Petersburg is a city with great opportunities. In it, educational services are offered to applicants by a huge number of educational institutions of a wide variety of profiles. Colleges and universities in this city are humanitarian, and medical, and those that are associated with creativity. One of the educational institutions is the Nekrasov Pedagogical College. It is a public educational organization that has been in existence for nearly a century.

From the history of the college

The current Teachers College was officially founded in 1923. The school at that time had a different name. It was not a college, but a technical school named after the famous Russian poet and writer Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. The profile of the educational institution was the same as now. From the first days, the technical school prepared specialists for the field of education.

If you look deeper into the past, you can see that the record of history of the secondary school began much earlier - in 1872 withthe moment of the opening of the St. Petersburg (Petrograd) Teachers' Institute. This educational institution has been improved several times during the period of its existence. One of the changes is related to the transformation of the teacher's institute into a pedagogical institute. In 1923, this educational institution was liquidated, and after some time a technical school was founded on its basis - the modern Nekrasov Pedagogical College.

Address of the Nekrasov Pedagogical College
Address of the Nekrasov Pedagogical College

Major events of the past

During its history, the modern college changed statuses and names several times, but the mission remained the same. The educational institution has always been aimed at the quality training of educators, teachers, and educators. How did the SSZ develop? Consider the main stages of development:

  1. In 1937, the educational organization was transformed from a technical school into a college.
  2. In 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. The difficult situation led to the fact that the school ceased its activities. He was not transferred anywhere. The educational institution remained in his hometown.
  3. The educational activities of the school resumed in 1943. However, work at this time was not easy. The situation continued to be difficult. People lived in fear, with uncertainty about their future.
  4. The resumption of normal activities occurred in 1945, when the war ended. The school could finally work in a peaceful life, train primary school teachers.

One of the most important events in the history of modernNekrasov Pedagogical College (St. Petersburg) took place in 1966. From that moment on, the educational institution could train not only primary school teachers, but also senior pioneer leaders for schools. And in 1992, the educational organization deservedly increased its status, making it a higher pedagogical school (college).

Modern period

Today the educational institution is called the Nekrasov State Pedagogical College. It is located in St. Petersburg, in several buildings. The main building is located at the address: Kubinskaya street, 32. There is an additional educational building on the same street. Nekrasov Pedagogical College on Primakovo has another building with departments of full-time and part-time education.

About 2 thousand people study at the educational organization today. Among them there are graduates of both 9th and 11th grades. Some students study at the secondary school, already having a secondary vocational or higher education. Such people came here to receive a quality pedagogical education, because it is no secret to anyone that the college has rich experience in training personnel. Today, this college is one of the oldest educational institutions in St. Petersburg.


Information about the team

The teaching staff of the Nekrasov Pedagogical College includes 156 people. All of them are worthy specialists. This is confirmed by titles, awards:

  • 40 teachers were awarded the badge "Honorary worker of secondary vocational educationRF";
  • 21 teachers have the badge "Excellence in Public Education";
  • 11 people are PhDs, etc.

In order to be able to provide quality education to students, teachers regularly take refresher courses, go on internships, seminars. The college pays special attention to young professionals. A "School of novice teachers" was organized for them, in which individual consultations, training thematic seminars and workshops are held. Also, teachers starting their career in college receive experienced staff as mentors.

Teachers and graduates of the Nekrasov Pedagogical College
Teachers and graduates of the Nekrasov Pedagogical College

Training teachers

GBPOU "Nekrasovsky Pedagogical College No. 1" organizes training in 6 educational programs. One of them is Preschool Education. This speci alty prepares future educators. After graduation, graduates will have to work with children of preschool age, organize classes for them, and conduct activities aimed at improving he alth and physical development.

Unfortunately, there are children who have developmental disabilities. They, despite their characteristics, need education. It can be provided by specially trained people - educators of preschool children with developmental disabilities. Such specialists are also trained by the Nekrasov Pedagogical College at the "Special Preschool Education".

Who is taught at the Nekrasov Pedagogicalcollege
Who is taught at the Nekrasov Pedagogicalcollege

Primary Teacher Training

The list of speci alties includes "Teaching in Primary Schools". It should be chosen by those applicants who want to work as teachers in the future. After receiving a diploma and employment in some school, their tasks will include teaching subjects in primary grades, class management, organizing extracurricular activities.

In the Nekrasov Pedagogical College there is such a speci alty as "Correctional Pedagogy in Primary Education". It is similar to Teaching in Primary School. The speci alty is distinguished by the qualifications assigned. After graduating from an educational institution, graduates become teachers of primary classes and primary classes of compensatory and correctional-developing education.

Speci alties in the Nekrasov Pedagogical College
Speci alties in the Nekrasov Pedagogical College

Training teachers of additional education and teachers of adaptive physical education

"Pedagogy of additional education" is another speci alty of the Nekrasov Pedagogical College. On it, students are preparing to work with children. Upon successful completion of the educational program, graduates receive a diploma. A document indicating this speci alty gives the right to work as a teacher of additional education, organize leisure activities, olympiads, exhibitions, etc.

And the final speci alty of the Pedagogical College is “Adaptive Physical Education”. It is recommended for those girls and boys who love an active lifestyle, are associated with physical culture and sports. In thisthe speci alty is awarded the qualification of a teacher of adaptive physical education, which makes it possible to organize adaptive physical education of students in general educational organizations.

Events at the Nekrasov Pedagogical College
Events at the Nekrasov Pedagogical College

Features of admission

Admission to college is a fairly simple process. Applicants bring a package of documents - a passport, certificate or diploma, 4 photos. At the admission committee of the Nekrasov Pedagogical College, applicants fill out an application, leave consent to the processing of personal data.

Practically in all speci alties there are no entrance examinations. The exception is "Adaptive Physical Education". This job is subject to an interview. During it, the teacher asks the applicant questions related to physical education, a he althy lifestyle, outdoor and sports games, physical therapy, etc. At the end of the admission campaign, lists of those applicants who are recommended for enrollment are published in the Nekrasov Pedagogical College No. 1.

Admission Committee of the Nekrasov Pedagogical College
Admission Committee of the Nekrasov Pedagogical College

Analysis of positive and negative reviews

Mostly there are positive reviews about the loan. Students like the qualified teaching staff, the good equipment of the educational institution. More than 100 classrooms and 12 laboratories are equipped for training. In the educational process, modern technology is actively used. The college has 6 computer classes, interactive whiteboards,multimedia projectors.

Students are especially pleased with the active student life. Cultural and sports events are regularly held at the Nekrasov Pedagogical College in St. Petersburg, in which many students take part. It should be noted that there are 3 gyms, a sports stadium, a hall for choreography and fitness.

Classes at the Nekrasov Pedagogical College
Classes at the Nekrasov Pedagogical College

But there are some students who don't like it. They leave negative feedback. All the shortcomings they list (too many activities, poor teaching) are not really inherent in the college. These people simply chose the wrong educational institution, made a mistake with the profession.

Nekrasovsky Pedagogical College No. 1 in St. Petersburg is a good educational institution, which is confirmed by positive reviews. Colleges are in demand among applicants, so several applicants apply for one place every year. For people who love children and want to get a teacher education, there is no better college in St. Petersburg.
