The question of who is a historian is extremely important for understanding the specifics of historical science, since such an individual is its main representative. The peculiarity of his scientific activity lies in the fact that he himself, being a man, studies human activity and relations in general. At the same time, as a scientist, it is difficult for him to remain objective, especially when studying the spiritual life of society.
Initially, the question of who is a historian was understood in a descriptive sense. After all, at the time of the birth of historiographic science, these people were engaged not so much in research as in describing the events of the past. However, they often accompanied their work with their own observations and remarks, in which one can see some beginnings of scientific analysis. Already in ancient times, the foundations of research methods of work began to emerge, which were fully developed in the Middle Ages and in the New Age. In these eras, the definition of what a historian should be viewed from a different angle. In the first mentioned period, the authors were guided by the scholastic teaching, so they still cannot be called scientists in the truest sense of the word. But already in the 16th and 17th centuries, secular science was born, and history became a special discipline. Sothe very definition of what a historian has changed. Now this term meant a scientific profession.
To understand the expression under consideration, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the research work of historians. It has already been said above that the main object of their analysis is the results of human activity in all its manifestations. At the same time, the subjective moment plays a very important role: after all, very often, when evaluating the phenomena of the past, a scientist gives his own vision of the problem. In this regard, the historian builds his reasoning largely on the basis of personal observations. The definition of the word, therefore, must take into account the indicated feature of the professional activity of a scientist.
The basis of historians' research is the surviving documents of the past, which contain valuable information, as well as artifacts that can be used to reconstruct models of dwellings, household items, etc. Therefore, the scientist uses a variety of techniques and methods of research, and not only humanitarian but also natural and mathematical sciences. So it is necessary to take into account this specificity of science when mentioning who a historian is. The definition of this concept should also include a reservation that a scientist who studies the past often resorts to methods not only of related sciences.
In the formation of the historiographical discipline, the authors initially focused on political events. As a rule, the compilers of the first historical works described wars, reforms of the rulers of their own and neighboring countries, bypassing other importantaspects of human life. In addition, some of them described the personalities of kings, emperors, generals (for example, the famous compiler of biographies Plutarch).

But after some time, the authors came to understand the need to study other topics: the economy, the social system, the spiritual life of society. Scientists have developed special methods of research, and thus the history of the description of the events of the past has become a science. However, the most important thing was that scientists came to understand the significance of their discipline. Special monographs about what history is began to appear.

Definitions of historians were very diverse, but the point of view of the French researcher M. Blok is generally accepted.
Domestic historiography
In our country, as well as in the states of Western Europe, historical science originated from works in which events were described by years (in foreign historiography they are called chronicles, in our science - chronicles). In these writings, one can already notice the beginnings of what later came to be called scientific analysis. Many authors not only described the events, but also tried to explain them, identify the causes, determine the consequences and significance. As a science, history in Russia originated in the 18th century. The first historian-scientist is V. N. Tatishchev. He began to apply the methods of scientific research, although he chose the annalistic form of presenting the material. Therefore, his books were somewhat heavy.language and were not easy for the average reader to understand.

The works of N. M. Karamzin, who wrote his scientific work in a simple, accessible literary language. The significance of his "History of the Russian State" lies in the fact that it aroused interest in the past of our country in society.
Development of historical discipline in Russia
A new stage of historiography in our country is associated with the name of S. M. Solovyov, who began to study the events of the past not through the personalities and actions of specific rulers, as his predecessor did, but as a natural objective process. His theory of the state and the development of society was of great importance for science, as it determined new requirements for the development of a historian as a professional.

A new generation of researchers grew up on his work, who understood their task as identifying natural patterns in the past.

V. O. Klyuchevsky, who, however, developed his own research method. Thus, the historian, whose definition was briefly disclosed in this review, is one of the most important professions in society.