A variety is a variety of plants that have the same characteristics and properties. Typically, these plants are bred by breeders as a result of many years of laborious work. The resulting variety is a plant with stable traits.

As a result of the work of professionals in the field of crop production, various hybrids were obtained. They are obtained by crossing several perfectly matched parent plants, resulting in new varieties with improved qualities. One of the most commonly crossed plants are tomatoes. As a result of painstaking work, it was possible to obtain a variety of hybrids, determinant, semi-determinant, identical varieties, stems.
Determinant varieties
Many novice gardeners are interested in the question, determinant tomato variety - what is it? Tomato varieties are called determinant, which limit the growth of the bush at a certain height after tying a certain number of brushes with fruits. All varieties of this group can be divided into hybrids, varietal tomatoes, early, medium, late, standard, medium.

Stamp species
Standard tomatoes are different from otherslow growth (no more than 50 cm) and a thick stem. They are considered the earliest. Typically, such plants are grown through seedlings planted in the ground at the age of 40 days. The first fruits from boles are harvested 90-95 days after germination.
A feature of determinant species is their brush tabs. Usually varietal plants and hybrids lay the first brush after six leaf pairs, subsequent brushes appear every two leaves.
Mid-sized, or semi-determinate
Medium-sized variety is a variety of determinant tomato, which is characterized by a height of 120-150 cm with the possibility of forming a bush in two stems. All other stepchildren are removed. Such plants take up little space, do not create a jungle in greenhouses, and are well ventilated.

Ideterminant species
Variety is the biology of the species, which allows you to get new plants with the best qualities, high yields, resistance to various diseases and the ability to develop in different conditions.
Ideterminant varieties are better suited for greenhouse cultivation. They are not limited in growth, bear fruit for a long time. Such plants form into one or two stems.
Indeterminate varieties can grow without restriction and reach a length of more than 4 meters. The tomato tree should be included in a separate category.

Crop varieties of determinant tomatoes
To get a large crop in the open field in risky farming, it is better to grow low tomatoes. They arecharacterized by a friendly return of the crop and a short growing season. Some of the best representatives of low tomatoes are:
- "Rio Fuego" - a hybrid with a maturity of 100 days;
- "Twist" - a varietal tomato obtained by Russian breeder A. A. Mashtakov;
- Roma;
- "Andromeda";
- "Agatha";
- "Gift of the Volga region" - a low plant for open ground, able to adapt to any weather conditions;
- "Volgograd early" and others.
These species are characterized by good yield, determinant type of bush development, disease resistance, but they have different maturation periods.