Homogeneous members of a sentence are any members of a construction that have the following features:

1) obey one word in a sentence;
2) answer the same questions;
3) are pronounced with enumerative intonation;
4) communicate with each other through a coordinative connection;
5) in the sentence are underlined the same way, being the same member.
Homogeneous members of a sentence are attached to each other by conjunctions (coordinating, divisive, adversative) and with the help of enumeration intonation. If unions are absent or simply repeated, then they are connected only by intonation.
We must not forget that homogeneous members cannot always be words expressed by one part of speech, the main thing is that they obey one member in a sentence and answer the same questions.

Homogeneous members of the sentence are used without unions (the connection is made throughenumerative intonation and connecting pause), and with single unions (connection is carried out through intonation and unions), and with repeating unions (connection with each other using intonation and unions), and with double unions (intonation and allied connection).
Depending on what links them together, punctuation marks for homogeneous members are arranged as follows.
1) Comma needed:
- Missing union. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries ripened in the forest.
- There are opposing conjunctions between words: a, but, yes [=but], but, however. Suddenly a cloud came up with a small but frequent rain.
- Double conjunctions are used. He could not only sing, but also dance.
- There is a conjunction "yes and" in the meaning of addition. Dasha loved to draw and color too.
2) No comma allowed:
- Connected by divisive unions "either", "or", as well as connecting unions "and", "yes [=and]". Lera or Masha will sing, Kolya or Stas will dance.
- There are phraseological turns. She took offense at me for no reason.

Why do we need homogeneous members of a sentence? This question very often arises, perhaps, for almost anyone who has at least once encountered homogeneous members and had some kind of problem with their differentiation in writing. First of all, they are needed not only to diversify our speech, but also to make it and our writing significantlyricher and prettier. It is impossible to imagine the speech of a modern literate person without the use of homogeneous members in it. Using them, the speaker and writer shows a high level of knowledge of their native language and most accurately and correctly expresses their desires and thoughts.
In order to always be understood correctly, and also considered a smart and literate person, be able to use homogeneous members in speech and writing, use the knowledge and skills of punctuation marks between them in written documents. Only then will they talk about you as a competent person and an interesting interlocutor, able to find the only right answer to the question at any moment.